Wannabe SkinnyMins

Well done Hannah, fingers crossed for another good week. I'm not sure what I'm eating today. Got loads in fridge so not an issue for going off plan, just don't know what I fancy eating yet.
Ive had a bad day and to cheer me up my consultant sent me this! So hopefully it will cheer you up too!!


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Lol if I had seen that an hour ago I would have told you where to shove it. Now I agree. Why was your day so bad?

My 1.5lb gain really floored me for a bit as there is no explanation for it. I have calmed down now and as my my pointed out there is a lot of sugar in grapes & I have eaten 2 punnets this week, 1 all at 1 sitting. Going to go back to using daily syns again as its the only thing I can think of although I had 40 syns left at teatime yesterday so not overdoing the syns on a daily basis. I let it become all about the scales this week so that I could get my stone award, not going to do that again.

How is your week going sue?
Sue how did you get on last night?

Kerry have you sorted your self out today? Did it go to plan??
No I did not sort myself out & last night I had a gain of 6lbs. My own fault but doesn't make it any easier to deal with
I am glad you have got back on track!! I lost 2lbs last night so 8lbs off in the past 3 weeks and 13.5 all together...just 23 more lbs to go lol

Whats todays plan for you?

Sue how are you getting on?
Well done you. Have found it fairly easy to stay on track (apart from yesterday when I gave into stress) & today I'm feeling happy about things. Cereal & fruit for breakfast, eggs for lunch, soup for dinner today.

Hope you both gave a good week
Messed up yesterday, but back on track today, though not by choice! Forgot lunch then only had 20p, so bought a fudge ba1 and had a ww soup from my drawer! Realllly want biscuits though! Just half a pound to lose next week and ill be on track with my target! Will have to set another then - you aiming for something this week? What are you now? How much have you lost in total?
hi girls

sorry havent been on much work has been mad at the minute so havent had a chance lol

well I lost 1.5lb this week so only another 0.5lb to go before I finally get my target, dont think I will get it this week as I am planning on having a very boozy st patricks day and forgetting sw for the day :)

but I will get it the week after, am not really worried when I get it as its only 0.5lb and I know I will get it at some point lol

how are u girls getting on ?

Kerry how did u get on this week ?

Hannah well done u are doing great, u both are :) kerry dont worry about the gain thats happens and its how u deal with it that counts, sw is for life not just for one week so it doesnt matter how long it takes but u will reach ur goal in the end :)
Lost 5lbs tonight:D

You sound very relaxed Sue, thats good. Have an amazing st Patricks day.

Hannah, stay focused. don't let the stone award throw you, it is just anohter number, focus on eating healthily and exercise and you will be fine x
I am so proud of you Kerry!! YAY! And Sue keep up that attitude! That's what you need for a very long time now that you are almost at your target!

Yesterday just went to pieces ended up having a packet of choc digestive biscuits as had no food all day and only had £1 - wanted something that would fill me up and was cheap, biscuits were the option. Had some extra lean mince bolognese with pitta and cheese for evening meal but by then had given up!!

Today I had a boots shapers lunch I had a South African style Chicken, Sweetcorn and piri piri chilli sandwich (10.5 syns) and maple popcorn (4.5 syns). Went to the gym this morning and am going back again tonight as well as doing 2 classes (body sculpt and zumba!) so hopefully I will burn off the choc biscuits even though I know they were the worst thing I could have got!!

Keep up the walking Kerry - the challenge at SW this week is for us to do an extra 15 mins exercise each day so wed I walked for 15 mins, yesterday I walked for 15 mins, today I gymed for an hour and a bit (dont normally go fri morning).
Happy st patricks day girls :)

you to sound so focused, keep it up u are both doing brill at the exercise thats deffo something I need to get on track of again, as I booked a holiday for the 11th oct for 2 weeks to lanzarote so deffo want to try and tone up my very wobbly tummy by then lol even if its just a bit to help me feel more comfortable thats all I want :)

what are ur plans for this weekend :)
OH MY GOODNESS. I just made magic porridge pancakes served with banana grapes & maple syrup & the were delicious. Hello new Sunday brekkie lol

had a brill weekend :) didnt go to weigh in decided to just take a holiday and not worry about :)

am away again this weekend going down to co. cavan tonight for 2 night hotel break, includes full irish breakie each morning, but I will try and be sensible with it and stick to mainly free foods as much as poss :)

how did u to get on this week?

Kerry how did u make the pancakes they sound so yummy , and are they just counted as HEX or syns
Sue the pancakes are a hex b. Mix a b portion of porridge oats with yogurt (i used a toffee mullerlight) and leave in fridge overnight. Mix well with 2 eggs & the recipie said add sweetner but I didn't & found it sweet enough. You then fry them like normal pancakes. I thought the were delicious & really filling.

I wasn't at class last night, was out for a Mexican meal and drank a whole jug of pina coladas. There are 32 syns in 1 drink so I just stopped counting. Have to be really really good this week now to make up for it.

Enjoy your weekend away
Cant deal with this new layout!!! Where has usercp gone?!?!? Ive been trying to post for dayyys and havent been able to grrrrr!!! Crap weekend AGAIN!!! Not looking forward to tomorrows weigh in, but fingers crossed to lose the pound I gained last week.

Future goals

Lose 16.5lbs in the next 12 weeks therefore be 10st 7lbs before going on holiday
This weeks aim is to stay the same
Next weeks is to lose 3lbs
After that 7lbs in total in april and 7lbs total in may and that leaves 2.5lbs over 3 weeks in June.

FED UP WITH FAILING. So I am hopfully going to sign up with bootcamp from 18th Apr, twice a week wed and fri mornings at 7am eek! but it costs like £40!!

How are you both doing?
Well this is a bit strange.

Hannah all of your goals are totally achievable if yo just focus. A lady from my group goes to boot camp, is having really good weekly loses and is really enjoying it.

Im supposed to be going to boxercise but I fell on Friday when I was running to catch a bus and have really badly bruised the bone in my knee so no exercise for me, cant even walk up or down stairs. Who said running was good for you lol? I also have a MASSIVE bruise on my arm. Am taking arnica tablets 4x per day as well as ibuprofen. Really hoping I can go on Sunday but my friend said it was really hard and her friend left during the warmup!!!!

Food wise im doing well so far but have just sent ewan to the chippy to get me a fish supper. Will just cut back on syns for rest of week as there are only 35ish syns in it and I havent had many over the weekend either. I made speed soup and it is interesting to say the least. Didnt realise it made so much though, I will be eating it for weeks at this rate

Sue, how are things with you, haven't heard much from you lately
Haha yeah I made that speed soup once and needed 2 saucepans to make it!!!

Well obviously its been easter and the hot cross buns and cakes and choc easter eggs will have defo made me gain this week, but I am hoping for only +1.5lbs really as I have exercised like crazy over this weekend off work!! Even did an assault course class yesterday (which ACTUALLY killed me!) and have started running again lol

Kerry I sympathise on the bruises!! I was helping my friend move house and she dropped the sofa on my thigh, had to catch it otherwise the wooden leg would have gone through someones car window and the bruise on my thigh is insane!!

I am having burritoes and roses chocs after weigh in later, and then im back on it 100%. Have planned my week out except for some evening meals which I must pass through OH and then I will be on it!! :)

Kerry how have you been? Did CJ have a good easter?? Sue how are you havent spoken in ages!?