The Spoon and Me -- Bronski's Diary

Adopted any cats yet? lol.

Glad to hear things are going well hun! Hope the run was good and that your news shoes didn't rub or anything!
it sounds so lovely bron.

i'm not sure i'd be able to go home and leave them there though!!

abz xx
Silence: Haha! Not yet, but I'm trying to get my inlaws - "who aren't pet people" so they say - to let us take some home to foster, we're a little over run. Have more pregnant cats coming in tomorrow, and we're short on space... New shoes rocked :D Well chuffed with them!

Abz: Really, I don't leave them there; even when I'm at home I think about them. Hehe, my friends will probably think I'm a crazy cat lady and cut all ties with me :D


Run the other night was ace! For the first three miles I just flew, and physically couldn't slow myself down! I forced myself in the end, partly because I had to put an extra half mile onto my run because it was too dark to go down the lane. I ached like hell after, but it was so worth it :D New shoes felt fan-dabby-dosey so all good!

Knackered after another day at the cattery. Meant to go running again tonight, but just so tired. So probably sometime over the weekend, then every other day again. I'm sure hubs and I will sleep better not crammed into a single bed...

Food wise is a bit touch and go; lunches at work are good, just a sandwich and an apple, but then when I get back home I'm starving, and just snack and snack. Nothing unhealthy; mostly cereal, some dried fruit and the occassional bread crust if there's one spare, but I stay hungry all evening until we have tea. Hopefully the calories burnt at the cattery will balance out...

Peace out, better do some job hunting!

Thats great going with the run!! Wow, its a long run!!! :eek:
I love cats. I would find it very hard knowing they are homeless. :(
Your snacking sounds ok. I hate that between time before dinner. Its definitely my worse time.
Hope you have a great weekend.
Hugs. xx
Have a lovely weekend Bron!
Wotcha peeps!

Clarri: Thanks :D Though I should probably be training for longer with the half coming up :rolleyes: Oh believe me, I do find it so hard leaving them at night. It breaks my heart when I think of what the poor things have gone through :( Still, they're safe in the cattery, there are many more animals like them that aren't. Evening is definitely my weak point, find it so hard not to snack!

Gemma: Thank you! :D Have a wicked week!


Things going on as usual; working the cattery mostly. Went to Lincoln for the night yesterday, first time I've driven a long way by myself :)

Food wise things have been... all right ish. Mostly good, though by sheer accident more than anything, I've had chips three days running! Still, no more now and the rest of the day has been perfectly balanced. It's hubs's birthday on wednesday, so making a cake! Going to be really good and not eat it out the bowl before it gets baked!! And going to stick to the one piece! *insert angel wings here*

Oo, if you fancy seeing some of the cats I'm working with, some are on the centre's website - see here


Hope the cake baking goes well!!!
Hey hun! Sounds like you're having great fun at the cattery, it's such a worthwhile thing to do whilst you jobhunt. Also it's something you can say when you do go for jobs, just to show you havent' been sitting on your butt all day. Far from it with all that running, I feel all feek and weeble just thinking about running 7 miles - that's almost the distance I cycle each day (well, one way anyway)! wow go you.
Silence: I always love my cake baking! Which sucks; I'm good at it, I enjoy it, and I love cake... this is why I'm gaining :rolleyes: Oh well!

Ellie: Hello missus! Great to see you around again :) Oh it is, I didn't think I'd feel so satisfied (or should that be "catisfied"... no? OK then...) and love the fact that I'm helping to give these poor, unloved souls what most of them have always lacked. Hehe, I always feel a bit feak and weebled when I think about the running too :D Especially when I think about the half coming up! 13 miles!!! *swoon!*


I had such good intentions... This week, I've had chips for five meals this week. It's really not good enough, I'm not happy with myself (or my husband, for suggesting takeaway and buying curly fries :D Nah, I forgive him! Anything that gets him excited about food!)

Then there's the cakes... hub's cake looks brill, I'll post a picture up! But I was so good with the mix, I didn't lick out the bowl, and only tasted to check the ginger levels. But then when I was decorating it got later and later, and I just forgot and licked the spoons of the buttercream bowls.

We had an open day at the animal shelter today, which I also baked for. The first few things I didn't touch but then as the night drew on, I became less resilient. Same last night, I was just finishing dolops of buttercream. Then I had a piece of flapjack, a crispie bun and chocolate cookie from the cake stall at the open day for lunch. Very naughty Bron :(

I really want to make a fresh start this week and actually weigh in. But I'm eating out tuesday, thursday and friday which means I'm going to be a big cowardly custard and wait. I might pick a definite day and just go for it. It might be weeks away but to be honest I don't want to know. Think I need to though...

Not much else going on; cattery mostly taking up my time :) Anything that gets me out of this house is great. It's not so much the house as the inlaws, my MIL is starting to wind me up again. But it's fine, we're out again tomorrow and she'll be starting work again. Can't wait to move out...

On friday, we had a pig farmer turn up at the cattery. Didn't ring in advance, just turned up! With him was a tiny kitten that had fallen into his slurry pit. Poor thing was ferral, only 3 weeks old and eating solid food. We've called him Noah :D He's doing well, put poor thing did not smell good when he came in! Got a mother come in today with her kittens, the babies must be about a week old, I've never seen kittens so small before!

Anyway, enough crazy cat lady! I'm going to get a shower, so catch you all later!

i am a crazy cat lady too. i envy you your time with them :) when i hurt my back and had to do a hobble around the block the cats used to come with me every day. goodness knows what the neighbours thought as i limped around a circuit that should have taken less than five minutes and usually took closer to 20 with my cats following me and talking to me (and me to them) the whole way... oops :D
How was your week Bron?
Hope it was a good one.
Happy weekend!
abz: Aww bless ya! :) That's really sweet that the cats used to follow you as you went, I think they have an intuned sense of when people need support. Animals are definitely better to talk to than people any day :D

Gemma: Thanks babe! It's been a pretty good week, had a vegan society meal in the middle of it which is always good :D Had some good, long runs too, which is promising.


Life goes as always. Been at the cattery almost everyday. One was put down this afternoon, still feel very sad about that :( He was a stray with some really serious problems. But despite the way humans had treated him, he never lashed out and was always gentle and sweet.

Good news though, went to panel at Prince's Trust for a business start up grant (the business being my illustration work) and I've got it!! So website and new laptop here I come!! :D

The running is going spiffingly, did just under 7 miles on monday, just under 11 miles wednesday and just over 7 today :) Going out with father-in-law tomorrow for a long one. Really nervous about it, I'm not in great shape at the mo. I've been getting a pain in my thigh again, my achillies is sometimes sore, another part of my foot is really uncomfortable and I've been struggling to catch breath whilst I'm running. I carry on regardless, but it makes me slower and I imagine more unpleasent to run with as I gasp for air! We'll see what happens though. Either way we're going over the Bridge, which I always love doing!

Food still crap. Still need to stop eating so much. Really, really plan on making a difference this week as there's nothing to hold me back. After reading how everyone else is doing it successfully, and others who have made some excellent realisations I should really learn and do this properly. My worst fear is going to buy clothes and finding that I can't fit into a size 10 anymore and I find myself back in 12s, then back up to the 18/20 I was covered in before. I know I can stop it, but I have to want to stop it. Part of me is enjoying eating so much, but I know I shouldn't, that eating so much is naughty, and the cake is wrong, but I don't want deny myself what I want. I think the fact is... I am enjoying this free eating, I am enjoying the decedent food... What I need to do is weigh myself and shock myself into stopping being so careless. After the work I put it, I'd be throwing it away if I didn't do something.

Rant over. Please guys, just keep kicking me until I actually come on and say - for once - food has been great today. It's getting boring saying how rubbish I am.

It shouldn't be about denying yourself or depriving yourself of anything Bron - at the end of the day that just makes you want it more!!! I really think that moderation is the key! But you're right, you have to want it and if you're not in the "right place" then finding the self-control can be so hard.
I know what you mean about enjoying decadent food- I'm the same. The thing that's clicked with me at the moment is that decadent food is ok on occasion, but eating large amounts in the long run just damages your health and also sort of ruins the decadence of it; it just becomes normal!
Keep at it lass! You'll get your mojo back, then there will be no stopping you!
Have a good weekend!
Silence: You're right babe. And it's frustrating because it's all stuff I know, and what I've told other people. But I'm just not putting it into practise :( You're definitely right about losing the decedance of it, maybe I should start focusing on that again. Right, I'm definitely going to want it. I want to lose this bellyage, I want to feel comfortable naked again, I *don't* want fat laden food, I *don't* want to shovel unhealthy garb into my system, especially as I could compliment my eating so well with my exercise. Thank you darl, I really, really appreciate your support *hugs*

ehsan: Welcome to the forum! How much weight do you have to lose?


Food still generally poor, but got to tell you about this, you'll all be amazed!!

Went running with Father in Law. I'd suggested last night about 10/11 miles, which I can run pretty comfortably. We go over the bridge from the village, run round the south side for a bit, and as we're coming back, I realise that I'd planned a route from the village, over the bridge and straight back again. So I ask FIL "How long is this route?" He kind of mumbled and said "Weeeeeeell about 14 miles."

14 MILES!!!!

Furthest I've ever ran! I'm thinking, come off it! A half's only 13M! But it was so wonderful to do it, feel well chuffed :D

But going back to the food, part of the reason I ate so much today was probably because... hell, I'd burnt over 1400kcals today!! I spent a lot of today starving!

Though seriously, I'm going to start a food diary. My big problem is that I grab handfuls of cereal on the go, and keeping a diary will probably stop that because I can't be arsed to write down 3/4 times "handful of frosted flakes."

Debating what computer to get with my grant. Thoughts?

I forgot to mention congrats for the grant. I'm well chuffed for you!!!

And yay for the 14 mile run! I think I would probably have had a heart attack and died half a mile in so yay for you!!!
Silence: Thanks babe :D I'm so pleased, especially after relooking over the budget plan for it, and realising how much I can spend on the laptop! Check out the laptop I'm after! Oh MAN it is sexy :D

I think I would have had a heart attack and died if my FIL had told me how far we were going to be running :eek: At least I had the sense to wait until the last 4 miles before I raised such a question!!


*deep breath*


At long, bloody last Bron! :D

It's not been perfect, by any stretch, but it's been a damn sight better than other days!

Food for today so far:

B: two handfuls cereal, large handful raisens
L: two slices of bread, one with Marmite and low fat peanut butter, one with vegan butter and onion chutney
S: baked banana with a teaspoon of low fat peanut butter, small piece of dark, vegan chocolate :eek:

Tea will be: chinese tofu balls (tofu, onion, waterchestnuts, pepper, possibly carrot) Normally fried, but going to try baking (oo-er missus!) with wholemeal pasta, sweet and sour sauce, carrots and fried onion. Then possibly a bowl of frosted flakes later.

I devised a plan yesterday; my worst eating habits are:

-- randomly eating handfuls of cereal
-- the large breakfast
-- the large bowl of cereal as a snack
-- having cakes, crumble, cobbler etc on a semi regular basis

The aim is to kick each habit a week at a time, starting with the handfuls of cereal. It's a bad habit, really bad. Almost every time I go into the kitchen I stop at the cereal cupboard. I could save about 400kcals a day if I do that :eek: Yikes!

So there we go. Bring it on, monday!!

Niiiiice laptop Bron! Poor Miss Gem (my laptop) is feeling ever so slightly inadequate now!

Well done on the good food day and good luck for kicking the handful-of-cereal-habit from tomorrow. You can do this!!!
Hiya Bron
I looovve the lappy. Mine is starting to play up, and few things gone astray, but not enough to invest in a new one. Grr. Good woman on the rebooting with the food. You can do it. It takes time, but youve had post wedding/honeymoon head on, and I have found it hard enough to get out of my 1 week holiday head!!
Hope tomorrow will be good, and sorry for being awol for so long.
Silence: I know, it's so pretty :D And it has the perfect spec for me short of being a high end Mac. Since I've been looking at it my laptop's being acting funky, think it's feeling a bit inadequete too! Thanks for the congrats on beating habit number 1 :) Things improving, I'm feeling better about everything!

Clarri: Thanks, I've been after a new laptop for a while, and it's great that I can get one solely for business on a grant! There's no way I can do the work I need to on my poor Blod (laptop) it just freaks out if a film's over 20 seconds long or if the picture I'm editing is too big. It is taking time, I used to get impatient when people said "baby steps" because I was one for hitting the ground running. But now this is definitely what it is; baby stepping all the way... It is so hard after holidays though, just want them to last forever :)


I'll head round diaries proper tomorrow, I'm going to head up in a bit. But the food front is still going strong! No cereal in the hand yesterday or today, and sticking with sensible. My vices though; yesterday hubs and I shared the last bit of birthday cake, which was very small. About half a regular slice between us, about a palmful. That was pudding, nothing else was added.

Tonight had chocolate sponge and icecream that FIL made for me especially. Had a barny with him, this was kind of his making peace. Don't feel so guilty because he'd gotten a veggie burger out the freezer that wasn't vegan. I was relieved when he left the room so I could get rid of it! So after having just mashed potato and veg, I think I can get away with it :)

Did 7 miles yesterday, doing another 14 miles tomorrow. Was sore yesterday after the weekend, but I'll take it easy tomorrow, take a platypus and enjoy it; it's some of my old stomping ground :)

Peace out!

Bron, I have found your diary!!!!

How are you? Glad you are having better food days babe! xx
