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  1. B

    Couple of good things today....

    If you are being really strict you could use 1 vanilla shake as a milk substitue, just put a tea spoon in coffee or tea and its not too bad
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    scales not moving again

    When you weigh every day I don't think you get a real result, I do find it hard to resist getting on the scales each day but at the same time I know it could have a negative effect on me if its not what I want to see! I think twice a week will give you a true picture. PS I also put my soups...
  3. B

    Maintaining after exante question?

    I think you have to be strict with yourself, I don't want to do this again for me Exante is a means to an end and I will never be as heavy as I was when I started. Going on Exante makes you realise: 1) You can actually survive on 600 kcals a day 2) Do you need to have 3 full meals a day? I plan...
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    Have just uploaded some pictures

    5 stone thats fantastic - well done, keep it up!!!
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    Toilet troubles on a VLCD

    when I am off the diet I go each day but on the diet I go every 2 - 3 days, I make sure I drink plenty of water which does help it all to pass!!!
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    Day 5 not sure if this diet agrees with me

    I was normally until about day 5 then didn't go for 2 days! Its a bit up and down and have been slightly more 'windy' but its true stick with it as once you are used to it your body will settle down.
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    hi im new!!! hoping to get lots of support and make friends!!

    Hi & Welcome! I've been doing Exante a month today to be exact! Lost over 2st, have had a few 3 meals out in that time but went for salad and avoided carbs like the plauge! Its true give it 100% and you will be really pleased with the results. Once you get used to not eating its fine, lots of...
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    what jobs do we all do

    OMG you all have such AMAZING jobs, I was expecting replies of 'I work in an office'!!! Well I work for a finance company (not a bank & we didn't cause the recession I promise!) I run the Legal team which is where the people who don't pay end up, its very varied and even though I basically chase...
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    exante chocolate shakes offer

    I think the bumper pack offer has been on for a while, I am hoping it stays that was otherwise it will become quite expensive for me! I did notice on my first order the sell by date was Dec 2010 and on my 2nd order it was Oct 2010, maybe they are clearing out and making sure they sell it in the...
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    really struggling today

    Keep with it, I find if I do 'cheat&eat' I'm more hungry the next day and that is harder then the original hunger pain! Keep going as you will be so pleased with your first weeks results, let us all know how you get on & best of luck
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    1 Month on Exante

    Hi All, Just thought I would post my 1 month results hopefully if there are any newbies reading it will inspire them and any regulars it will keep them on track plus I just want to show off and I'm not telling people I'm on a diet so this is my only outlet!!! So 1 month on and my loss is 30lb...
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    honk if you were 100% today

    HONK! (I had a bad day on Monday, straight back onto it on Tuesday and been 100% for this week!)
  13. B

    First week

    Hello Mrs R and welcome! I'm into my 3rd week and today I did my coat up without even thinking - 3 weeks ago it didn't do up without wanting to pop open again so keep with it you do see results really quickly. 9lb's in your first 5 days is great. I'm weighing twice a week at the moment as I need...
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    Stuff to do to Distract or Treat Yourself

    Firstly - GREAT idea for a post! I'm pretty much the same as everyone else either on here of FB, but this forum is a great distraction. Book, Magazine, TV Painting nails is a good one My flat has not been so clean since I started this diet, I'm clearing out most weekends to keep myself busy...
  15. B

    My confession........

    Well I avoided the pub lunch today but am being taken out tomorrow! Its the same place I went last week when I had the ceaser salad so as I only had it last week it doesn't sound as appealing, checked the menu and there is a prawn and spinach salad I will go for, am debating the steak and asking...
  16. B

    4 weeks on Exante

    Well done Matt, Maggie & Myr all M's and all reached the 2st barrier! I'm 8lb's off of 2stone so hopefully another few weeks and I'll be there with you! Well done, keep it going :-)
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    4th day

    Great loss, well done!
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    1st Week Weigh In.....yay!

    Well done!
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    Poo Place

    I was going to post about 'No2's' as in the 1st week I didn't go for 2 days and I was a once a day kinda girl, now its everything other day and as I'm not really eating anything I think thats probably normal?! As for No1's I am always going but thats the amount of water I'm drinking and the loo...
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    I've lost the weight of a gold brick!

    So the phrase 'spare tyre' is quite fitting for me as I've lost the weight of a tyre!!!
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    Tea dilema!!! HELP PLEASE !!!

    Sorry can't answer your question but I did get some instant coffee packets from Starbucks at the weekend (£4.25 or free with a coffee) never thought I would like black coffee until I tried it and they are so handy you can take them with you. As for Tea I know you can have 'leaf' teas so I got...
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    Wow, fantaastic weigh in, woohoo

    Well done thats brilliant so close to goal - good luck! Good to know it helps to mix it up a bit
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    Easter - whats everyone doing?

    Well I am out with work on Thursday night but I'm gonna skip the meal and meet them for drinks, I'll be driving so I can stick to water. I have to go into the office on Easter Monday (boo!) so I feel I have to do something at the weekend so I can say I did have an Easter Break! I am planning 1...
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    Order is in!

    Good luck! I'm on my 2nd week and best bit of advice is read the forum its got such good advice on it and in that 1st week it was a nice distraction should any hunger pains try to rear their ugly head!
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    My turn for a me me me post

    Quak/Bren - that is a very well deserved 'me me me post'! Well done!
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    Yambie you went as far as making the sandwich and found the strenght to give it to the dog - that is amazing believe me if I'd have made it then I would've eaten it! I think you are a lot stronger then you think. Reading your post I had to remind myself it wasn't my writting I feel exactly the...
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    Food weeks - who's done them?

    Hi Yambie - I think thats a really positive attitude to the add a food week. Red its only 2 more days - you can do it!
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    Newbie - 1st Week Results

    Thanks All! I appreciate its the 1st week so not expecting that in the 2nd week but its given me the boost to keep going! Maggie - Tea was a Twinnings one just from Sainsbury, I don't leave the tea bag in as long as they say as I prefer it quite weak.
  29. B

    Giving blood on vlcd?

    Have you given blood before? I'd maybe do it on an add a meal week and ask the nurses what they think. I would think you are more at risk of feeling lightheaded or fainting after so if you do it I would lie down for a long while after!
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    Newbie - 1st Week Results

    Oh my ticker didn't update!
  31. B

    Newbie - 1st Week Results

    I started Exante 1 week ago and thought I would let other newbies know how my first week went: I've lost 15lbs in total;) I now fit into a skirt that would previously not do up:D I've been drinking so much water I'm going to the loo pretty much on the hour every hour :o If I'm having a tough day...
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    heres hoping - Jennys weight loss diary

    Good luck just think of all those holiday clothes you will enjoy buying all in smaller sizes!
  33. B

    My Add-a-Meal Week....

    Does anyone know why you have to do the 'add a meal week'? I'm only on week 1 so got a while to go but am already thinking of menu plans so this thread has been very helpful thank you.
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    unashamed me me me me me post

    Pics look great. I'm a newbie and its a real inspiration to see peoples before and after photos - thank you for posting them :-)
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    honk if you were 100% today

  36. B


    Hi Quak - I didn't even realise my pun! Now you know why I'm on here as 'Blonde'! Just looked at your Statistics you've done amazingly - well done! The more I look into Exante the more I want to stick with it
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    Yes Red77 is my sister and our Mum is looking fab to the point that she is dressing much more 'trendy' then me her 20something daughter! It made me join the diet............just hope those legs run in the family!!!
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    This is my first diet like this I've only done WW and SW before so I was worried the packs would be awful but they are ok. All of the shakes are nice, the bars are ok and the soups are not too bad and there isn't a lot of them so even if you don't like it there is not a lot to not like.......if...
  39. B


    Hello All! I am also new to the Exante Diet and to Forums! I started on Monday as my Mum and 1 of my sisters are already on it, the other sister is starting when she returns from Holiday next week so I took a week's supply from her with the idea I would give it a go for just a week. I weighed...