Week 1

ooo misshapp, so glad you're on this board, im currently on cambridge and looking to change to juddd next week, need food desperately! maybe we can keep a check on each others progress as we're both fresh from vlcds?? well done on the loss by the way, that's fab for the first week changeover! :) x
Hi welcome and well done :clap: on my 12th week of Juddd and loving every moment of it x My weight loss is slow but steady BUT my body is shrinking at a far faster rate, fitting into clothes then they become too loose at a far faster rate than my actual weight loss would suggest, this is apparantly a 'side effect' of Juddding, but a very welcome one lol
Just as Hanatta has said any questions just ask, though sounds like you have it all under control x
Hi, there are no rules as for what or when you eat on your DD's, the diet is actually based on alternate day fasting so its perfectly acceptable to have nothing on your DD's, so eating later in the day is absolutely fine. I don't actually eat on my DD s as I find it easier not to, the time I was eating was getting later and later and in the end I thought why even bother, so I don't . I have milk allowance of 150 cals (skimmed milk) which I have in tea and coffee throughout the day, cal free soda and water. It doesn't speed up my weight loss or anything like that it just makes DD s easier for me, as soon as I eat the hunger pangs start, if I don't eat I don't get hunger pangs.
Ruth has lots of food on her DD s take a look at her diary x