Going it alone - food diary!

It did help with my nibbling urges during the day but unfortunately not at night!! I have a jar of peanut butter in the larder and it tempts me. Sometimes before bed I just crave some toast and peanut butter. I usually use my HE in the form of weetabix in the morning, so maybe I should try and have fruit in the mornings and leave my HE for toast in the evening. That might work.

Yes, that's a good idea.
Goodluck with your WI tomorrow.
So delighted to have lost 1lb this week!! After the weekend I had, I honestly felt that I was going to have weight on, but this has given me such an incentive!!

Going to do Yoga tonight and gym/swim workout over the weekend and Yoga again on Sunday night. Really need to bring exercise into my diet plan more in order to shift weight. I was asked out on a date (but refused, was too busy with work this week), and may be re-asked out so this is also an incentive to keep positive and keep losing!
Thursday 17th January, 2013

2 x weetabix (HE)
Tea with milk (HE).

Tesco Finest butternut squash soup (5 syns)
Poppyseed roll (a treat given that it's weigh-day).

Pineapple chunks
Fat free yoghurt.
Lemon and ginger tea.

Finished off that darned jar of peanut butter tonight on two bits of bread. Last time I ever buy something like that, just too tempting!!
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Friday 18th January, 2013

2 x weetabix (HE)
Tea with milk (HE)

Starbucks breakfast yoghurt (6.5 syns)

Tesco Finest butternut squash soup (5 syns)
Poppyseed roll (second of two bought yesterday)
Pineapple chunks
Lemon and ginger tea.

SW Pasta
1/2 plate of salad.

Options Hot Chocolate.
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Saturday 19th January, 2013

2 x weetabix (HE)
Tea with milk (HE)

Tea with milk
Starbucks "Skinny" Ginger Muffin: 18 SYNS!! (Never again!!!!)

Bowl of SW soup (from Pete's recipe thread - delicious!)
Lemon and ginger tea.

Pineapple chunks.

Late Dinner:
2 x Linda McCartney sausages (2 x 2 syns = 4 syns)
Baked potato
1/2 tin of beans.

Ginger and lemon tea.
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Sunday 20th January, 2013

1/2 tin of beans
2 slices of wholemeal bread (HE)
1 boiled, sliced egg.

Starbucks Muffin (17.5 syns). UGH no self control.

Sweet potato wedges with paprika
Sliced boiled egg
1/3 plate salad.

Pineapple chunks
Fat-free yoghurt
Lemon and ginger tea.
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Did a very bad thing this morning and weighted myself. Delighted to see I had lost 1lb so what did I do? Made a lunch and then when I got to work was so freezing and shivery I just "needed" something warm. Hence a toasted soda, slice of bacon and sausage :(

Monday 21st January, 2013

Tea with milk (HE)
Weetabix (HE)

Tea with milk
Toasted soda, one sausage, one slice of bacon (I'm just going to give this my fully 14 syns. It may be more but 2 x soda should be 7, plus approx 3.5 syns for the sausage and bacon. It's probably more though. Disappointed in myself.

This day went from bad to worse. Met a friend and we got snowed on so we went to Nando's to escape :(

Chicken wrap

Don't even want to think about syns!! :( :(

Tomorrow is another day.
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Wednesday 23rd January, 2013.

I have a friend staying with me until Saturday so it us difficult to stick to plan when we eat out sometimes. Hopefully I'll manage to stick close enough!!

2 x weetabix
Tea with milk.

Ciabatta and side salad (12 syns for ciabatta).

Chicken breast stir fry
Brown nice
Blueberries and ff yoghurt.

Hot chocolate

Herbal tea
Friday, Saturday and Sunday were kind of a washout because I had a friend staying and we ate out / ate infrequently. Imagine I will gain this week.

Not a great day today, slipping back into my bread habits after the weekend. But tomorrow will be better!

Monday 28th January, 2013

2 x shredded wheat (HE)
Tea with milk (HE)

Tomato soup
2 x brown bread (4 syns)

Baked beans (11.5 syns)
2 x brown bread (4 syns)

Lemon and ginger tea.

Night time:
2 x shredded wheat. (7 syns)

**1.5 hrs of yoga.
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Tuesday 29th January, 2013

2 x shredded wheat
Milk and tea


Tuna in water
Cous cous
1/2 plate salad leaves and peppers

Ginger and lemon tea.

Sweet potato mash
2 x Linda McCartney sausages (2 x 2 syns= 6)
1/2 tin of beans.
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Wednesday 30th January, 2013

Difficult day today because I was at a conference and didn't really have time to eat. Needed the coffees to keep awake!

Tea with milk (HE)

2 x Mocha (HE + 10 syns)

Tuna in water
1/4 lunchbox salad
Cous Cous

4 x small boiled potatoes
3 x fish fingers (2 x 3 = 6 syns).
Weigh-in today and stayed the same. Given my weekend indulgences, I'm actually quite happy that I am at 11.3. Hopefully next week I'll continue going down!

2 x shredded wheat (HE)
Tea with milk (HE)

Mini-pizza (5 syns)

Chicken stir fry
Ginger sauce (4 syns)

2 x rice krispie squares chocolate (7.5 x 2 = 15 syns).

Doing my food shop tomorrow so hoping for a good weekend of study and slimming!!!
Had a good weekend, thought forgot to document it. Here's today:

Monday 4th February, 2013

2 x shredded wheat (HE)
Milk with tea (HE)


Small mocha latte, skimmed milk (5 syns)


Potato and spinach salad.
Lemon and ginger tea

Scrambled eggs
2 x small slices of wheaten bread (2 x 3.5 = 7 syns)

Pineapple chunks
Friday 8th February, 2013

2 x veda bread (HE)
Tea with milk (HE)

1/2 skinned cooked chicken
Spinach and peppers
Sweet potato mash

Starbucks Poppy Muffin (16 syns)
Tea with milk

1/2 Skinned cooked chicken
Spinach and peppers
Cous cous

Lemon and ginger tea.