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  1. S

    Are there any threads where people are 100% strictly sole source?

    I never said anything about weakness in others Perhaps my weakness needs support - therfore a 100% thread....
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    100% SOLE SOURCE....

    Hi Shingai Looks as if my other account might be deleted soon - apparently my new fierce 'tude isn't going dopwn too well with a few newbie weaklins there!!! Standing up for myself after being criticised fopr writing capitalletters..gosh threads disappear quick enough there...sad women have...
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    100% SOLE SOURCE....

    Hey Shingai! I am SSR hehehe you've done sooo well gal!!!! xxxx
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    Are there any threads where people are 100% strictly sole source?

    thing is i will stay 100% but it tortures me to read about people eating and then wanting sympathy i really want to help them and feel i care but i cannot do so anymore last year drained me doing this and eventually after 6 months i started scoffing
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    100% SOLE SOURCE....

    if you eat/cheat please do not tell me i really want to make it clear i will report posts iam very weak and cannot abide reading that crap ;-)
  6. S

    Are there any threads where people are 100% strictly sole source?

    I am planning to sole source until goal weight which i hope is Christmas. I AM SORRY I CANNOT OFFER SUPPORT OR EMPATHY TO THOSE THAT EAT AND WANT SYMPATHY. Reason is i feel drained whence i do so... If you eat. cheat this sin't the thread for you please do not mention it in your posts...
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    50 days 100% Challenge!

    Hi I am a very serious 100%er Sole Sourcer. I have 4 packs per day -choc mint. I am phase 2 of my weight loss journey. 98lb gone forver 138lb to lose. I start today. I really hope i can find a thread where people stay 100% to the diet. Or is it just going to be me again. I need support...
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    Are there any threads where people are 100% strictly sole source?

    WITH NO PLANNED BREAKS, EATS OR CHEATS? I really do NOT want to read about it. Is it just going to be me that will stay 100% SS? I have done this diet before and was 100% for 6 months. I am now phase 2 of my weight loss journey, Is there anyone that has or knows they can stay 100% Sole...
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    Is Being Fat OK Now?

    Hi OP I find the term 'coloured people' really offensive!
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    Day 6 and feel low

    Hi The first 10 days are a nightmare for me. I tioo suffered low mood from nearly the end of day four. I am dreading it. Starting tomorrow - day 1. Will post lots and get to goal weight.. Good luck
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    100% SOLE SOURCE....

    Where is my ticker? Ahh excellent!
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    100% SOLE SOURCE....

    thanks paulie p really do want to get onto the closed forum where nobody cheats or eats 48 posts to go though..
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    100% SOLE SOURCE....

    Hello I am starting Sole Source tomorrow. 4 packs a day - chocolate mint. 3 litres of water per day. I weighed today with my Cambridge Consultant. Start weight - 20 stones 11lb :cry: Goal weight - 10 stones 13lb :D I shall record my weigh in results here. Hoping i should reach goal by...