Time to end my journey!

Red today as I want loads of chicken for tea x done my marinade, going to make coleslaw later and serve with stir fried veggies xx yum xx
Feel weekend went ok.
Maxed out all my syns on chocolate though :rolleyes: x

Doing EE for a couple of days now then back to red i think x

i'm kind of hoping my weight loss slows down a little. otherwise i'm at risk of losing then gaining then losing then gaining.
After losing 4 then 3, gaining 1.5 then losing 3.5 i think i would rather lose a steady 1.5 to 2 a week. I'm scared another gain might be disheartening :(

Still, cant compain after losing 9lbs in 3 weeks i suppose :D:D
Maxed out all my syns yesterday on chocolate AGAIN :mad:
Was nice though :rolleyes:
Ate about 3 muller lights yesterday too.. i know they're free but there must be a limit lol x

Doing green today, so started with 2 weetabix. Having pasta in a tomato (passata) based sauce with onions, peppers and chillis :D

I've started walking to/from work again; also walked the dog last night (quickly).

Need to remember to use my pedometer app to count my steps as i keep forgetting!!

Going to jib to Asda on the way home later and get some salad, spinach and stir fry veggie mix. Think Tuna Steak with Stir Fry veg and spinach, maybe even some noodles... Mmm :D:D
how did you get on?

Stayed the same; couldn't have hoped for better really so was fine with it.

Was doing well this week until last night when i ate 2 tubs of chocolate philly; about 10 mikados; 6 slices of white toast thick with marg; a bit of cheese and a choc ice!!!!

I will still go to group though, and face the musice, and then hopefully get my mojo back ;)
Ha me too, just said the same on your diary lol xx so... I lost 2lbs last Thursday which was a pleasant surprise!!

Have had a pretty good weekend and have (for the past couple of weeks) been having loads of green days!!! I never thought green would suit me but it really does x
Had smash pizza and chips for tea today :) followed by a supper of a chip and egg butty (sw chips, egg fried in fry light and bread was heB)

I've started to split my heB by having 1 weetabix for breakfast through the week meaning I can have something sweet and stodgy (kinda) in the evening without overdosing on syns by just having my second weetabix !!x

Lunches are mainly a jacket spud with beans, a pitiful mug shot or pasta in a tomato and veg sauce when I'm not being lazy x

Most nights I use my heB for my meat/fish fix and have been loving stir fry veg and free noodles covered in soy sauce with my heB choice x some days I will have a smash pizza with just veg so I can use my other heB on yummy cereal bars or bread :)

Fridays are usually EE though as its usually homemade curry day and it would be so rude to have curry with either no meat or no rice lol!x

Fed the other half smash pizza with caribbean spiced chicken tonight and he thought it was great! Not that it was as good as a real pizza BUT that it was such a great alternative and was still nice to eat :)

With regards to my "journey" I am pleased with my weight loss to date. I don't really want it to come off too quickly now as I'm into my last stone so think the slower it comes off the longer it'll stay off!!!
It's only been the past week or 2 that I've noticed how differently my clothes fit me, and that I can get into some of my old clothes and it's made me really happy to actually notice a difference x I know I'm not there yet but I really think I'm going to get there :)
HOWEVER It's not so pleasing to notice that the past few weeks worth of weight loss has come off my chest!!!!! Seriously, I lean forward and it's like 2 golf balls dangling at the bottom of a pair of socks... I can't believe how much loose skin I have :( by the end off my weight loss journey I'm gonna be flat chested with a big fat ass... That wasn't part of my plan ffs xxxx

So... Update over for now but will check in from work tomorrow :) xxxx
shellsbells-x said:
Ha me too, just said the same on your diary lol xx so... I lost 2lbs last Thursday which was a pleasant surprise!!

Have had a pretty good weekend and have (for the past couple of weeks) been having loads of green days!!! I never thought green would suit me but it really does x
Had smash pizza and chips for tea today :) followed by a supper of a chip and egg butty (sw chips, egg fried in fry light and bread was heB)

I've started to split my heB by having 1 weetabix for breakfast through the week meaning I can have something sweet and stodgy (kinda) in the evening without overdosing on syns by just having my second weetabix !!x

Lunches are mainly a jacket spud with beans, a pitiful mug shot or pasta in a tomato and veg sauce when I'm not being lazy x

Most nights I use my heB for my meat/fish fix and have been loving stir fry veg and free noodles covered in soy sauce with my heB choice x some days I will have a smash pizza with just veg so I can use my other heB on yummy cereal bars or bread :)

Fridays are usually EE though as its usually homemade curry day and it would be so rude to have curry with either no meat or no rice lol!x

Fed the other half smash pizza with caribbean spiced chicken tonight and he thought it was great! Not that it was as good as a real pizza BUT that it was such a great alternative and was still nice to eat :)

With regards to my "journey" I am pleased with my weight loss to date. I don't really want it to come off too quickly now as I'm into my last stone so think the slower it comes off the longer it'll stay off!!!
It's only been the past week or 2 that I've noticed how differently my clothes fit me, and that I can get into some of my old clothes and it's made me really happy to actually notice a difference x I know I'm not there yet but I really think I'm going to get there :)
HOWEVER It's not so pleasing to notice that the past few weeks worth of weight loss has come off my chest!!!!! Seriously, I lean forward and it's like 2 golf balls dangling at the bottom of a pair of socks... I can't believe how much loose skin I have :( by the end off my weight loss journey I'm gonna be flat chested with a big fat ass... That wasn't part of my plan ffs xxxx

So... Update over for now but will check in from work tomorrow :) xxxx

That's brilliant well done, you seem really on track.

I love green days, there so filling and stodgy I am never searching for food when I have a green.

A few people have mentioned smash pizza to me, I remember trying smash once and it put me off for life, yuk!

Lol see normally when I loose weight the first place it comes off is my chest but mine seem to be getting bigger! Even the OH noticed this wkend, I don't know why and how because I'm loosing the weight and my trousers feel much looser but my boobs are huge! I don't no what's different this time, normally I'm having to constantly buy new bras cos there gaping but I don't know.

I feel better now. I've got an update from you, well done on your losses and keep up the good work, don't be getting TOO skinny though xx
That's brilliant well done, you seem really on track.

I love green days, there so filling and stodgy I am never searching for food when I have a green.

A few people have mentioned smash pizza to me, I remember trying smash once and it put me off for life, yuk!

Lol see normally when I loose weight the first place it comes off is my chest but mine seem to be getting bigger! Even the OH noticed this wkend, I don't know why and how because I'm loosing the weight and my trousers feel much looser but my boobs are huge! I don't no what's different this time, normally I'm having to constantly buy new bras cos there gaping but I don't know.

I feel better now. I've got an update from you, well done on your losses and keep up the good work, don't be getting TOO skinny though xx

I HATE Smash when used as potato, but using it as a dough its amazing!!! There is a knack to it but its great.. and its still free regladless of how its used unlike some things.
I'm going to attempt a cheese and onion pasty with it this week and if that works i will go all out and attempt a meat and potato one :D

Today I have on my teeny tiny bra from when i used to be skinny!! Its a 32D (to be fair my largest was only a 36F, but its still a big drop) x I tried this bra on a couple of months ago and couldn't squeeze myself anywhere near getting into it!!
I might bite the bullet then and try it.

Bet it feels amazing to be in clothes that didn't fit you before. I was sorting clothes out for holiday yesterday and my favourite white linen trousers dint fit me last year and I was gutted and now they not only fit but there loose, I was made up x
Aw that's sooo good, and your still on track for your hol too so looks like you might be buying some new ones yet :) xx
Ooooooh I've just added a photie album with some of my bigger and smaller days :)
I don't really have any recent bigger pics as I avoided cameras like the plague!!! So the bigger ones go back some time x but so do the smaller ones as they're from 2009/2010 xxx
I was very slim, but I know what you mean xx
I sometimes feel like a bit of a cheat on here as I realise lots of people have a much longer journey than me to make, but it's still me battling 3 stone of excess weight xx

Even on the skinny pics of me I was still flabby due to a total lack of exercise!!! I need to start upping my game now to tone up otherwise I will just be a bag of loose wobbly skin lol xx
I was very slim, but I know what you mean xx
I sometimes feel like a bit of a cheat on here as I realise lots of people have a much longer journey than me to make, but it's still me battling 3 stone of excess weight xx

Even on the skinny pics of me I was still flabby due to a total lack of exercise!!! I need to start upping my game now to tone up otherwise I will just be a bag of loose wobbly skin lol xx

it doesnt matter whether anyone has 3lbs, 3 stone or 30 stone to loose, we are all on the same journey and need the same support so dont feel bad for being on here.

i need to start excercising, i really do, i just find it hard to get motivated, i do alot of walking but thats about it x
I have no motivation, I was walking to a from work (5miles a day) but I'm being lazy so I'm back on my little scooter :( x

I have no excuse really as I have a wii and wii fit and I know that's it's really good for me, even if it's just to get me moving, but by the time I get home and cook tea, and feed the dog, and watch the soaps I'm too pooped!!

That's it... I'm making a commitment... I can't have my yummy chips, egg, beans, cheese and bread tomorrow until I've done 15 mins (baby steps lol) on the wii fit x thats hula hooping, boxing and step class :) infact I can do all that while my yummy chips are cooking as they take 20 mins!xx
Still all geared up for a wii session while my sw chips are cooking tonight :) xx

Another green day for me today so 1 weetabix for breakfast ( half a heB) with hot milk, jacket spud with tuna, mayo, onions and salad for lunch (1syn for mayo) and I've had a muller light x

Found out some devastating news today though... The cereal bars I have been counting as 2 for a heB are in fact not a heB at all and are 6.5 syns each!!!!!!! That means where I have been having 15 syns and these bars I've done in 28 syns and not had enough fibre x deeary me!! Thought it was too good to be true lol x

Lesson learned and Alpen light bars back on the shopping list :) xx
Well I did it x according to the wii I burned about 160kcal, and I did 45mins of activity (not just doddering around with the wii switched on lol)

I did some muscle exercises, yoga, a couple of step classes, some rhythm boxing and a few balance exercises :) chuffed and really want to do it again tomorrow x

Here's my yummy tea which I had halfway through my wii session, it was so yummy and felt very naughty!! Topped it off with a mini caramel choccy egg ;) xx
