Today I got called a whale at work.

Isnt it awful that that is the basis of all insults for bigger people. Its so cruel, not to mention completely unintelligent. What, like u cant come up with something other than the obvious eh? Just shows how small the peoples brains are who say such insults. But really at the end of the day, we may be larger but we're probably nicer, more polite, funner to be around than the people saying this crap and we can always change our bodie, their personalities are theirs for good. Xx
Isnt it awful that that is the basis of all insults for bigger people. Its so cruel, not to mention completely unintelligent. What, like u cant come up with something other than the obvious eh? Just shows how small the peoples brains are who say such insults. But really at the end of the day, we may be larger but we're probably nicer, more polite, funner to be around than the people saying this crap and we can always change our bodie, their personalities are theirs for good. Xx

Agreed, it also says a lot about our, in large parts broken, society. Where ever you go there are magazines, billboards, TV programmed peddling the message that skinny is successful, clever, sexy and the only way to be. Too many people are properly obsessed with non-entities, aka 'celebrities' who are mainly painfully thin. Too much pressure on ordinary people and all for completely wrong reasons. Look at the majority of fashion makers, what are they? Gay. Absolutely no problem with that, but their personal preference won't be a female curvy body, but fashion worn by androgines, models with the body of teenage boys/young males. To be honest, they can all go and take a running jump. I don't buy into their cr*p. The female body is supposed the be a bit curvy, that's how our anatomy is supposed to be. A long time ago I decided to rise above that society pressure nonsense and my life is a lot happier now. I really don't care what comments some mentally challenged folks consider appropriate with regards to my body. As far as I'm concerned now, it's like water off a duck's back. Ladies (and lads) rise above a society that has nothing better to do then to insult people who don't conform with the stick insect image, you're all far too clever for that xx
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People can be so rude - and I hate to say it but older people are the worst! They seem to think they have a right to say whatever they want. I was in the supermarket a few weeks ago getting some potato salad from the salad bar when an old woman walking by tapped me on the bum and said you could do with eating less of that! I wanted to slap her but just ignored her, wasn't worth giving her any sort of reaction
.... I was in the supermarket a few weeks ago getting some potato salad from the salad bar when an old woman walking by tapped me on the bum and said you could do with eating less of that! I wanted to slap her but just ignored her, wasn't worth giving her any sort of reaction

Man Alive! What planet do those people live on? Tapping you on the bottom? Exposing you to her verbal diarrhea? Imagine the public outcry if it would have been the other way round. Old woman buying something and you commenting "aren't you a bit too old for that?" Just imagine the headline!
Ahh well what can I say !! I too work with joe public it seems we are just in the firing line well shame on that person bad calmer and all that, what goes around comes around I hope, it's hard in retail having to paint on the smile chin up, and take care x
I can't believe someone would actually say that to another person. A stranger none the less! You'll lose weight unfortunately for her she'll always be nasty. Keep your chin up, although I know that's easier said than done. <3
What a rude behavior! Well, the best thing you can do is to ignore these people. Many are frustrated and try to make others feel bad just like they do. Focus on the things that make you happy, stay healthy, and ignore these rude comments.
There issome cruel peoplein this world!I think some times it makes you more ditermind to keep on track good luck withweight loss:)
I get what you mean sometimes older people can be cruel and think they can get away with it I always get hassle about being the fat one, big one ect in work from patients and I just say "oh god really thanks for telling me I really never even noticed Just as well I'm on a diet eh" it usually embarrasses them into shutting up (then I go home and eat a lot of crap cos they have made me feel down). The best way to think of it is you can lose weight but she will always her personality!
I don't believe it was actually said.Not from a 60 year old anyway.:)

Why do you not believe it was said? I'm not going to just start up a random thread and say something like that and embarrassed myself for no reason am I? It was months ago now and I am over it.

Some Old people are the worst they just say what comes into there heads without thinking it may not be totally PC To say stuff like that.. some teenagers and young people are rude too. Until you work in customer service or as a waitress or something like that, then that's when you realise how rude some people really can be!
I also work on a face to face customer service desk, and can truly believe what that haggard old bag had said to you, some people, especially older people think it is there god given right to speak to us as they like! These sort of folk are just bitter, twisted nasty fools, karma will well and truely come and bite them on they saggy old butts!!!!
My stepnan did similar at Christmas last year. She patted my bf on the belly and said "its disgusting that someone your age has got in to that fat state"

I also regularly have fat jibes off my mums partner... me, having now lost 7stone...he, who appears to have found it...with interest!

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