Birth Annoucements and Stories

Aw Nelly, sounds like your established labour went really well until the last minute. In some ways it was probably easier for me as mine was a train wreak from the word go, must be awful to feel like you've had the rug pulled from under you at the end. I know what you mean about not being able to remember much, I was off my face by the time Seth arrived so I have huge gaps in my memory which Colin had to fill in!

Main thing is that you and Bella are both fine, she's a gorgeous little thing and you are a fab mummy! xxx

It was honestly amazing from 5-10cm, just went pear shaped in the end but I have my beautiful Bella here safe and sound xx
I had to ask Tom to help me write my birth story as it was all patchy!! Sounds like you had it tough. It's horrible pushing and knowing the baby isn't coming down. These babies like to test us. Glad you and Bella were both ok though. What happened to our tv labours where everything goes perfectly?!xx

I want to hear of a perfect birth story, one of us deserves it! ;) xx
Ahh it's so nice to have another story to read! Thank you for posting it. You did really well! I love this thread.

Thanks Susie :-D still don't know if I'd do it again tho..... ;) xx
Right, lets try remember what happened.....

So at 40+1 I saw my midwife and she attempted a sweep. Unfortunately she couldn't reach my cervix so I was sent home and told to keep as active as possible. I bounced on my ball, walked everywhere, ate a whole pineapple a day, had spicy currys, continued to take RLT..... and then went back at 41+1 and saw a different midwife who managed to do a sweep and said I was 1cm dilated. At 41+3 another midwife attempted a sweep but she couldn't do it at all. I was slightly confused how my cervix could go backwards but I'm guessing this midwife had shorter fingers :eek::confused::(

I had a few tightenings and I thought I had my show after the first sweep, but I'm not 100% sure even now. So on Saturday, 41+5 I went into hospital to be induced. I arrived at 10.30am and by 12 o clock, I had been examined (still 1 cm dilated) and had the pessary inserted. It was painful but then the midwife I had was rather rough. I was told to keep as active as possible so Paul and I walked around the hospital, going sideways up and down the stairs. It was pretty boring I have to admit. I had a ward to myself too until about 8pm at night. I was put on the monitor and obs taken fairly regularly and everything was fine. It is worth mentioning that I had a low risk pregnancy up to this point and was under the midwife's care the whole time (never saw a consultant). I was aiming for a water birth.

That evening we agreed that Paul should go home and get a sleep in a bed rather than a hospital reclining chair. He left about 8.30pm and I got ready for bed. I had about 2 hours sleep when I woke with slight pains. It was just before 1am when suddenly gussssshhh my waters broke. My first thought was 'omg ive wet myself' then realised it was my waters. I called the nurse and she changed the bed and I got re-dressed. My waters continued to leak for most the night. It was amazing how much water I had. I didn't get any more sleep so when lights were put on at 7am, I was still rather tired. The girl next to me had been sick and in pain all night so she was pretty loud. I was on a baby trace thing for a lot of the night but babe was doing absolutely fine. I kept getting mild contractions once my waters had broken every 5 minutes or so.

Sunday morning we did more walking and climbing stairs, but the contractions weren't as strong or regular as during the night. At 12 o clock I was examined and the pessary to be taken out, but the pessary was not there!!! The only thing we can think is that I went to the loo and it fell out then. Gutted! The mw examined me and I was still only 1cm dilated!!! Even more gutted. The mw said she would check with the dr what to do but they thought they would give me 24 hours rest to see if I went into labour naturally.

At 4pm the midwife came over and said she had spoken to the dr and they wanted me to go to delivery suite and on a drip. The fact my waters had broken at 1am that morning and I had made no progress on dilating since Tuesday, made them think that it was better to act now. So about 5.30pm we finally taken to delivery suite and into the room where I gave birth.

The first challenge was to put a canula in. I have awful veins and the midwifes couldn't do it. In the end they got the anaesthetist in, who put it in the side of my wrist. Next was hooked up to drip and monitoring machine, and at 7.11pm the drip started. It was hiked up every 30mins until I was at full dosage by 10pm. I was continuously monitored and all was fine. Baby was doing fine too. I started off on the ball which helped lots. It then got too much and I used the tens machine which I highly recommend. I found being upright or on the ball the best position. I kept needing the loo, so Paul had to take me and essentially undress me because I was wired up and kept having contractions whilst trying to wee/poo! Not one of my better moments lol.

Eventually I was in too much pain so went on to gas and air as well as the tens machine. I kneeled on the bed and leant on the top bit. This really helped. I just focussed on each contraction and then resting in between. Paul gave me sips of water but that was it. At 1am I was examined. I was still 1cm dilated! I burst into tears. The pain had been bad but I thought I had managed it, but I honestly couldn't see me coping for much longer if I still had 9cm to go and then to push. The midwife was amazing and gave Paul and I some time together. I was a mess. In the end I said I would need an epidural. This was my worse nightmare because I was petrified of epidurals.

So everything gets set up for the epidural and I then went into full body shakes. I couldn't control myself. it was awful. The anaesthetist kept telling me to get into certain positions but I just couldn't move my body. I wasn't allowed any pain relief so now was coping with contractions alone. This was definitely the worse part and I think I was crying at times. Eventually it was done and then 20 or so minutes later I was numb.

I did manage to rest for a few hours after this. Baby's heart beat kept decelerating so other doctors were coming in, but I wasn't fully with it to be honest. They kept asking me to move position which is difficult when half body is numb. Other people had to move my legs because I simply could not feel them. I cant remember the order but at some point I was put on antibiotics because my white bloods cells were high. I was also given fluids because I was dehydrated. Also they did a scratch thing on baby's head to see if he was distressed or not - thankfully he wasn't.

At 4am, I was 2cm dilated and at 7.30am I was 4/5cm dilated. At this point I was glad we were making progress but aware that in 12 hours I had only dilated 4cm, so we could be in for a long wait. Baby's heart rate kept decelerating so they got the dr in again. I think they were thinking of sending me for a C-section, but dr said she would examine me and lo and behold I was fully dilated. This was at 9.30am!!

They gave me 50mins to rest and then at 10.20am I started pushing. They said they could see baby's head so I foolishly thought it would be long until baby was here..... how wrong I was. I kept pushing, but he wouldn't budge. They did an ultrasound because they thought he may be back to back. I think he wasn't but actually can't remember. All I know is that by 12 o clock I had no energy. The doctor came in and was going to do an assisted birth but she then thought I could do it because baby was so close.... I couldn't and so at 12.20 something, she used vontouse and at 12.26 baby Oliver was born. I had an episiotomy because Oliver came out with his shoulders across me and his arms crossed, as if he was in the brace position! No wonder I couldn't push him out.

Oliver was absolutely fine. Cried straight away, The paediatrician just mentioned how big his feet were. I had skin to skin contact straight away then Paul held him. Whilst cuddling him, suddenly the room was filled with people. Apparently I was bleeding and it hadn't stopped so the midwife called the emergency button. Thankfully the bleed stopped and I wasn't required to go to theatre. Phew! I lost about 900ml in the end. I was stitched up and then cuddles with our son.

Unfortunately I was violently sick which then made me shivery. I had some tea and toast, and then that came up too. I'll be honest I felt very weak and at one point I couldn't hold Oliver any more. He felt like 10 stone! I was given a bed bath and eventually my sensation in my legs came back. I was wheelchaired to the ward about 5pm.

So that's my labour story. Unfortunately my low risk pregnancy turned into a little less straight forward labour, but Oliver is here now and all is perfect :)

I have to say the midwifes were amazing, especially in delivery suite. We saw 3 shifts of midwifes and each were incredible. I really cannot praise them enough. Even though at times things were higher risk, they always made me stay calm, and provided such encouragement when required.

Hope this all makes sense. To be honest my memory is a bit hazy at times. Probably best it stays that way really!

Blimey that's a lot to remember, sounds as if you went through the mill bless you. I bet your memory is hazy mine certainly is. You have little Oliver here to make it all worth while, would you do it again tho? ;) xx
Mad I know but yep I would do it again. End result worth it! X

Me too! Despite the six day induction, theatre dash, forceps, not seeing Cole properly for six hours then not getting out of hospital for another three days....can't wait for baby number two!! In fact, if I'd started having babies in my early twenties I could easily have had 4 ;) x
Me too! Despite the six day induction, theatre dash, forceps, not seeing Cole properly for six hours then not getting out of hospital for another three days....can't wait for baby number two!! In fact, if I'd started having babies in my early twenties I could easily have had 4 ;) x

Yeah I wish I'd had children in my mid 20s but life didn't work like that... Am enjoying baby number one first! X
Yeah I wish I'd had children in my mid 20s but life didn't work like that... Am enjoying baby number one first! X

Same here, 32 next month so baby number 2 needs to be thought about at some point in the near future x
I'm 33 in June so we're thinking of trying again when Cole is two to two and half. Hopefully we won't struggle as much but I want my last baby before I'm 38 x
Penny you did well too! Yours and nellys stories are really similar to mine though I had a ventouse. And I bled after too, about 1500ml they reckoned but my iron dropped from 13 to 6 so they probably under-estimated!
I would do it all again though....hubby has taken a bit of persuading though, he was really traumatised. The birth and labour was hard for him to witness though I don't think that was the problem, it was the bleeding after. As a midwife I knew I would be fine and what they were doing. Benn, as an A&E nurse was thinking 'what the hell are they doing, why haven't they put blood up etc etc' but of course pregnancy bleeding and normal bleeding due to trauma is very different! He's come round though. I think we might think about trying around the end of this year. I'm 30 in April so have got time, but Benn is 38 in April and doesn't want to be too old before we we are thinking about having 3! Xx
Well it's been a long time coming as Stevie is now 4 months old but here is my birth story.

Had raised bold pressure from about 37 weeks so went for weekly visits and blood pressure checks in between.
Went to MW at 40 weeks and she wouldn't perform a sweep :-(
Went at 41 weeks thinking I would have one and when chatting I casually mentioned I might have leaked some waters that morning and again she couldn't/wouldn't perform one!
Went to hospital to be checked over as if my waters had gone they wanted the baby out within 24 hours and my waters hadn't gone!
However I did have high blood pressure so they booked me in for induction the day after and preformed a sweep to help.

The next day dragged and wasn't invited in till 3pm. Everyone was busy so my induction didn't start till 7pm! And the other 3 ladies on the suite had been there 36-48 hours already so assuming I was in for a long wait hubby left at 8:30 for a proper sleep etc.

By 10pm I had been for a no2 3 times and was totally empty (the bathroom/toilet unfortunately stank now! Oooops)
By 10:30/11pm my contractions were ever 2-3 mins apart. I was put on a monitor and given diomorphine to take the pain and let me sleep. However I didn't sleep as could still feel them and I was excited/nervous and above all wanted hubby there.

They wouldn't let him come back :-(

They monitored baby but didn't say much as to why etc checking me constantly until at 3am when they broke my waters (as I was 2 cm) to speed things up and then soon prepped me for theatre!! :-( I cried as wanted hubby there NOW. Luckily we live about 15-20 mins away so they said they would wait. Whilst they waited they took blood from babies head for testing.

Hubby arrived and the bloods showed baby was fine (although on the trace he was being lazy!!) they explained all this to hubby so at least one of us was aware f what they were doing an why.

We carried on labouring till 7am and again they threatened us with theatre for a c section and each time they did baby showed some hope so they didn't.

At about 7-7:30am I got an epidural :) ahhhhhh and relax! I was about 3-4 cm now. They gave me the drip to help my body catch up on its self.

The next 6 hours went in a haze. More blood tests for baby (4 in total) more threats of theatre but we never went...I slept on and off, hubby slept on and off whilst I dialated. By 2pm I was 9cm and getting ready to go. They cranked up the drip, continued to monitor baby (we stayed on the monitor from 12midnight till he was born!) and said we would push at 3pm.

Hubby and I braced ourselves! :)
Soon after 3pm the doctor came in and examined me...said was ok to push...helped/watched for the first 2 or so then left to say he would be back soon.

The next think I remember (after about 20 mins) a team of doctors etc swarmed the room and explained they needed baby out now! I pushed again and although they said he was close (I've no idea if this was to make me feel better) they said they were going to help.

Episiotomy time.

Baby Stevie was born at 3:47pm and placed straight on me (not skin to skin tho!) he looked v peaceful and a touch blue. Thinking about it now he wasn't moving at all and I'm not sure if that is normal. He def wasn't crying.
They quickly cut the cord and off they went with him (he stayed in the room I was in) hubby went over to be with him and brought me a pic back. Quickly sent the text to both families but didn't put info like weight as it was a long time before they told us!!

Within a couple of mins I could hear a slight cry but he was def lazy and sleepy!! As was I!!

Stitching me up took longer than they wanted and I lost over 900ml of blood :-/ because of the bleeding etc it appears they finished my stitching off in a different way sealing the top with stitches (this I learnt at a later date)

I fed Stevie for the first time at about 4:30 and he was great at it! And obviously hungry!! Lol.
The midwife got him dressed for us and at about 8pm I was transferred to the ward. I watched X factor and text everyone pics whilst hubby went home to sleep.

The first night was hard - I was shattered and Stevie was hooked on to my bed but I still couldn't pic him up easily. MWs helped when I rang the bell and even did a nappy change for me as I couldn't stand etc so I missed the first poo :-( (have seen plenty since!)

In the morning I was encouraged to move about which I did however when trying to take the socks off so I could shower I was in excruciating pain!! Since then I have realised it was a stitch popping as it happened at other times too etc.
A MW examined me and said I was ok. Made me believe everyone was as sore as I was although I knew people would have warned me over that.

We went home on the Sunday approx 24 hours after Stevie was born. :)

On the Monday I was crying with pain

On Tuesday I noticed a v strange 'meaty' smell coming from my down below. A MW visited me and said there might have been a slight infection.

Wednesday night I cried cos I could get my terribly swollen feet out of a water bath due to the popping pain.

Thursday morning I was due at the MW for 5 day check up where she took one look at me and sent me back to hospital.

Back In Hospital I saw the doctor who had been there for the night of my induction - he took one look of my lady area and put a drip straight in

3 x 24hr IV antibiotics, 7 days of oral antibiotics and on day 17 I was re sutured - and over night stay. And on day 23 or 24 I was back in hospital having the remain stitched removed with a knife and fork I think it hurt me so much! Lol.

At my 8 week check up with my own GP I went through this and explained I was still uncomfortable and wen he looked he saw 3 loose stitches to remove which he did with minimal discomfort.

I've since been discharged from hospital care and only need a 12 month check up.

However....I have a beautiful baby boy and all pain is forgotten!!

First pic of Stevie attached xx


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Aw Penny, you had a long haul but you did so well and Oliver is gorgeous! I had a bit of bleeding when they were stitching me up, not as much as you girls but enough to make me feel ropey and knock my iron down to 9 so it must have been scary as hell to lose even more.

I'm still halfway on whether I would do it again tbh! Colin's up for more kids (in a couple of years) and I do like the idea but my age puts me off (I'm 36 this year) and the thought of getting SPD again freaks me out as I was told it often gets worse with every baby! :/ Not sure I want to be having more babies at nearly 40 but we'll see...
God what a story Cai - you really went through it with your infection and hospital stays but through all of that you've been a fab mummy to Stevie!

I swear one of us needs to have a birth that doesn't end with stitches and pain. It's all worth it of course but I'd love to think that one of us gets a nice normal birth like you see on the telly! With no drama, bleeding or stitches! xxx
Blimey cai, you really did go through it with your stitches as well as everything else! How is it now? Have you had any problems since? Xx
Missy I agree! Those that are left, we want nice normal low risk water births or similar! :D so no pressure! Xx

I'm up for that! To be honest I am absolutely scared to death of labour, and I've got ages yet to think about it :(
Blimey cai, you really did go through it with your stitches as well as everything else! How is it now? Have you had any problems since? Xx

It's sore to touch and v bumpy but apart from that I'm ok.
My first period gave me dreadful thrush which was a killer but had the injection since so periods stopped!! :)

Only DTD 3 times since Stevie but all worked as far as I'm aware x
It's sore to touch and v bumpy but apart from that I'm ok.
My first period gave me dreadful thrush which was a killer but had the injection since so periods stopped!! :)

Only DTD 3 times since Stevie but all worked as far as I'm aware x

That's good re the DTD. And no periods! Still not had one yet which I'm not complaining about but I'm dreading when it does as have heard the first one is terrible! Xx
That's good re the DTD. And no periods! Still not had one yet which I'm not complaining about but I'm dreading when it does as have heard the first one is terrible! Xx

Not only was the blood loss terrible and made me light headed I occasion,the blood/moisture made the scar sting and irritated the hell out of it xx
Gosh, just catching up on all the Birth Stories!...