Ramblings of a Bee on Exante

Ok my favourite breakfast now is a banana porridge. I do half a porridge pack with half a banana shake, mix up with cold water, then heat up and oh it's so good! The shake gets all thick and creamy when heated up and makes for a lovely texture and I find it more filling and satisfying that way. Can only recommend :)
What with sun rash and all, I ended up taking an antihistamine yesterday around lunch time....didn't check the pack so I didn't notice that it wasn't non-drowsy. Oh my word, I could have fallen asleep at my desk quite happily. Driving home was a tad scary, at least the weather was still dry so I had the windows open and music blaring and that kept me going.
Got home at 6pm, did a bit of tidying up, had my dinner and was in bed at 8pm. Slept until 3.30am this morning and just couldn't go back to sleep, so annoying coz I was sooo painfully exhausted. Now I'm all drowsy still and the weather has turned, all cold and rainy meeeh.
Not the happiest of bunnies right now.
BUT....it's weigh in tomorrow. And oooh I'm so hopeful. I am so so hoping that at least my gain from last week is balanced out again.
Ok, WI day is upon me....and I weighed in at 14.8 this morning. That means that my entire gain is gone plus an extra 0.5lb!! :D

That means I'm losing again, not just undoing damage but getting on with my overall weightloss. I'm so chuffed. Can't wait to update my statistics hehe. Hope you all have a good day :) x
That is fab bee amazing how that half a pound always makes us feel so much better. Am also hoping for any sort of loss next tue after 2 weeks sts.
We shall see but really well done u xxxxxx
Well done Bee xx
Well done bee!!

Glad to see your back on track!! Onwards and downwards =D
Well done Bee!!!!! Back on the route to being a skinny minnie!
Oh I bought some Atkins bars too yesterday in T esco as they are a third off. Here are the findings:

231 cals, 18g protein, 14.8 carbs/1.1 sugars, 11g fat/5.1 saturates so 2.8 net carbs. This is the highest one carb wise too (peanut) the choc ones are only 1.1g.
No Vit/Minerals though so not really comparable.
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yes, I have had the atkins bars before when I was on a traditional low carb diet. They are good as a fill up inbetween or when you need something sweet but they are not really suitable as meal replacements, not long term, they aren't made for that, hence the lack of nutrients.
the peanut crunch one is my favourite, the chocolate one I found too sweet. Although they make a great dessert, chopped up, melted in the microwave with a splash of cream :D
I have just read your last post and today I ended up having to get an Atkins bar. It was either that or a greggs sandwich. Had the cappuccino bar... It gave me a really bad pain in my chest...not sure if it was just a coincidence
Evening Bee. I've never tried Atkins bars although they sound nice! I think Shrimp might be best staying away from them!
Oh dear, Shrimp, that sounds scary!! They are very high in protein, maybe it was an overload for the system. And of course a lot of sweeteners etc. When I went through a phase on low carb where I just needed sweet things, I ate them quite a lot and I just didn't feel good having them quite regularly. They are at the end of the day a slab of something quite artificial made to look and taste like food.
Evening Bee you're doing fab well done. Wanted to subscribe :) xx
Oh thanks! Since I had my break from the diet a couple of weeks ago, I seem to have built a whole new mind set. I'm not even remotely tempted by the wrong foods but have found a way to make this work for me. Most days, I have something low carb to eat at dinner time, and you know I feel better and my losses are better actually than having the packs only. It's like being between TS and WS.
I'm working very hard on not letting it slip and having richer foods and more of them. So I make sure I only have low fat, low cal, low carb stuff in the house and when I need something I supplement my diet with it and am feeling great.
I took a sneak peek at the scales this morning, half way in between weigh ins and have lost another 2.5lbs so far. So this must be working for me then.
I tried a skirt on this morning which I bought dirt cheap on the sales in winter and have never worn coz the zip wouldn't even remotely meet anywhere in the middle :rolleyes: Tried it on today and it fits!! Still a tad snug but another week or two and it'll be perfect. I'm on a roll! :D:D
Well done bee! Your doing fab - love the feeling when you can get into something that didn't fit before - best feeling ever and great to keep you motivated!!!
yes, I have had the atkins bars before when I was on a traditional low carb diet. They are good as a fill up inbetween or when you need something sweet but they are not really suitable as meal replacements, not long term, they aren't made for that, hence the lack of nutrients.
the peanut crunch one is my favourite, the chocolate one I found too sweet. Although they make a great dessert, chopped up, melted in the microwave with a splash of cream :D

Didn't even think they weren't suitable as meal replacements doh!! But will have to try a melted one with cream!
Hi Bee. The way you are shrinking that skirt will be too big before you know it!
Oh well done Bee!! Big loss already, found a plan that suits you, skirt slips on, what a great day for you :D Very well deserved to really pleased for you hun xx