Phoenyx does Dukan


Step away from the cake..
Hi! First day on Dukan and against all odds, a success!

I started Dukan today with some reluctance, it has to be said. I had myself all geared up to do Atkins, but one of my friends was starting Dukan today and was desperate for the support. I had previously made a comment about all diets working if you stick to them, so I had to put my money where my mouth is.

My commitment to this is a week minimum - I agreed with her that if, after a week, I hated the diet or wasn't losing weight, I could abandon ship. Of course, I'd love it if I was so happy with it I chose to stay, but jury will be out on that one until after attack. I love my veg, and am sad without it :(.

That said, I went on the Dukan site and I've only got three days in attack. Given that I've just completed day 1, that's only 2 days to go. I can manage that, then have veg :)

so day 1:

b: ham omelette (2 eggs, one white)
L: roast chicken leg & breast (no skin), small skinny latte
s: vanilla muller light, americano with skimmed milk
diet coke (in mcdonalds - took DD & friend but resisted temptation)
d: smoked mackerel fillets mixed with ff cottage cheese, a dash of lemon juice and black pepper.
Galette made with egg white and 1tbsp Greek yoghurt

w: 1.5 liters plus other drinks
e: some walking but no other exercise today - will try harder tomorrow to exercise first thing

i think I had too much dairy today - I know the limit is 1 litre and I think I will have come close to that today, so will cut back tomorrow. otherwise I'm pleased. I don't like drinking diet soft drinks, but better for me than a mcdonalds, I'm sure!
Here's my plan from Dr. Dukan.

He says I should be able to lose a stone before Christmas. That'd be amazing!


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Got on scales this morning - 2 lbs down, YAY! Not official weigh in but still pleased :)

Plan for today:
Am out most of today so I'm going to have to be prepared.

Exercise (pre breakfast) t25 cardio DVD

breakfast - 4 x egg white & king prawn omelette, coffee (saving my egg yolks for boiled eggs to snack on later)
snack (with kids at cinema) large skinny latte
Lunch - 2 boiled eggs, muller light toffee yoghurt, if still hungry, chicken pieces
snack (if needed) chicken pieces
tea: chunky fish broth, galette
I think I'm going to do this for tea, but replace the chicken with fish.

1l hot chicken stock( I used a beef stock pot)
1 tbsp Thai red curry paste( must be oil and sugar free)
1 tbsp Thai fish sauce
2 tsp Sweetner
zest and juice 2 lemons ( I used 1)
bunch spring onions , sliced, whites and greens seperated
200g leftover chicken , shredded
( on cruise I'm going to add loads of mushrooms and more veg)
Fresh chillis
Fresh or dried coriander

Tip the stock into a saucepan, then stir in the curry paste, fish sauce, sugar, lime juice and most of the zest. Bring to the boil, then add the whites of the spring onion. Cover, then simmer for 2 mins. Stir in the chicken and most of the spring onion greens to gently heat through, then serve ladled into bowls and scattered with the remaining zest. Serve with extra lime juice, sweetener and fish sauce on the side so everyone can adjust their own bowlfuls.
I have little voices in my head saying "give up, give up give up". It's been a rubbish sort of day, in and out of places where there's yummy foods, and coffee shops with cake. I've had three skinny lattes today - I'm sure that can't be allowed... But I haven't had any other dairy so I reckon I'm still (just) within the 1 litre limit, but skimmed milk is higher in carbs than yoghurt. My brain is also telling me that I can't run well on a low carb diet (I wasn't doing much running anyway or I wouldn't have put on the weight, but I do want to get back into it).

i keep thinking stick to it for a week, just one week. So I'm still here, hanging on by a thread.


b - egg white omelette and king prawns
s - skinny latte and 2 packets of beef slices
l - skinny latte
s- skinny latte (no healthy food around, so much for being organised! At least I fed the forbidden muller light to my dd!)
dinner - 2 hard boiled eggs whilst cooking (when I finally got home). Steak with mushrooms & courgette (oops)
sf jelly
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Hang in there.

Why not have egg yolks with your omelette (much nicer) and treat yourself to some proper good and tasty food. One of the Dukanettes' favourites is a whole, roast chicken still warm from the oven (without the skin - boo hiss ;)) Eat, eat, eat. Drink your water and don't worry about the lattes.

If you get the Dukan 'flu, you might well get the Dukan 'high' too :D

P x
Aww, thanks! I had egg whites because I wanted my whole eggs for a snack later, and I read you can only have 2 whole eggs a day, but as many egg whites as you like.

so I fell off the wagon with a courgette and some mushrooms, how strange! I thought if I'd cheat it'd be with chocolate, not veg! Going to count this as a PV day and go back to PP tomorrow.

feeling much better now :)
Well, I gave it a go, but I'm sort of sad, but sort of happy to say I'm off! Dukan is a diet that clearly works for many people, and I'll be sticking to some of the principle - definitely low carb and upping my protein is the way forward - but I'm looking for a longer term low carb solution and this isn't it for me. If I don't succeed on my new journey I'll definitely give it another go. I lost 3lbs in 2 days (and I cheated yesterday!) which is not to be sniffed at.

I reckon I'm going to try a halfway house between dukan and Atkins - where I'm not adding fat to literally everything, but I'll have allowed veg. Or is that cruise? Hmmm...

anyway, the people here are lovely, warm, helpful and thank you. And I wish you speedy weight loss. I will continue to read about your journeys if you don't mind. Good luck!