Tano's slimming world diary

Morning! Wasn't about much yesterday, no time! Same again tonight, going to look at a school about a possible new job... Exciting!!!
Anyway- food last night was lovely, we had a SW fry up (dry up) with SW chips. Felt soooo naughty! But nice :)
Food today:
Jam in HEXB toast

Mackerel n salad (3.0) for coleslaw
Muller greek (0.5)

Dinner: will be late and quick one again so in thinking chilli n rice :)
Oooo exciting hope it goes well x

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Morning! Wasn't about much yesterday, no time! Same again tonight, going to look at a school about a possible new job... Exciting!!! Anyway- food last night was lovely, we had a SW fry up (dry up) with SW chips. Felt soooo naughty! But nice :) Food today: Jam in HEXB toast Banana Mackerel n salad (3.0) for coleslaw Muller greek (0.5) Apple Dinner: will be late and quick one again so in thinking chilli n rice :)

I'm glad it's this Tuesday and not next week ;-) hope you like it ;-) x
Morning, not been on much as I've been mega busy and found it hard this week as my whole downstairs has been re plastered! Had to eat out one night; there's no excuses really so I won't make any but not been totally on plan. Saw physio again yesterday and I can ease back into the gym. So excited!!! X
Morning, not been on much as I've been mega busy and found it hard this week as my whole downstairs has been re plastered! Had to eat out one night; there's no excuses really so I won't make any but not been totally on plan. Saw physio again yesterday and I can ease back into the gym. So excited!!! X

Morning lovely....

Yay to being back at the gym, I know you miss it.... How is your back now? Go steady once you go back.

RE being off of plan, you might be pleasantly surprised tomorrow at weigh in x
Morning lovely.... Yay to being back at the gym, I know you miss it.... How is your back now? Go steady once you go back. RE being off of plan, you might be pleasantly surprised tomorrow at weigh in x
Awww Hun well I was an angel last week and look at that **** reward hahaha!!! :( anyway, what will be will be! Hey ho... It's only food and it's only a number on the scales; I've got bigger things to worry about right now, as have you my lovely! Back got looked at again last night, I must really ease back in but I'm so excited :) xxx
Today... Not on plan!
Porridge, banana

Graze Japanese snack box
Tuna jacket with 1tbsp coleslaw
Muller greek light

Lasagne n salad

And I'm going to have some vanilla ice cream in a bit x
1.5 off.... Back in the 9's :D xxx

Oh yeah baby!!!! Back where you belong :D

Just goes to prove that you can be an absolute angel and you're still not always rewarded in the scales. Then you ease of a bit and look what happens!! x
Had a great day yesterday. Started off with losing 1.5 YAY!!! Was out last night for my leader's birthday, went I to London so I had an off plan day.
Banana/apple/hovis breakfast biscuits

Starbucks light strawberry frappuccino

Ciabatta bread (oil n balsamic)
Mixed beans
Halloumi an some onion rings (pub lunch)

3 Prosecco, 1 cocktail, 2 vodka lime n soda
King prawn starter
Chicken kebabs with skinny fries

Food today:
HEXB porridge, muller, banana
HEXA milk

99 cornet: 9 syns (no flake)
Chicken and BBQ sauce (2 syns)

Dinner: roast chicken, coleslaw, salad, SW chips (3 syns)

14 syns... Bloody good for a post-drinking day x
Just forward planning tomorrow:
HEXB porridge, greek yog, fruit n banana
Hex milk

Mackerel n salad (3 syns) coleslaw

Salmon (2 syns garlic butter)
Baby potatoes (2 syns butter)

7 syns :)
Just forward planning tomorrow: HEXB porridge, greek yog, fruit n banana Hex milk Mackerel n salad (3 syns) coleslaw Fruit Muller Salmon (2 syns garlic butter) Baby potatoes (2 syns butter) Babycorn Peas 7 syns :)
im having mackerel tomo to