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  1. F

    Here I go again...

    Weds: EE B: Shredded wheat bitesize with milk (Hex a) L: Left over pasta from yesterday with smoked mackerel (3 sins) D: Stuffed peppers from this months magazine. Salad. Dressing ( 2 sins) Sugar (1 sin) Frys Turkish delight (9 sins)
  2. F

    Here I go again...

    Tuesday: GREEN B: Shredded wheat bitesize (hex B)and mullerlite L: Noodles with stock and some left over chicken D: Pasta with tomatoes, roasted red pepper, spinach. Olive Oil dressing (hex B) Cherries, Strawberries with mullerlite Chocolate 1.5 sins Milk in coffees (Hex a) Extra milk 6 sins...
  3. F

    Here I go again...

    Still on track. I just haven't had time to fill this in! Monday: B: Mullerlite with Shredded wheat bitesize (hex b) L: Baked potato with beans and some cheese (3 sins) and some flora lite (2 sins). Salad. D: Salmon in parma ham, cous cous, veg Small Piece of plain choc 1.5 sins Extra Milk in...
  4. F

    Here I go again...

    Thank you for your good luck messages - I wish you the bestest luck too :). We CAN do it!!! So here goes with yesterday's diary: Extra Easy B: Bitesize Shredded wheat (Hex B)with Muller lite on top. L: Ham Salad Mullerlite mixed with sugar free jelly D: Balsamic Chicken (this month's SW...
  5. F

    Here I go again...

    A few years ago I lost weight with SW and it is by far the best way for me. I am the heaviest I have ever been now!! I have succeeded in not drinking any alcohol for 8 weeks!!! So now it's time to get the stuffing my face with sweet things habit in check! I love Minimins - it is very reassuring...
  6. F

    Breakfast on the hop

    Brilliant, Stacey! And if I'm on EE it can have potatoes in it - and ham and stuff. Thankyou!
  7. F

    Breakfast on the hop

    Shreddies or weetabix is fast and filling..BUT straightaway that's a HEXA and a HEXB gone for the day, which is hard. But I don't have time to cook eggs, grill bacon and tomatoes etc. Grapefruit doesn't hit the spot for me... What I really want is Best of Both slathered in butter with...
  8. F

    Extra Easy - cheese - HEX A and B?

    That sounds right up my street! Thank you.
  9. F

    Extra Easy - cheese - HEX A and B?

    Thanks, Jay! And is it okay to do, say, green one day, red the next and EE the next or does EE have to be every day? Sorry, but it doesn't explain it very well online or in the magazine...
  10. F

    Extra Easy - cheese - HEX A and B?

    Hello everyone, hope you don't mind me posting. I'm determined to lose these stubborn pounds for a holiday. I have joined SW online (I've done it successfully before). I thought I would give Extra Easy a go but it's a bit confusing to seems that cheese (which I LOVE!!) comes under...
  11. F

    Neris and India's Idiot-Proof Diet: Pig to Twig!

    I'll wait until I've got the supps and start it then and follow it literally by the book - when it arrives! So I've got a couple of days to make lists and make sure I've got everything i need. And make sure that everything I don't need is no longer in the fridge! i.e. the wine :cry: Good luck...
  12. F

    Neris and India's Idiot-Proof Diet: Pig to Twig!

    Hi girls, I got the book from the library the other day and have now ordered it, and the cook book from Amazon (so I can scribble notes all over it and it becomes my best friend!!). I have done SW in the past but this IPD really appeals. I'm a bit worried about no wine... Have you bought all...