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  1. T

    How is this possible!!!!!!!!!!????????

    1. if you didnt make sure you weigh yourself same time and with same clothes (naked gives your "true" weight) 2. it might take 1 or 2 days for the food to do "damage" to your body and weigh more 3. it might also be that because you've been eating healthy small meals during the day, your...
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    cut the cheese as it's probably the most fattening part of lasagna, meat is alright, but try to get lean as possible, as for lasagna sheets try to find wholegrain ones if you can......mmmmmm lasanga, i have a crazving too now, now i know what im having tomorrow night :)
  3. T

    Do you ever have a diet day off?

    a meal off is a 10x better than a day off. Instead of eating whatever you want the whole day, eat whatever you want for one meal only once a week. eg, if you normally have chicken salad for dinner, have some rice or sausage, etc OR (NOT AND) if you normally have an apple for dessert, have a...
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    grilled sausages??? please answer asap thanks :)

    George Forman is really good for sausages, shed's most the fat away. Then again, boiled is also a very good choice because it allows you to take the skin off...I hate skin on sausages, got better things to eat then skin!
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    How many calories will 2 hours of exercise burn?

    2 hours is quite hefty, good on you if you can keep it up... like others have said, it will depend on intensity, etc, but if i were to take a punt, about 400-500 calories
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    Restaurants asked to print calories on menus

    That is SO true! For me anyway...very easy to eat healthy at home, because read the labels on everything and if anything looks "bad" I will feel bad eating it...on the other hand, if I can't see the label, I don't know how bad it is, therefore I'll eat it because I don't know how much damage I'm...
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    'Tinned tuna contains no healthy omega-3 fatty acids

    i dont think canned/tinned tunas have "no" omega 3 fats, but it is reduced due to the cooking process, species of tuna, etc. But, some canned tuna brands have more omega 3 fats than others, just check the label and see which has the most if omega 3 fats are what you're after. From what I know...
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    2 months til wedding and need to lose 1 stone :(

    start eating more lean meat, and wholegrain breads, pastas, etc. oats is also a very good choice, so long as they are not "instant" ones. eat 5-6 times a day and don't eat after 6pm. eg oats for breakfast, banana as a snack, brown rice for lunch, handful nuts for snack, chicken salad for dinner...
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    Tea advice

    green tea is by far the tea of choice when it comes to fat loss. there's no better tea that increases your metabolism. have a green tea after every meal if you can and you'll be in the toilet getting rid of what you've eaten lol. if you don't like the taste of green teat, also try Chinese...
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    Was walking, got shouted at 'fat b' from a car window today

    cant believe losers dont have anything better to do these days, what a miserable life we live in
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    lowest fat cake to make?

    when i was on a diet, i made my own recipe without using any flour or refined sugars. instead of flour, try almond meal (crushed almonds) or crushed walnuts. They work just like flour and because it's made from nuts, it's not refined and therefore much healthier (you could also use wholemeal...
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    Which is harder, losing weight or giving up smoking?

    I dont smoke but I can say with a lot of confidence iving up smoking is probably 10x harder. I know heaps of people who have been able to shed the pounds, but never give up smoking. If you can give up smoking, I reckon you could just about accomplish ANYTHING in life.
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    Carbs in Red Wine

    six grams of carbs is nothing, dont understand why you cant have the red wine, plus it's good for you lol
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    Healthy options at Nandos?

    believe it or not, but nandos is one of the healthiest "eat out" options available. The chicken, of itself, has almost no carbs and no fat. You can get a quarter/half chicken and NOT eat the skin, or a chicken breast, but I usually opt for the tenderloins. They're very tasty, pack a massive 43g...