What happens to all the flab?

Jelly belly

Hello all,

I've just started the CD and a very helpful person on another forum gave me the link to this one.

I know some people that are losing weigh quickly and I know that this diet really works but being 18stone and a size 20/22 i'm a little bit worried about what happens to all the loose skin (I have a large tummy)

Does it just shrink with you or will I have to just put up with it being there (if you know what I mean?)
Hiya, my hubby and I were having this conversation today (in fact I must blog it whilst it is fresh in my mind) and we both agreed that I am going to have quite a few "war wounds" - the top of my legs are very flabby where the fat used to be and I dare say I will never have a stomach like Victoria Beckham - it will always be a bit saggy and wobbly.

When I started this, I asked my LL counsellor and she said that some people go back in place quite well and others "look great in clothes but not so great naked" - I think I am going to be one of the not so great nakeds!.

There is stuff you can do to help though - I believe bio oil is good for stretch marks but also I dry brush every night (it helps circulation and break down fat and improve muscle tone) and each morning I have a shower and use an exfoliating cream on an exfoliating sponge thing. I then moisturise well with a firming moisturiser (I think I am using Olay at the moment).

Good luck with it.

I've just gone from a size 20 to a size 12 and have found I barely have any loose skin, although I've been a bit rubbish doing CD properly... Did great for the first 3 months then started nibbling etc. & really slowed down. Still drinking between 2 & 5 litres of water a day though... I think the water plays the biggest part as it gives your skin better elasticity & enables it to shrink better. I also think that as I'm shrinking slightly slower the rest of my body has time to catch up but that could just be opinion.

Age, where the fat is stored (I'm pear shaped & mine was on thighs & bum), amount of water & exercise all seem to affect how well it shrinks...

They also say that it takes about a month for every stone you've lost after you've finished for the remaining fat to spread out around your body. So people are saggy/empty in some places & firmer others but then these balance out over the course of time.

Hope this helps
I guess how much you end up with really does to some extent depend on your age. I'm 60 so expected to have some, but hey I would much rather feel like I do now and have a little loose skin than how I was 6 months ago :D
Hello all,

I've just started the CD and a very helpful person on another forum gave me the link to this one.

I know some people that are losing weigh quickly and I know that this diet really works but being 18stone and a size 20/22 i'm a little bit worried about what happens to all the loose skin (I have a large tummy)

Does it just shrink with you or will I have to just put up with it being there (if you know what I mean?)

You might not necessarily have flab afterwards, it is quite possible that your skin retains its elasticity.. Even if it doesn't, some people suggest bio oil and other stuff. I haven't actually tried any of them myself but some people swear by them..
Hi jelly belly
glad you found the forum - I am 39 and have 2 young children and I shrunk from 19 stone to 15 stone 11 over 2 years with Weight watchers and then I have just lost 6 stone in 4 1/2 months on lighter life!
I have loose skin on my boobs and stomach area - my stomach is the worst affected - however dressed i look "NORMAL"!
i would never wear a bikini unless they were high waisted to tuck my blobby in but then again I do not have the self confidence to wear one despite being a size 10 / 12!
However being slim is far more attractive than I ever was as a size 26 and it is a small price to pay!
good luck with your journey
Thanks guys,

Guess I'll just have to see how it goes and start saving for the tummy tuck
Age is a big factor on how your skin will cope.As well as family ,type of skin ect. when I was 29 I lost 100 pounds my skin went back perfect.
This time Im 45 its not going to be as easy
my LLC said that when we start eatting fresh veg [lots and lots of raw best ]then we will really start seeing changes in our skin.
I like Bio oil too.....And workout.....
my best
Hi All,

Just having a thick moment here but what it Bio Oil?


Hi Jo

I've just started using it to improve the appearance of my skin after starting to lose weight. I've sent you the link below which tells you all about it.


It's made a huge difference to how my skin looks and I've only been using it for a week. I just pop a few drops in the bath at night and rub it on my worst bits after my shower in the morning.

Thanks Lindsay I've never heard of it, I'll have to give it a try. Anything is worth a try after all