Jonsgirl's Atkins daily blah blah

I thought I had some but they are 2 years out of date!! I need to sort my kitchen out Badly x so they are going on my shopping list x
Hi all, hope you are all good today?

Not doing much today - just sorting out my stuff before i go back to work tomorrow :-(

also done a bit more decorating.

Exciting stuff eh??

Attempting to be cleanish and greenish today.

b: black coffee with one sweetener.
l: two bratwurst and two fried eggs with mayo.
d: homemade curried burgers, oopsie bread, stuffed mushroom or maybe some asparagus wrapped in bacon. Sf jelly and cream.

have a great day ladies x
Boo to back to work!! X mind I am looking forward to re starting work now, wish it could be sooner x your menu looks yummy x sausage and eggs what's not to like x
Yeah I bet you are meg. Don't get me wrong i absolutely love my job but its still hard to go back after a week off - always so much to catch up on. Still at least I don't have to go far - my office is in the spare room!
Wow not a long commute then!! What do you do??
Would love to work from home!! But the patients would not like x
Lol it is nice working from home - especially with the little one - i can be a lot more flexible.

My job is not that easy to describe as it covers so many different areas but in simple terms I'm an advisor, I give advice and support to people who have been diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. 50% home based and 50% working with clients in their own homes.

I've not been doing it long but I really enjoy it.

Am I right in presuming since you mention patients that you are a nurse meg?
Hi all,

Well not much to report today not done much - just working. Also been trying to sort out the boy's school stuff for going back tomorrow which resulted in a last minute trip to asda as he's grown so much over the summer - why didn't I think to check that last week????

not eaten enough today - skipped lunch :-( just lost track of time.

so today's menu is:

b: black coffee with one sweetner.
l: big fat nowt.
d: roast chicken, broccoli cheese, sf jelly with cream.

Also found out from the IVF clinic that our treatment is going to be delayed slightly. Not sure whether to be annoyed at the longer wait or happy that it gives me longer to lose weight. Apparently hubby has now got to have some genetic tests to make sure he's not going to pass on any defects to our children. The results take 6 weeks to come through and then if all is well we'll go on the waiting list for ICSI/IVF which should be about two months - then we can go straight ahead provided I've lost enough weight.

So we should be making a start by Christmas which seems ages away.

Hope you've all had a good day x
Hi all,

Well not much to report today not done much - just working. Also been trying to sort out the boy's school stuff for going back tomorrow which resulted in a last minute trip to asda as he's grown so much over the summer - why didn't I think to check that last week????

not eaten enough today - skipped lunch :-( just lost track of time.

so today's menu is:

b: black coffee with one sweetner.
l: big fat nowt.
d: roast chicken, broccoli cheese, sf jelly with cream.

Also found out from the IVF clinic that our treatment is going to be delayed slightly. Not sure whether to be annoyed at the longer wait or happy that it gives me longer to lose weight. Apparently hubby has now got to have some genetic tests to make sure he's not going to pass on any defects to our children. The results take 6 weeks to come through and then if all is well we'll go on the waiting list for ICSI/IVF which should be about two months - then we can go straight ahead provided I've lost enough weight.

So we should be making a start by Christmas which seems ages away.

Hope you've all had a good day x

Ggggrrrrrr to kids and growing! Iv got to go to the tailors to buy a new blazer, track-suit and jumper for the boy, second mortgage time :-(

Don't be upset about the slight delay, as you said it gives you a little more time to lose :) only 16 weeks till Christmas remember. In the meantime, try and eat more! x
I know teeney.

Blimey that must cost you a fortune - I used to need all the blazer etc when I was at school. I remember it being extortionate for my mum then and that's 20 years ago!! Luckily I can get most of Jacob's from asda apart from the jumper and shirts as they're embroidered but it still mounts up.

mine has grown 3 inches since July. He's mostly in age 7-8 clothes even though he's only 5! No idea where he gets his height from as I'm only 5 foot and his dad isn't tall either lol.

added to that he's a beggar for wearing out the knees of his trousers and the soles of his shoes - god knows what he does but last year he must have gone through 10 pairs of school trousers and at least 8 pairs of school shoes - it never ends!

That said I will be glad when he goes back - I love him to bits but he's bored now and tempers are beginning to fray!

I will try to eat more tomorrow and not get too distracted by work. Looking for a good loss on Saturday :) x
Hope his first day back was ok!! I still get a little lump in my throat and my baby is 15 and 6ft3!!! Mine used to go through shoes like you would not believe!! I tried cheap one (they just fell of his feet faster) dear ones still ruined! I think it's s the running around in the yard and football!! At 15 he still goes through shoes!!!
Awwww thanks meg, he was fine but he's scuffed his new shoes already - grrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!
Hi all, hope you're all well today?

it's been lovely weather here today but I've been out working, visiting clients so not really able to enjoy it - roll on the weekend when it will probably be grey and miserable and raining lol.

decided to finish a bit early today and walk down to school to pick the boy up instead of driving. It's only about a quarter of a mile each way but every little helps eh? Took him to the park for an hours run around.

I have noticed that I have so much more energy at the moment - all the little things like running up the stairs and playing chase with the boy used to be impossible as I'd get too breathless but now I feel I can do it with ease it makes me happy but it also makes me angry with myself as I've not been able to do all this stuff for so long due to being overweight. I feel like I've been quite a bad mummy as every time he asked me to play or run I'd make some rubbish excuse to avoid it and he deserves so much better from me- how the hell did I ever let myself get to that stage!

Sorry self pitying rant over!

Anyway, the only down side of walking to school is I have to pass the chip shop - twice! And it smelled sooooooo good. I was tempted but I resisted, even so I've decided to try making my own Atkins friendly fish and chips. Fish cakes made with fish and prawns. I'm going to use cauliflour mash as a substitute for potato and use an egg to bind it - then fry it in coconut oil and serve with celeriac chips and loads of vinegar. I have no idea if it will work but it's worth a try.

so my menu for today is:

b: black coffee with one sweetner.
l: 2 bratwurst and 2 eggs.
d: fish cakes and chips (maybe) lol

another shred done and I will do some skipping later so if you all hear a distant booming sound in the next hour or so don't worry - it's not thunder it's me! Lol

hope you've all had a good day ladies xx
Hi there. Good to find your diary and sounds like you have it cracked:). I know the feeling - cant believe that i was still calling it baby weight when she turned 7....!

At some point the tastebuds actually change and eating out becomes even easier:)
I know Susie, I'm really surprised I managed to resist because of the lovely smell. Usually if something smells good I HAVE to have it.

Little one had some Jaffa cakes on a plate earlier and I love them (used to eat a whole packet at a time - just dunking them in a cuppa one after the other and shovelling them in - god I can't believe how much that thought disgusts me now) they smelt lovely and I spent a good five minutes sniffing them - well practically inhaling them actually lol but actually after that I didn't want them any more -odd!

maybe that's the secret - instead of eating bad stuff I'll just smell it instead lol
Hi all,

well another busy day as I've been out all day on visits - hard to get a decent meal when you're out and about so I just ended up with some ham. Probably not eaten enough today.

i made fish cakes and chips last night for my tea and it was amazing! Used cauli mash instead of potato and made celeriac chips - yummy!

my menu today is:

b: black coffee with one sweetner.
l: some ham.
d: roast chicken and leftover celeriac chips.

hubby brought home another recipe from slimming world - chicken breast cooked in coke zero apparently it comes out like BBQ sauce. Might be trying that this weekend I think!

Hope you've had a good day ladies x
I have tasted that diet coke chicken and it was lovely, well worth making. X does the celeriac taste like celery!!! Not a lover of the stuff so unsure if I should try x
Big well done for walking past chippy! Like meg said, they always SMELL better than what they taste!

As for 'smelling' jaffa cakes, I used to do the same! I remember one Christmas I was working in a bank and doing Atkins and our customers would bring in tin after tin of roses, quality street, etc. and I used to just sniff it and get my fix that way.

Also, would love to have your recipe for celeriac chips please!
No meg it doesn't taste anything like celery thank goodness!

celery = bleurghhhhh!

its a hard taste to describe but I think it's yummy.

recipe for celeriac chips for you Toni - now I hope you are paying attention because it's quite hard to follow but here goes:

1. Cut celeriac into chip shapes.
2. Fry.

TAH -DAHHHHHH! Lol :D sorry couldn't resist that - feeling mischievous tonight!

sometimes I toss them in a bit of oil and rub paprika on them before frying as I think it gives a better flavour but it's really not necessary.

sometimes I roast it in the oven like roast potatoes - nom nom nom x