Katy's Diary

I LOVE Christmas dinner! I'll keep going til 22nd I think and then restart in Jan.

I still haven't budged on the scales... I think it's taking me a few days to balance out from my falls from grace over the past week. Making me realise how much I need to stick to it! I don't think I'll get 7lbs down for Friday though which was what I was hoping for. *sigh*.

I've got double rehearsals this week for choir. I had one last night which was amazing, although towards the end I was most defo flagging. I have another tonight too - I WILL learn these songs! It's a weird feeling not being able to concentrate very much when things normally come to me quite quickly! How am I going to get through a day of work again?!
yum yum :) I've got a swede in the fridge so I'm going to be all over that later. LOVE swede. Love it most with lots of butter though :( and pepper. And a full roast hehe!!

Can I please fast forward time to Xmas day and my Xmas dinner?!! I'm going to do soo many veg. It's only us 4 for dinner this year, and I'll be pretty much the only one eating all the veg, but I love it sooo much and it'll be my present to myself!! Had parmesan parsnips (Delia) at MILs the other week and they were SO AMAZE I HAVE TO HAVE THEM AGAIN! No-one will eat them apart from me, but that's alright cos I won't have to share!!!

Goose fat....:drool:

Sorry. Food porn. Us fatties are so silly :D:D:D:D

Why don't you do your swede like parsnips? You got me thinking, and I've just cut some up, fry light and a little seasoning with some illegal parmesan. They're in the oven now. I'm over-excited.
Swede wedges & roasted garlic!


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katycan said:
Swede wedges & roasted garlic!

Ooooh my tummy actually rumbled at that pic!

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Dead easy. I chopped up the swede into wedges- didn't even peel. Threw on to baking tray with some squirts of fry-light, about half a teaspoon of Jamaican Jerk seasoning (don't know if we're allowed but it's amazing), and about a teaspoon of parmesan (not allowed, but it's hardly a bar of dairy milk, right?!). With the garlic, I chopped the whole bulb in half and sprayed on fry light. It goes all sweet and caramelised in the oven.

Whack in oven for 30 minutes. Result!
Ok, a warning people! I have been flatulence queen since yesterday. I can only blame the swede. My goodness!!! They're delicious but really need a health warning.

Now you know! ?
Nutella's not allowed, eh?

Morning girls, I've weighed in, as it's my official day. The scales are still on 16.12, but they've fluctuated up over the past week due to my going off piste with the plan, so although there's no change, I feel it's taken a few days for weight to stabilise again. So, not overly disappointed - just a warning to stay on plan!

I do feel like the fat around my belly is more jiggly - do any of you feel that?

Good luck for today, y'all!
On a slightly more cheery note... 6 inches loss!
katycan said:
On a slightly more cheery note... 6 inches loss!

Hurrah! Well done ;)

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Thanks! I've not been too well yesterday and today. I pushed myself way too hard at physio yest and I nearly fainted on treadmill. Poor physio had to drag me off as leg wouldn't move over! Spent the rest of the day in bed and wonder if t was a combo of pushing too hard and a bit of a bug... I'm not a fainty kind of person! I only had a couple of packs yest but don't think I could handle anymore and was in bed anyway!

I'm better today, although knackered. I had quite an intense vicar-prep meeting & am going out for a meal for a birthday tonight. ? I don't want to be anti social so I said yes to it. Indian... Hmmm.

On another note, a friend I saw today said I looked younger and that I've lost weight... She knows I've struggled in past but doesn't know about the packs. Motivation though!

Final thought: woop! I could aim to be one of the first woman bishops now the Arch Bish of C has been named and in favour!
katycan said:
Thanks! I've not been too well yesterday and today. I pushed myself way too hard at physio yest and I nearly fainted on treadmill. Poor physio had to drag me off as leg wouldn't move over! Spent the rest of the day in bed and wonder if t was a combo of pushing too hard and a bit of a bug... I'm not a fainty kind of person! I only had a couple of packs yest but don't think I could handle anymore and was in bed anyway!

I'm better today, although knackered. I had quite an intense vicar-prep meeting & am going out for a meal for a birthday tonight. ? I don't want to be anti social so I said yes to it. Indian... Hmmm.

On another note, a friend I saw today said I looked younger and that I've lost weight... She knows I've struggled in past but doesn't know about the packs. Motivation though!

Final thought: woop! I could aim to be one of the first woman bishops now the Arch Bish of C has been named and in favour!

Hey that's great that you got those positive comments so motivating :)

Bishopville here u come! Aim for the stars :)

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katycan said:
Thanks! I've not been too well yesterday and today. I pushed myself way too hard at physio yest and I nearly fainted on treadmill. Poor physio had to drag me off as leg wouldn't move over! Spent the rest of the day in bed and wonder if t was a combo of pushing too hard and a bit of a bug... I'm not a fainty kind of person! I only had a couple of packs yest but don't think I could handle anymore and was in bed anyway!

I'm better today, although knackered. I had quite an intense vicar-prep meeting & am going out for a meal for a birthday tonight. ? I don't want to be anti social so I said yes to it. Indian... Hmmm.

On another note, a friend I saw today said I looked younger and that I've lost weight... She knows I've struggled in past but doesn't know about the packs. Motivation though!

Final thought: woop! I could aim to be one of the first woman bishops now the Arch Bish of C has been named and in favour!

Glad you're feeling better today and yay to looking younger!!

It would be so cool if you were one of the first women bishops you'd rock those robes :D
Hahahahaha! Thanks, girls! I'm not even selected for training yet, but hey! That's not something to stop me!

I asked my niece tonight on the phone if I should be a vicar and she said I'd be able to wear one of those black dress things and she thinks I'd look good in it. Hilarious! She's a card!

Birthday party Indian meal was good company, but really disappointed with food. I ordered tandoori and we were sharing carbs so I thought I'd get away with that. What I ordered was a gloopy sauce thing, where I was expecting a dry chicken piece, you know? I ate it, but really didn't enjoy and now feel really weeweed off because it really wasn't worth breaking diet for. Another lesson to be learned. Bah.

I realised I became old tonight... my housemate went out WITHOUT A COAT. I am concerned for her welfare. I even considered sending her a text - hahahahaha! She's a bit younger though, so she can probably handle a beer-jacket on a Friday night! I'm way past that. I like to stay COSY!
If you're instagram fans, my mate has lost 7st8lbs and gone from a size 20/22 to a size 10 on LL. Saw her photos today which are amazing! _mummymanda_ if you want to have a little inspiration tonight!