Weight Watchers Core Plan


New Member
Hi all,
I am new here. I used thıs plan a long tıme ago and ıt really worked for me so I have just downloaded all the ınfo onlıne (as I lıve ın Turkey now) but I thınk I have confused myself. I have worked out my daıly allowance of 28 poınts but I am only eatıng out of the core foods (0 points) so what I would lıke to know ıs can I stıll use the 28 poınts everyday ıf say I wanted a glass of wıne or somethıng? I know that we get the 35 extra a week but I kınd of thought that ıf you are eatıng for exsample lean fısh and ved everyday whıch does not eat ınto your poınts the havıng a glass of wıne should be taken out of the daıly 28 and not the 35?? could someone put me rıght on thıs before I set off on the wrong foot!!! thanks ın advance:)
Hi Deelcicious, I think you've mixed up the two plans!

The first is Simply Filling (also know as Filling and Healthy, and I think this is the old Core plan) where you eat the foods from a specific list. All fruit and veg are free plus (I think!) pulses, lean meats, fish, etc. There's a list on the website that you can download. You don't need to count points for anything that comes off that list or is fruit or veg and you also get two teaspoons of oil free each day.

The other plan is Propoints, this is where the 28 propoints (pp) comes from. You have 28pp each day and you need to point everything apart from most fruit and veg (there are a few exceptions like parsnips). In case anyone reads this as reference in future - the number of propoints you're allowed depends on your gender, height, weight, if you're breastfeeding or not... it's specific to your situation and will go down as you lose weight.

Then, no matter which of those two you choose, you have 49 pp per week to spend on eating out, wine, chocolate, etc. If you're on the simply filling plan, anything you eat that isn't on that list comes from this allowance (so if you fancied a bit of white bread instead of wholemeal, that would come from these 49).

Hope that helps!! :D