ProPoints SIMPLY FILLING DIARY ... So close to goal ......

Mexico sounds like it's gonna be worth the gain hon :) Dunno how you do low carb - I always have great intentions but can never stick to it hehe.
Oh I'm going to Florence at the start of December for the weekend - a lil mini break with my sister. Can't wait. It'll be carbtastic with all the pasta and pizza ;) xx
Hey Claire, I did the 30 day shred. I loved it. Must get back into it again, would love to do more than 2 man push-ups lol. Wish I was going to Mexico with you, could do with a good holiday. Might be a bit strange on your honeymoon though to have some crazy Irish girl with you floating around in the pool with cava in 1 hand and a burger in the other lol.

Glad you are back :)
Hi everyone, i thort id pop back on here to say hi, feeling a lil more sociable now ... wont be on here much but ive reactivated my fb so anyone who wants to can keep in touch! hope everyone is ok, im dying a slow death ... not had any time off from work since my wedding which was nearly 15 weeks ago!!! eekkkkkkk. roll on 20 days - honeymoon time xxxxx

Hi honey.. how are you? Somehow managed to unsub from your thread so only seeing now that you're back.. Must have been when I was clickin in on my iPod..
Not long now til your honeymoon.. Bet you're dying for the break.. Have just booked 2 weeks off work starting November 26th.. cannot wait! My first break from work since Christmas hols last year.. Have had a couple of extended long weekends n a day here n there but my first real break ALL YEAR!!! Hoping to close the sale on our house next week so the 2 weeks will be spent moving and sorting the house.. Hopefully it all goes to plan and i'm not left sitting in my Ma's twiddling my thumbs!! ha
Hi everyone !! Jeeeesus! works been a nightmare this week!!!! left at 10pm last night :eek: !! so not been able to come on here ....... tomorrows my last day shift before my hol .. then ive a set of nights next week :wave_cry: ... then 27th nov ile be on that plane and sunbathing by tea time :D ..
Frances, i hope u enjoy your well deserved break ....
Tracy, i had to take a day off sick monday, ive been overdoing it on the overtime so my diabetes was terrible!! hope your ok
Mrs gosling .. ile deffo add some piccies for you
Laura, come along, the more the merrier
Sarah, wow i hope you have an ACE time!! you deffo deserve !!!

also, more good news, we have a loooooovely house to move into after the honeymoon ........ its a 3 bed semi with drive and maaaassive back garden eeekkkkkkk xx
*Claire-Bear* said:
Hi everyone !! Jeeeesus! works been a nightmare this week!!!! left at 10pm last night :eek: !! so not been able to come on here ....... tomorrows my last day shift before my hol .. then ive a set of nights next week :wave_cry: ... then 27th nov ile be on that plane and sunbathing by tea time :D ..
Frances, i hope u enjoy your well deserved break ....
Tracy, i had to take a day off sick monday, ive been overdoing it on the overtime so my diabetes was terrible!! hope your ok
Mrs gosling .. ile deffo add some piccies for you
Laura, come along, the more the merrier ;)
Sarah, wow i hope you have an ACE time!! you deffo deserve !!!

also, more good news, we have a loooooovely house to move into after the honeymoon ........ its a 3 bed semi with drive and maaaassive back garden eeekkkkkkk xx

Aww delighted hunnie that'll b great.
Claire, we are always telling you about over doing things. I hope it's more under control now.

House news is fab I'm dead pleased for you, I bet your looking forward to the sunshine. I'm proper jealous:)
Wow fab news about the house hon - very exciting!! So you get a fab holiday and a new home all at once :) Wish you could take it a bit easier with work, you must be wrecked. You'll defo need that holiday! Look after yourself hon xx
I'm assuming that you know your pump cannot go through the scanners. I think Medtronic can lend you a spare pump while you are on hols. Not sure if that is only for kids though.
Yay, I can't wait till we all go on honeymoon hehe. Glad you are nearly finished at work. And so so exciting about the new house. You'll love having a garden for the cats. Take it easy on nights next week! Hated nights!
I'm assuming that you know your pump cannot go through the scanners. I think Medtronic can lend you a spare pump while you are on hols. Not sure if that is only for kids though.

hey, yeh i got a letter thru a while back ,,, its the body scanners isnt it? or is it the bag scanners too? im guna take lots of injection pens too incase i cant cope on the pump with the weather or carryin it around in my bikini ;) iv got an animas ............. xx


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thanks everyone ..

Tracy EVERYONE tells me im over doing it ... i never listen, im yer average nurse .. we tell ppl how to keep well yet dont take our own advice hahaaaa x
*Claire-Bear* said:
thanks everyone ..

Tracy EVERYONE tells me im over doing it ... i never listen, im yer average nurse .. we tell ppl how to keep well yet dont take our own advice hahaaaa x

I can vouch for that
Waow that pump is really neat, you wouldn't really even notice it. Take it easy. I know exactly what its like to run yourself into the ground trying to care for everyone. Thats why nurses have the highest rate of burnout.
I think that it is both. Just give them the pump on the safe side. My nipper had the same infusion set but I find it too long and he pulls it out alot. I find they don't stick very well either. We were told that he can kept his pump off for an hour at the most and then has to check his bloods. If all fine he can keep it off or give correction then take it off.
I think that it is both. Just give them the pump on the safe side. My nipper had the same infusion set but I find it too long and he pulls it out alot. I find they don't stick very well either. We were told that he can kept his pump off for an hour at the most and then has to check his bloods. If all fine he can keep it off or give correction then take it off.

Yeh mine is terrible for keeping put, once ive had a little sweat on .. it starts to come off. i leave my pump off for netball and the gym .. i bet his sugars are perfect compared to mine :eek: hehe xx