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  1. B

    Total Solution Bolognaise

    Just tried my first Bolognaise and I was surprised at how it morfed into something that resembled Bolognaise before my very eyes, I did add garlic powder and herbs to give it an extra jus nu sais qua! (However you spell it!) my partner now thinks I over did the garlic oops! But it was edible and...
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    Total Solution Horrible Red Berry & Chocolate meal bars idea!!!!

    I had a berry bar taster omg it was awful! I love sweet things but this was sickly sweet and salty all in the same mouthful. I genuinely thought it was going to taste like a slim fast bar but what a disappointment! Thank goodness I only had one!
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    Food that will keep me in ketosis

    Good for you!!
  4. B

    Total Solution Stalling second week?

    I'm in my 2nd week and have nibbled which I know I will be kicking myself for but only had chicken or ham no carbs or chocolate even when tempted by my partner who happily munched his way through a huge box of Lindor next to me! I have hopped on the scales most mornings and got off again with a...
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    lipotrim to exante

    Hi, I did Lypotrim two years ago and maintained for 18months, last summer I wasn't well and slowly the weight crept up until at New Year I made the decision that I needed to go back on it. A colleague in work told me about Exante so I researched it and decided to give it a go. I am in my 2nd...
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    Food that will keep me in ketosis

    Ooh you have to go! Just eat with a healthy head on and you will be fine. Ive done lypotrim before and had a full day at races drank (sensibly) and had a meal (chicken and leaves) and still lost weight! Go enjoy yourself and treat it as a reward on condituon you get straight back on it...
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    How does Exante compare with other VLCDs?

    Hi Im new to minimins and also Exante however 2 years ago I lost over 2 stone in 2 months with lypotrim, which I enjoyed. I loved the reaction from people who suddenly did a double take when they realised I had lost weight. I managed to maintain for over 12 months but after being off work for a...