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  1. B

    Becky's Food Diary!

    Thank you I just signed up and I have not had enough calories today, just shy of 800 if you consider my exercise. I shall be eating a good tuna salad tomorrow me thinks! xx
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    Becky's Food Diary!

    Hello! Ooh I'll check that site out. Thanks for the advice for the under-eating, I think I may be slightly as although I've done really well with my weightloss, I dont think I can really tell just looking at me so I'm not sure if my body is storing extra fat? xx
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    Becky's Food Diary!

    Hi Guys! This is my first diary entry, I'm trying to eat super-healthy at the moment so I hope this encourages me to do so. Today was an okay day, I walked almost 5 miles. Breakfast: 2xoatibix Lunch: Chicken Salad with Low Fat Dressing Snacks: 2x biscuits (a massive mistake, i dont know...
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    Asked if i was pregnant!!!! Horror

    It sounds like your trigger! :) I've been asked if I was pregnant twice in the last year, let's show them that we dont look it at all :D
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    What part of your body did you first notice the weight loss?

    I notice it on my breasts, very frustrating when you're an A cup and have 42 inch hips that are crying out for a bit of weight loss!
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    Our Non Scale Victories

    my boyfriend being able to pick me up :). he only weighs 7lb more than me!
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    Quick meals for students

    Hey I'm a student and I find that if you need food on the go-check out your student's union. If it's anything like mine, they actively encourage healthy eating amongst students and there is a plethora of healthy food available, like salad bars. Hopefully yours will have the same and it will...
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    You'll get to your goal weight, dont worry! I'm at uni and I ALWAYS eat the worst foods imaginable when it comes to revising/doing assignments. I guess it's because food is the only pleasure achievable whilst studying hard. If you're not already, try and get lots of exercise at uni, I try to...
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    advice on my plateau

    Ahh I see what you're saying-thank you! I will try and eat a bit more fruit tomorrow as I was naughty today and had 2 biscuits, oops! Hopefully in a few weeks I will see the elusive 9 on the scales!!
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    advice on my plateau

    well I hit 10 st 1lb today and I was 10 st 10 lbs around two months ago. I know that I shouldn't be rushing losing the weight as I'm not overweight but I genuinely cannot remember the time I was 9 st something and despite my efforts I'm not sure if i'll get there
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    advice on my plateau

    hey thanks for the replies. I'm calorie counting at the moment, i'm not on a particular diet. It's an interesting point that I might not be eating enough. I am having around 1,200 calories a day and walking about 4 miles a day..I dont find myself particularly hungry though. It's so frustrating :(
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    how did i get here again......

    good luck with it, im sure you'll get down to your goal weight, im trying so hard at the moment but it's all so hard!
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    Anyone 2 wks in?

    well you already have proof thats it's going well because size 18s are baggy on you, well done :) just keep up the hard work and you'll see the results soon x
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    2nd weigh in wed

    well done1!
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    2 stone in 6 weeks :D

    wow thats amazing you lost that weight so quickly! well done
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    My 1st Tuesday weigh in :(

    4 lbs is amazing! well done :)
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    advice on my plateau

    Hi guys I hope you can help. I've been battling with my weight since a child and I can never seem to get below 10 st no matter how hard i try. I've managed to get down to 10 st 1lb and my target is 9st 7lbs. but instead of wanting to celebrate this i feel down because i dont think I'll ever be...
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    Thank you for all your well wishes! I'm not following a plan, just eating really healthily and walking up to 5 miles a day (not being able to drive is a blessing in disguise :)) I have good news I have lost 6 lbs and I weigh 10 st 1 lb, although I feel a bit down as I don't think you can...
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    thank you :)
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    1st Day - 1st Weigh In

    good luck with your weigh ins! x
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    Hi everyone

    well done on your 2 st weight loss, thats amazing! keep up the hard work x
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    Hey guys :) I'm Becky! My aim is to lose a stone by Christmas! I currently weigh 10st 7lbs and I'm 5 ft 3 1/2 :). I know it doesn't seem like I wish to lose * a lot* but I don't want to lose my curves! I'd really appreciate all your encouragement! I aim to eat a lot healthier and exercise...