Anja's Up & Down Diary

Hi Julie,

How's things with you?

Re: the hair - it all depends on skin tone. I have very fair skin with freckles so I thought I could take it but it depends how ruddy or pink the skin is. Anybody with darker hair & pink/ruddy cheeks looks bl**dy awful if they go light. It all depends. Good luck if you decide to go for it!

Well today technically should have been a DD but I have lost the plot with the days again. I ate practically no fruit & vegetables yesterday so today has been pretty reasonable to make up for that.

B: peach & apricot special k with banana
L: stuffed peppers (with cheese & rice), new potatoes, peas, sweetcorn & broad beans. strawberry & raspberry home-made pie with low cal ice cream. 1 wine, 2 sherries. (chocolate while tipsy!)
D: last piece of fruit pie with spray cream & a handful of picota cherries.

Was 11,7 this morning. Will aim to do tomorrow as an ID and have aqua so maybe I'll be a lb down this week at 11,6 or so when I get weighed on Tuesday morning. Giving up on my target again. PMT and lack of willpower have killed it again this week! Was 12,5 in April when I came back from hol so I'm nearly a stone down on the last time I was there!

Hopefully we'll have a calm week. I've finished my maths assignment & it was posted off on Friday so that's one less headache. Got 81% for the 4th one so my average of the 4 marks so far is 89.25% which is still over the 85% mark. Need to get over 70 for both exam & coursework to get the mark I need.

I'm pretty sure swimming every day will help curb any excesses in Spain so that should be good. Packed 3 new bikinis & the new cossie. Mum has been on the phone planning my birthday party which is while I'm away and we have lots of people coming over. There's going to be 17 of us for a barbeque, & we're getting takeaway paella (2 - fish, & vegetable for me!)

Anyway better go & drink some more water to get rid of this headache!

Love xxx
Saturday 14th to Sunday 29th. (Don't worry Barb I'll be keeping an eye on you! ;) We have the laptop out there!) :p
Hiya Anja,

Well done a stone down thats great you work hard to keep it down i admire that !

Me, I still havent managed to lose anymore and havent felt ready until now and i guess thats why i am daring to post again instead of just lurking i am such a pudgy coward lol !

I am over 18 stone so a stone less than christmas but 15 months ago i was 13.5 stone but i try not to dwell !

I am contemplating a 790 with cd for a few weeks i know i need a slow decent to ss !

I am going to move we sold our house last week and we have bought one same day so could be moving in 4 weeks thinking it may be a good time to get back with it while i am busy with something else no pressure though lol !

Really impressed with your studying your doing fab bet you'll be glad when its over , having your hols to look forward to must be nice hope you have great holiday and birthday good luck with your juddering not that you need it it's obviously working for you .
Take care love Julie XXX
Hi Julie,

In general JUDDDing is working for me but I really haven't been very good for the last 3 weeks. My head's been all over the place & I seem to be eating a lot of rubbish. I'm already in holiday mode which doesn't bode well for this week's work!

My weight loss graph for the last 18 months looks like the Alps! This last stone has been lost at least 3 times since I first lost it last year! Must NOT regain it this time or I'll cry!:cry:

You've done it once - you can do it again honey! If you're inspired & your head's in the right place you can do anything you put your mind to.

Where are you moving to?

Yep - I will be SOOOO glad when I finally finish my degree! Doing it part time means that it takes 6 years to do. I am nearing the end of my 5th year, my final course starts in September. The exam for this one is in October so they overlap slightly.

Good luck with your new start!

Love xxx

No idea what I weigh - overdid it big time, calculated cals for the weekend were Fri 2,743, Sat 2,856 & yesterday 2,522. Oh dear. Was 11,7 both days of the weekend & was quite ill all three days with a dodgy stomach & yet the scales suggested that I was 11,9 this morning but were flicking about so much that I think the batts need changing. With a dodgy stomach all day yesterday I don't see how I could possibly have put on 2 lbs since yesterday morning.
Aiming for about 1,000 cals today as I have aqua so will need to have some cals after class as I'm always knackered.
Anja, I think to keep the UD's low is hard, I am writing down amounts for the first time on an UD and am stunned to ahve only got as far as mid afternoon and be over half way through my cals for the day!! Still need dinner and TBH a glass of wine(or2).
Don't know what the answer is but going to keep at it, as are you My Lovely!!
Well with what's left in the fridge & me having TOTM I might as well just write the last few days off too! I'll be lucky if I've lost a lb tomorrow and I have pizza planned for tomorrow evening.

Today was supposed to be a DD but have eked it up to 1,589 cals 7.4 f & v, which is still about 1,000 less than the weekend average but still fairly naughty. Although aqua 1 hour will have burned 373 so it could be worse. Technically therefore on about 1200.
Stayed completely the same this week, weight & measurements, 11,7 again. Fair enough. TOTM & gratuitous over-eating haven't helped.

Would still like to lose a lb before my hol so will modify that goal.
Hi Anja, sounds like STS is quite a good thing in view of the week you've had. I am taking a week out of full on juddding, I am still going to watch my intake etc.. but with Dad in hospital I just think weighing/calcounting etc.. is going to be too tricky. As for you and your mullerlights etc.. I think your head is well on the way to holiday mode and once that happens you are fighting a losing battle! You have done so well and unlike me, are not far off your goal, so don't be hard on yourself, ease into the holiday mood and if both of us are slipping and sliding a bit then hopefully we will come back to it in a really 'raring to go' mood!


Holiday mode & TOTM are ganging up on me & I'm fighting a losing battle. Yesterday's UD was 2,583 cals which is way over the top & today's cals sneaked up to 1,510 but less than 2,000 so not so bad. Was 11,9 this morning but am having stomach troubles as usual - still!, again! I'm not really trying this week as per usual. At least while I'm away I'll up my exercise so that's got to be good. My holiday target is not to come back heavier than I went!

Very busy at work at the minute which is why I haven't been on all day, trying to get loads of stuff done before I go away and then scurrying about tidying up at home & preparing loads of stuff. Have been houseworking like crazy all week to try & get it reasonable for when my brother & his fiancée stay, except of course that my dad has a week to mess it up before he comes out to join us! I've got to at least try! Fixed my mobile phone which was broken, had to change the microphone & then changed the battery in my ipod 'cos that needed doing too. Apple wanted £60 to change it last time it went - no way! - so I bought one on the internet & learned how to do it instead! Very fiddly. Guess Maths & Engineering are my thing, way too logical to be anything other than a geek !:eek: (but at least I saved over £50 on the battery change so there are benefits!) :cool:

Love xxx

11,8 yesterday & today so lower than it has been this week, but higher than it has been too. Holiday mode finally but have had very a stressful 2 days at work. Did a 12 hr day today to get everything done before I head off on hol tomorrow. Can't wait!

Sorry I haven't been around much!

Last bit of packing tomorrow - got to put shampoo & conditioner in case due to hand baggage restrictions etc., need to water plants and get rid of my plastic bottle stash as I forgot to take them to recycle last week & I now have about 50 to take round.

Train is 2.49, check in 4.10, flight 6.10, arrival 9.35 tomorrow evening. Have been up since 3.30 mulling over my computer problem so off to bed now. Night night!

Love xxx
Have a lovely time Anja, missing you already!

Oh dear! Have managed to creep up from 11,8 to 12,3, which is 9lbs in a fortnight! Oh my God! and that's with swimming most days, sometimes twice a day! Way too much paella & alcohol, & chocolate, & normal cans of drink, & peanuts, & pizza, & ice cream etc. You get the picture!

Hopefully will see a drop by tomorrow as I have standard reasonable food planned for today & aqua tonight.

Unfortunately they decided to cancel my car ins while I was on hol so I'd better go & ring them (started a new policy a week before I went & they decided while I was away that they needed another document & gave me a time limit which I missed!) No word yet on the parking ticket. Has been just shy of 3 weeks since I sent off the query so I would have thought I'd hear soon...

Love xxx
Hi Anja, good to see you back. Holidays undermine the best of intentions, I was the same. Fortunately for me my first DD removed all but 3/4lb of the holiday excess, hope you see a similar result.

You must be furious with your insurers, surely they must realise people go away in the summer?

Have a good DD.

Thanks Claire. How on earth did you only gain 3/4 of a lb? I need that secret.:eek: Well, started going down already, 12,2 this morning. I haven't started actually calorie counting yet but I'm amazed I lost weight yesterday as I was eating up leftovers brought back from Spain, raisin bread rolls for breakfast, a cheese salad sandwich & tomato pasta BUT it was my birthday while I was away so cream cakes and the occasional bit of chocolate too. Says something about how many calories per day I must have been eating & drinking while I was away! Today is quite sedate. I have 2 imported portions of veg paella left from my birthday feast so will have some of that for dinner. (Pretty healthy - 10 types of veg with rice). If I just aim for cereal with banana for breakfast & salad with a couple of slices of cheese for lunch I should be down again in the morning. I also need to up my water as I only managed 1 litre yesterday and seemed to drink more tins of fizz than bottled water while I was away!

Will put my poor tracker back to nought but will update it daily as I lose these 9 lbs.:break_diet:
Argh! I can't count! Went down to 11,7 161 lbs but was 11,8 when I went on hol & didn't change my tracker so I'm 9 lbs up on that & therefore 10lbs up on where I started from. Grrrr! I suppose I'm on only 2lbs up on where I started before dieting but still... Long long way to go. Next target will be a week away in October so need to have dropped considerably by then. I would like to be maximum 11 stone so I have a lot of work to do.
It is so frustrating to see those hard fought pounds leap back on board. I thought I had put on a lot more but I had to check it DD to DD so they compared properly. I'm not sure why I didn't put on more but it seems to happen like that when we go to France, it is the same for DH. We seem to eat & drink loads, the only thing we don't do is have endless cups of weak English coffee like we do at home.

You may well find that the diet break gives you high starting losses again and the extra pounds disappear quickly. Fingers crossed.
I was very similar i put 11 lb on while away and thought i hadn't been too bad and made sensible choices. Back to ss yesterday
Irene xx