Side effects and other differences between step 2 and 3.


Bouncy Castle
I thought i'd be ravenous, stepping up from 2 to 3, because of the carbs - but you eat so much and so often that i don't get a chance.

I never suffered particularly badly with constipation, but ooh it's lovely to do proper, regular, effortless poos!

And another thing - farts! Fortunately not particularly smelly yet - but i think i farted about three times my whole 6.5months on SS. It's quite the windy-pops novelty!

Having to cook again. And wash up. Boo. It's all so time-consuming.

Most definitely farting and washing up! So annoying, both of them.
Oh my god my first period out of ketosis and I'm in agony! I remember this - this used to be normal... Owwowwowwowwoww!
I agree with the washing up bit! lol
indeed. it doesn't help that my husband has reverted to ready meals since i've been on cd, so he's out of the habit too.
If I'm honest I haven't had any side effects at all, I am only on day 3 though so maybe I shouldn't speak too soon...they will probably hit me after writing this knowing my luck haha! :D