Here's hoping

Day 52! Nearly there. Now got an extra, very stinky kitten who is reeking havoc with the other two cats BUT my OH has decided he wants to do my diet so he is on day 3! and he has stuck to it. He is only just overweight but has about a stone or so to lose. It is great him being on the diet too!
cheeky weigh in suggests three pound loss this week :) also started the 30 day shred today. Awesome, I am so unfit! And have no upper body strength! been 100% so far this week, except for a little extra protein, and stayed under 700 calories. It helps having the OH doing the diet too. Might make WI tomorrow due to having a friend over tomorrow and going to the xmas markets- mulled wine and dinner at the stalls usually means no diet, might take a bar instead though. I couldn't cope with another STS though, so may weigh in a day earlier.

Day 54, 25/11/2012 hope fully less than a stone to target. Might move target though. 3 weeks until JUDDD
Day 57. 28/11/12

Guinea pig died today :( Had my first sns wafer and 6lbs away from goal!
Awww sorry to hear about your guinea pig :(. Hope you're ok xxx hugs

SnS wise you're doing good, enjoy the wafer?

Thanks. Wafer was lovely :)
Poor piggy.

Great you are so close to target
Day 61 - 2/12/2012

All Christmas shopping is done! Messed up diet wise a bit this week - pizza one night, steak pie and onion rings another! So I deserve a stay the same this week. Just found this pic on the internet, shows that we should be grateful for all losses!
Oh hunny I really feel for you! I went through a faze like that over the summer, it was a confidence thing for me. Although I was getting the attention I didn't want it because I didn't feel good about myself. Why don't you try getting pampered? Get a tan, your nails and hair done and buy some sexy underwear and surprise your boyfriend? Just a suggestion xxx

Thanks hun, did as suggested and I am feeling much better, think the extra weight loss has helped my confidence loads. Treated my self to some new undies from primark, cheap but nice!

Day 63 :) Nearly there. Lost another 2lbs this week. Really didn't deserve it. OH got a chinese tonight, I have had a little but not stuffed myself. Got mel out tomorrow, Friday and Saturday! Expecting a gain next week, but will then have a week and a half on plan before a week off for wedding and Christmas. Will be back on plan on 2nd Jan to lose the remainder (and any gain!)
Thanks hun, did as suggested and I am feeling much better, think the extra weight loss has helped my confidence loads. Treated my self to some new undies from primark, cheap but nice!

Day 63 :) Nearly there. Lost another 2lbs this week. Really didn't deserve it. OH got a chinese tonight, I have had a little but not stuffed myself. Got mel out tomorrow, Friday and Saturday! Expecting a gain next week, but will then have a week and a half on plan before a week off for wedding and Christmas. Will be back on plan on 2nd Jan to lose the remainder (and any gain!)

Brilliant! Glad you're feeling better now and you've got yourself some nice new knickers haha.

Ive not been doing great, not been on plan at all but managed to lose 2lbs. After the Xmas markets twice in one week I very much doubt that's gonna stay gone for long. Never mind, I'm focused on having a good time this week with my American friend over, then when she's gone it's back on plan for body beautiful in time for when she returns the Gabor and I go visit her in LA. I WILL be a size 8 for summer haha.

Day 69 - 10/12/2012. Had a great weekend. Been totally off plan but haven't eaten just for the sake of it. I am off plan all this week though, we have so much food left over from the weekend, it's not that I can't resist it, but we actually can't afford to waste it. I have put as much as possible in the freezer but now that is full. As soon as the carbs are used up I'm going to low carb it- I have a shake for breakfast then nothing until dinner, so I'm not eating load any way.
Day 72, 13/12/12 Been off plan this week, but have sts at weigh on on wed, so I'm pleased, hopefully can stay that way until the new year. Did an order yesterday, enough shakes and bars to last me a month after xmas to get any remaining weight off and do a slow refeed/ JUDDD down days.

I have been amazed at how little food I seem to need/ want/ be eating. Even though I have been off plan and given myself permission to eat 'normally' I seem to be waiting until I'm really hungry before even looking into the kitchen! Having said that, I had a mcdonalds yesterday! Not had one in ages, and really enjoyed it, which is unusual. Anyhoo, night out tomorrow so much make sure I carb up, I think I'm still in ketosis :)
Day 76: 17/12/2012

I have been on a refeed this week, and weighed in this morning at 10st 2- official weigh in tomorrow, an I have tried (not too successfully) to be back on plan, got a wedding at the weekend and want to be able to wear a nice dress. Must say I am still happy with the weight I have lost, on Friday night I went out with some people from my masters, we had never been out before, I wore denim shorts with tights and heels and a blouse and I looked HOT! No to big myself up, I got lots of compliments which I loved. I'm not reliant on external confirmations of my attractiveness, far more concerned with how I feel, but I had noticed the lack of compliments, which I feel was a due to a combination of age (I am starting to look like I'm in my mid-late 20s, where as I have always looked young) and weight gain, it didn't feel good. So Friday was a real boost. I have never worn shorts before except on holiday!
I'm stuffed!

I have eaten sooo much this last week, as of Christmas eve I weighed 10st 5lbs :( not surprising though, and it is mainly water and glucose, I can still fit into my jeans :). I will weigh again on the 2nd and see how much damage has been done. At least I have ended the year less than I started it at for once!