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  1. H

    getting started

    thank you - are you following the diet? do you enjoy it? Still nervous about starting as worried about sorting lunches but really need to do something as can feel myself getting bigger each day :o(
  2. H

    getting started

    Hi - I did the cambridge diet before Christmas but as the Harcombe diet predicts, my body got used to the lower calories and as soon as I stopped, the weight piled on. I now want to try the Harcombe, I have the book but am a little confused, are you allowed the porridge oats for breakfast on...
  3. H

    Step 1 Sole Source + Finding me again

    whoops - haven't been on for a while but still plodding on. The weight is coming off but starting to feel flabby so must keep the walking up and starting to do tummy exercises, it has been a while since I've used those muscles too!! I have started having a normal meal on a saturday night and it...
  4. H

    Step 1 Sole Source + Finding me again

    well weigh in was a bit disappointing, I STS but on the plus side, I lost an inch from bust, waist and hips!! Just got to keep going and think of wearing a lovely dress at christmas without horrendous pull in cycling short things underneath that roll down every time I sit down!!
  5. H

    Step 1 Sole Source Cami's Diary

    Wow - you have done really well and look great!! Can I ask what you are eating on the 810 plan?
  6. H

    Step 1 Sole Source + Finding me again

    That's it - I have had enough of omelette, I never thought I would say this but I am looking forward to going back to just shakes and bars.
  7. H

    Eriks Weight Loss Photo's number 2!

    absolutely amazing - huge well done, you must feel so pleased with what you have achieved!!
  8. H

    Step 1 Sole Source + Finding me again

    Thanks - really hoping to get rid of at least another stone before then. How are you doing? Xx
  9. H

    Step 1 Sole Source + Finding me again

    Another weigh in done and lost 3lb's this week, very pleased as last weekend involved a lot of cocktails, food and crisps. I still can't believe I have found a diet that is working, I have been overweight for so long I lost all self confidence and just wanted to hide away from things, it is...
  10. H

    Step 1 Sole Source + Finding me again

    Well I have been drinking green tea like it is going out of fashion which has resulted in me weeing more than red rum but as I have weigh in tomorrow I need all the help I can get. I have stuck to it all this week but because I was so bad at the weekend, I want to make sure I keep on the diet...
  11. H

    Step 1 Sole Source + 3 weeks in and 20lb gone!!

    Four weeks in and 24lb gone, it is getting tough now - really want some food!! Well done on your loss, that is fab!!!
  12. H

    Step 1 Sole Source + 3 weeks in and 20lb gone!!

    Wow- you look fab!!! Well done, you must be so pleased!! How much have you lost?
  13. H

    Step 1 Sole Source + Finding me again

    Hi - your advice was right and patience has paid off -I lost 8lb this week and I weighed in a day early!! I haven't been this weight for years!!!! However I has my bosses leaving do on Friday and there was champagne and lots and lots of food, I tried to take it steady and switched to water...
  14. H

    Step 1 Sole Source + Finding me again

    Thank you - I'm hoping for a good loss this week as have the skinny jeans to wear on a work night out on Friday, seriously concerned about putting them on but fingers crossed will be ok. How is your week going? Xx
  15. H

    Step 1 Sole Source + Finding me again

    feel awful now - I just had a few prawns and some green salad, normally I would love this but I had to throw it away. Thought it would be nice to have it as I was dreaming about food and thought it fits with the 810 version but it was awful. :(
  16. H

    Step 1 Sole Source + Finding me again

    feel really bloated tonight - had my shakes and a cranberry bar but just drank three pints of water and it is sitting in my tummy like I have just eaten Christmas lunch!!! wasn't expecting that at all and guess I'll also be up all night weeing!! I am so tempted to move onto 810 and have a meal...
  17. H

    Step 1 Sole Source + Finding me again

    Hi - thank you, feeling much better now, my 13 year old daughter has just said "wow - that diet is good, your legs look loads better", I am over the moon and determined to make those skinny jeans look good on friday night!! How has your weekend been?
  18. H

    Step 1 Sole Source + Finding me again

    Thank you for your words of encouragement, sometimes you just need someone to give you some motivation to carry on x
  19. H

    Step 1 Sole Source + Finding me again

    Feeling bit deflated - just been to weigh in and lost 2lbs??? Have stuck to sole source all week and it isn't totm. I know the inches are going down too but only had a small loss last week too, it is very hard when you've been good all week and this diet is so hard, you need to keep seeing the...
  20. H

    Step 1 Sole Source + Finding me again

    Hubbie has gone out to get him and the kids KFC, this is going to be hard, today has been a very tough day - we had payday lunch at work and we all went to an Indian Buffett, I offered to stay and man the phones but they wanted everyone there. The smell was amazing but I just sipped water and...
  21. H

    Step 1 Sole Source + Finding me again

    Today was soo hard - my boss bought doughnuts into work and they smelt amazing, all I have wanted to do is eat today and although I've lost a stone, nothing feels baggy anymore and the clothes that have been too small are still too small. Need to give myself a slap and be positive, I am doing...
  22. H

    Rachel's weight loss Journey!

    Wow - huge well done, your diary is great and you are an inspiration! I am also tall, 6ft but weigh more than you, after 2and a half weeks I have lost just over a stone to get near to your starting weight. To read your journey down to the 12's is very exciting as it makes me think I can do it...
  23. H

    Step 1 Sole Source + Finding me again

    Another day closer to my ideal weight, I am taking each day at a time and anytime I feel hungry or think I am going too cheat, I step on the scales, seeing that weight infront of me reminds me why I am doing this and I am having to say no to cakes and biscuits now because I have said yes too...
  24. H

    Step 1 Sole Source 7 weeks in....

    You look amazing!!! Well done x
  25. H

    Step 1 Sole Source + Finding me again

    Just benefit another 5k walk with the dogs, they are loving this new routine and it gives me something to do when the family are eating. It is soo cold tonight, I had been craving jacket spud or fish and chips but I bought my first ever pair of skinny jeans yesterday and I am determined to get...
  26. H

    Step 1 Sole Source + Finding me again

    well I have got weigh in on Sat - had a little blip on Tuesday night and ended up eating a cheese topped roll, didn't enjoy it as much as I hoped I would but I have been sticking to it completely now out of guilt. Really hope I have had a decent loss on Saturday but if I haven't I only have...
  27. H

    I will do this...

    Ok - being a bit too keen, doing lots of walking an made myself dizzy earlier so will calm down a bit - think when you get into it though you just want all of the weight off at once
  28. H

    Step 1 Sole Source + 3 weeks in and 20lb gone!!

    You have given me a boost - it really does help to see how well everyone else is doing, I'll post some on here when I have had a decent loss
  29. H

    I will do this...

    Hi - well done on your losses, please don't say it's only ..... You have done well to shed those pounds and 17lb in four weeks is amazing!!!
  30. H

    Step 1 Sole Source + 3 weeks in and 20lb gone!!

    Wow - can definitely see a difference, well done x
  31. H

    Step 1 Sole Source + Finding me again

    Hi - thanks for your post, good idea about treats that don't involve food. I have been for a walk tonight and feeling bit light headed now, trying to shift this as quickly as possible and need to calm down a bit. How have you got on today?
  32. H

    Cambridge diet buddy?

    Hi - I have five stone to get rid of so we can keep each other going? I have just finished the first week and lost 10lb. Have you done this diet before?
  33. H

    Step 1 Sole Source + Finding me again

    I didn't cave - I was grumpy but stuck to it and was proud of myself today. Why is is always the bad stuff we crave, why can't I wake up and think ooohhh, I'd love a banana milkshake now?
  34. H

    Step 1 Sole Source 11 weeks until my wedding......Before & During Photos Added

    Wow - well done, I am also tall (6ft) and want to get rid of a lot of stones, I ha my first weigh in yesterday and I am now on week two. Yesterday was hard and could of killed for a chocolate biscuit but today has been better and even taken the dogs on a 5k walk! Hope the wedding plans are going...
  35. H

    Jelliebabe - Battle of the Bulge - Round 2!

    That is fantastic and well done for walking to the cinema and back - that does seem to help, I have been taking my dogs on so many walks I think they're going to start hiding!
  36. H

    Step 1 Sole Source + Finding me again

    arrgh - help!! everyone is out of the house and there is an open pack of chocolate digestives, so tempted to just have a sneaky one but know I will be cross with myself if I do. :(
  37. H

    Step 1 Sole Source + Finding me again

    Thanks - would love to have some toast now but trying to resist, time for a cup of tea :sigh:
  38. H

    Step 1 Sole Source + Finding me again

    well been for weigh in this morning and although it has only been five days I have lost 10lb!!! very very pleased, just need to keep the motivation now and not reward myself woth my normal treat of food and wine. Also tried the spicy tomato soup - not good, have chicken and mushroom and veg to...
  39. H

    I will do this...

    I lost two stone, but went mad and put it all back on with interest :( I have tried everything since SW, WW, Dukan, Atkins and the fasting diet but nothing is as effective as this so need to stay motivated and focused
  40. H

    I will do this...

    Hi - I am doing SS, 4 shakes a day because I am 6ft tall. I did CD for a while four years ago and tried the soups then, this is my fifth day on the diet and decided to just have shakes this week as I have a sweet tooth but missing something savoury at lunch time so need to give them a go...
  41. H

    Step 1 Sole Source + Diary of a fat bird!

    Thanks - and you x
  42. H

    I will do this...

    Hi - I have been going to bed at 9pm, feel like I am entering hibernation ;) but sure we'll feel better soon. Well done for drinking the mushroom soup - I have been living on shakes for the past five days, really need to find a soup I like so I can have it when it is cold in work. How are...
  43. H

    Step 1 Sole Source + Diary of a fat bird!

    I have 5 stone to loose, feels like a huge amount at the mo so trying to break it down into mini goals. I can not stand the porridge but I don't like normal porridge, it is like eating wallpaper paste ;)
  44. H

    Step 1 Sole Source + Finding me again

    Hi - I thought I would start my diary as need something to distract me while the kids eat pizza and my husband eats a curry. I have 5 stone to loose and I am nearing the end of my first week on ss+. I was put on 4 shakes as I am 6ft tall but haven't been having the milk or food so guess I am...
  45. H

    Step 1 Sole Source + Diary of a fat bird!

    Hi - I thought I would join in this thread, I am due to be weighed tomorrow (2 days early but appointments are on a saturday), hoping I have lost a decent amount but clothes are feeling better and that's good. My husband is eating a curry and the kids are having pizza so trying to keep myself...
  46. H

    Attack hi guys, introduction

    Hi - I have been on the Dukan diet for a week, I can honestly say it is the best diet I have ever done!! I have tried sw, ww, Atkins and Cambridge. Dukan changes the way you eat and how you feel about food - seeing the scales change is the biggest motivator ever and there are some fantastic...