liquoricet's diary of a penguin runner

Lol! Could be worse I'm sure. Alright, am off work Tuesdays. I've gone to a toddler group and drank tea, tidied and hoovered. Tbh I'm knackered.

Trying to decide whether to have my small glass of wine tonight or tomorrow after work. (It might go off, it's been open since Thursday, a record for me!)
Thanks, I've now had 1/2 rogan Josh curry and a large glass of wine. Still done alright (at 15 syns) and now I need to step away from more wine as I wi tomorrow.

Waah, it's hard, I'm tired and want to soothe myself, it's too early for actual bed. I'm drinking squash and may get into bed and read my book. That would be sensible...
On my way to my auntie's house in Glasgow. I've a feeling I won't be on plan till Monday. Oh well, I'll just make the best choices I can.

How're you doing?
We have to learn to enjoy ourselves on the way otherwise we'll be miserable. A little bit of what you fancy does you good, I've recently learnt this too.

Hope you have a good time.

I'm good, first day back in work today after 9 off so not really lookin forward to that. Not off til nxt fri either, booo xx
I'm currently sat on the ferry at Newcastle waiting to sail to Amsterdam, it's going to be rough! Don't think I'll be sticking to plan either lol
Have a fab weekend x
I've been having a brilliant weekend and on plan(ish) bar quite a lot of wine! I caught up with cousins I haven't seen for years and fit into a size 16 top and 18 bottoms so rather pleased with myself! Enjoy Amsterdam!Xx
Glad to hear you're having a good weekend. Well done with the clothes :)
We've just got home. Drank far too much on Friday, felt poorly on Saturday but worse of all didn't actually see Amsterdam. The boat was so late by the time we docked there was going to be less that 2 hrs ashore & a 2 hr bus journey so we ended up staying aboard. Still back now & going back on plan but don't think there'll be a loss this week, I'll be happy with STS x
What a pity Zappacat. I hope you enjoyed the ride!

I'm convinced I'll have put on half a stone this weekend but it really was fun so a sets sounds good too. So now I have to decide what to eat for tea. I'm home alone and know I don't want wine tonight. (Bit of detoxing needed!)

I'm considering an omelette with cheese and vegetables...
After Friday I still don't feel like a drink (totally not like me! lol)
Ooh I do love a nice omelette :D
Back on the bus! Just been for a 6k run and it was ok. I'm so pleased I can still go further than 5k!

I had the remains of my chow mein with a jacket potato for lunch. It was tasty. I think id better go and buy some super free food!!
Wow that's great, doubt I could run 100 meters! I'm trying to take a proper walk everyday, when I'm at work about 1.5 miles & at weekends 2.5 miles.
I think you're doing amazing that you can run so far, that'll sort out the chow mein x