Slimming World vs Weight Watchers


Full Member
Hey everybody!!!!

I started this new threat because I was going to join SW in a few days but I'd like to find out what WW is like.

Has any of you ever switched from one to the other? If so, what do you think when you compare them?What was ur weight loss like?

Phew!!! That's enpugh questions:D

Waiting for your replies.....Thanks
Hiya I did ww a ong time ago so it has all changed now but as far as I know food is worth points and you are allowed so many points a day. Maybe go on to the ww forum and start a thread asking someone to explain what it is like I am sure someone will help...:D
Hi there. Boring answer but it really is choice and what suits your lifestyle/eating habits better. I tried SW but I dont like veggies etc and found I was eating the same thing day in and day out and getting to the stage if I had to eat any more pasta Id have turned into a bit lol Personally I found it too restrictive and I prefer the discipline of pointing my food, that way when the points are done, theyre done & thats me for the day.

With WW you have a daily points allowance and can eat anything you like within that points allowance. A lot of people cant be bothered with pointing but Ive got now I dont even give it a second thought.

It really is a choice thing, both do work if you stick to them. The important thing is finding a diet you like and making it work.

Course if youre really stuck theres nothing to stop you trying one and if youre not sure then changing to the other.

Best of luck whichever you decide to follow :)
Ive done both, but found WW didnt give me enough food!!!! Then I panicked after running out of points and sabbotaged.

Funnily enough tho, pre CD I lost the bulk of my weight with WW but I enjoyed SW so much more!!!

SW is good if you have time and love to cook, WW is brill for pointing something up and bunging it in the oven.

Both are brill though
Hi there. Boring answer but it really is choice and what suits your lifestyle/eating habits better. I tried SW but I dont like veggies etc and found I was eating the same thing day in and day out and getting to the stage if I had to eat any more pasta Id have turned into a bit lol Personally I found it too restrictive and I prefer the discipline of pointing my food, that way when the points are done, theyre done & thats me for the day.

With WW you have a daily points allowance and can eat anything you like within that points allowance. A lot of people cant be bothered with pointing but Ive got now I dont even give it a second thought.

It really is a choice thing, both do work if you stick to them. The important thing is finding a diet you like and making it work.

Course if youre really stuck theres nothing to stop you trying one and if youre not sure then changing to the other.

Best of luck whichever you decide to follow :)

Hey thanks 4 ur reply!!!

I think SW is the way forward for me. Hopefully it'll fit in well with all my other commitments(and if it doesn't I'll get my mum to cook the meals for me, lol).

I'll keep u posted on my progress!:)