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  1. C

    AM NEW!!! HELLO!

    Good Luck
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    Just wanted to say Hi!

    Good Luck
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    This site is so difficult to Navigate!

    Good Luck
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    New and need advice!!

    Give it a go if your not happy you can always leave in a couple of weeks
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    ah ah thats so funny
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    Would this be worth it?

    You would be better going to the chemist if you are serious about it. You may think it's expensive but you never spend a penny all week. Normally i'd think nothing of spending £5 on my lunch at M&S most days and then there's the money i'm saving by not buying chocolate.
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    loose skin and stretch marks!!

    I've lost weight before and the saggy skin did bother me a bit, it wasn't terrible but it bothered me. I'm concentrating on the fact that being fat is worse and if you look at most people as they get older they all have saggy skin but still look good. Look at real people not photos of celebs
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    How do you keep motivated? Tips and tricks thread.

    Think you might be in the wrong place
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    About 40 to go!

    Trying to reach 50 this weekend
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    What will your first meal be....

    First meal will be chicken and salad of course!!! I am planng to have meat and veg 4 nights a week and be a bit more relaxed Friday to Sunday.
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    Active posting game

    I don't know but its raining right now. How long will it take to lose 4 stone?
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    How hard was that

    I realise how much I picked at food now I am on LT, when making the tea, when clearing the plates, when opening the fridge, when having a cup of tea, the list is endless!!!
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    The last supper...

    It was lots of chocolate and cake for me
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    Weight loss ticker....

    Useful info , thanks
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    Where you are from...

    Hi, I'm from Liverpool
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    My Ebay win fits!!!

    Hope you enjoy wearing them, very nice
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    Water app

    Think I'll try this thanks
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    Day 16 and constipated :(

    Senna works for me but I do have to take them a few times a week
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    To those with a lot to lose ...

    Hi Jesse, You have done so well you are an inspiration. Are you concerned about keeping the weight off? Do you have any plans for when you reach your goal. I hope this doesn't sound negative I'm just interested in other peoples plans for life after LT
  20. C

    Hi everyone!

    Good Luck. I have a dry mouth most of the time despite drinking lots. I'm hoping it passes soon.
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    Try and get through it. You know it will be worth it. Spend a bit of time on the forums I find it helps spur me on and while i'm on I think less about food.
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    Is there anything to do with the shakes

    Think I might try the ice cream idea. Some good ideas, Thank you
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    Honk If You Were 100% Today!

    Honk Honk, 17 day 100%
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    Hoping this is start of new me

    Hi, How is it going?
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    Ready to make a change!!!

    You've done really well. You must feel like its worth it with result like that. Well Done
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    refeeding on sunday/monday

    Nikki, I was thinking about going to slimming world when I have a stone to go. That way I can go for free once I'm at target to keep an eye on my weight
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    new nere, but not new to lipotrim

    Good luck with your first week I hope it goes well.
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    First weigh in!!!

    Thats a great loss for your first week, keep up the good work.
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    Second weigh in B

    I know what you mean its really difficult but I just keep saying to myself its not forever and at the end of the day I should nopt be ruled by food!! Keep up the good work, Good Luck.
  31. C

    4th weigh in

    You are doing really well keep up the good work.
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    Ready to make a change!!!

    I'm only off to Blackpool for a few days but can't wait. I'll be back on the Lipotrim afterwards and then I go to Thailand in October. Where are you going.
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    Day 4 on Lipotrim and feeling hungry today

    Thanks for the tips, I am actually starting to enjoy cooking strangely enough!!!
  34. C

    Hoping this is start of new me

    Well done stick at it. This is my 2nd time round as well and the things you talk about I can relate with so much. My weight is the only thing I am truly unhappy with otherwise life is treating me well. I'm just about to go for my 2nd weigh. Good Luck with the rest of your week
  35. C

    lipotrim i started today a blokes view!

    Your journey has been amazing, Good luck over the next few weeks
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    Ready to make a change!!!

    12lb in your first week: Well Done. good luck on the rest of your journey. I have lots of early nights at the moment to help see me through!!!
  37. C

    refeeding on sunday/monday

    Good Luck with the next stone Claire x
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    Important QUESTION!!

    I agree, don't do it. It won't be worth it, if you are anything like me you could not take the disappointment of a small weight loss never mind a possible gain.
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    i just cooked a meal and....

    Most of the time I really hate cooking the tea but for some strange reason I am enjoying it at the moment even though I can't eat it!! Like you I have to keep asking someone to check the pasta.
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    Week 2

    I can't wait for my refeed week before my hols. I think the longer you are on Lipotrim the easier it becomes however I do need my refeed week and holiday to look forward to. Not sure I could do it with no end goal other than reaching target.
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    BIG CONCERN? Need advice!

    I'm not sure that would be completely true, I'm saying this because before you could get Lipotrim from the Chemist you could be prescribed it by your GP, if there was lasting damage I would have thought it had been taken off the market by now. As with any diet it is probably best to exercise...
  42. C

    Day 4 on Lipotrim and feeling hungry today

    Oh dear you are right I am becoming a sniffer of food. It's not too bad at home but I have to be careful in the office canteen, sniffing strangers dinners is not really the done thing!!!
  43. C

    Stupid question...

    I use 250ml to 300ml of water. Good Luck with LT. The hunger definatley passes, stic with it.
  44. C

    My 100% Experience/Opinion (For what it's worth!)

    I love your story. The way you talk about your comfort eating and eating through boredom reminds me so much of me. I hope I do as well as you. Congratulations
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    New Lipotrim Weekly Weigh In Forum!

    Hi, Just come from my wk 1 weigh in and lost 8lb. Could not be happier, this will keep me going for the next week hopefully
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    3rd weigh in

    Well done I will be thrilled if I do so well.
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    Day 4 on Lipotrim and feeling hungry today

    Hi Minnie Me, I did put my weight back on but over a few years and because I did not make any effort to keep it off. I am determined not to do the same again. I think you will be ok if you put the effort in, it does not come back on overnight which I think is most peoples fear. Thanks for the...
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    Day 4 on Lipotrim and feeling hungry today

    I've lost weight on Lipotrim before and cannot fault it other than the bad breath!!!!. I'm on day 4 and feeling really hungry today but being on here helps especially knowing others feel the same. Any tips to keep the hunger at bay? Also any tips on how to keep my breath fresh, I'm brushing them...
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    anyone tried the flap jacks?

    This is my second go at Lipotrim and the first time I tried the Flapjacks but thought they tasted awful. It might be a good idea after about 4 weeks to try them again. I might do this if I am struggling. I think its probably best to leave it until you are desperate. Good Luck!!