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  1. L

    Re Starting Cambridge Sole Source

    Hi, I'm re starting Cambridge Sole Source. I originally did Cambridge a couple of years ago, started at 206lbs and lost 61lbs. Unfortunately 5lbs away from my goal weight I stopped and started eating again and piled the weight back on over the last couple of years. I'm now at 261lbs! So now I...
  2. L

    The 12 types of emotional hunger

    lol, I am def: Type 4. Hate Yourself, Love Your Munchies. If you tend to become hypercritical of yourself, if you label yourself "stupid, "lazy," or "a loser," you have Type 4 emotional hunger. You eat to "stuff down" your self-hatred. As soon as I read it, I started crying! Unfortunately, am...
  3. L

    Starting in the New Year - ROLL CALL

    lol! I'm sorry for laughing at your dream. If it makes you feel any better, I woke up at 3am seriously believing that I had gotten up and eaten loads of food in my sleep. I'm still not sure if it was a dream or not. There was nothing in the kitchen to show that I had though...
  4. L

    Starting in the New Year - ROLL CALL

    MM - I bet you were so smug! You deserved to be! Weekend was good and no IHOP ;) Am just at home now, waiting for hubby to get back from work. Walked 2 miles today and am pooped! xxxx L
  5. L

    Re-Start 1st January 2010 - buddy group

    lol, I have no idea! Although I do take green tea capsules. Maybe that helps? xx
  6. L

    Starting in the New Year - ROLL CALL

    MM - LOL! In comparison the the US that is very true! It's so hard over here - no portion control! Morning all! Hope everyone had a great weekend - I always find them the most difficult to stay on track! So I hope you all did great! Today is a week since I started and have lost 14lb so far. Am...
  7. L

    Re-Start 1st January 2010 - buddy group

    Morning all! Hope everyone had a great weekend - I always find them the most difficult to stay on track! So I hope you all did great! Today is a week since I started and have lost 14lb so far. Am really pleased. Hoping I can keep it up! Happy Monday everyone! xxxx Lucy
  8. L

    Re-Start 1st January 2010 - buddy group

    lol, I am too. Plus I REALLY love bread and hubby brought me a bread maker for Christmas! It's still in the packaging. :(
  9. L

    Starting in the New Year - ROLL CALL

    MM - lol! It was a real trial! But I survived! Hurrah! Also, 1lb off overnight. yay! Hope you all have a great day! xxx L
  10. L

    Starting in the New Year - ROLL CALL

    Just had trip to dentist with husband. He kept trying to persuade me to go to IHOP which was hideous as it's my fave restaurant! But I stood strong and am now at home considering a bath ;) xxx Lucy
  11. L

    Starting in the New Year - ROLL CALL

    lol, Gemma it's blatently all water and poo ;)
  12. L

    Re-Start 1st January 2010 - buddy group

    MM - I'm a bit wary of the drinks like that, reason being I really HATE milk especially the weird aftertaste you get with it. I tried the UK hot drinks but had that taste and obviously you can't get the sachets here so it would be a huge waste to buy a big tup if I don't like it... Lost another...
  13. L

    Starting in the New Year - ROLL CALL

    Hi ladies! MM I totally agree, learning to eat properly and not like a psycho at the end is the hard bit! ;) Hey Gemma! Don't beat yourself up! I fell off after 6 days and put all but 2lbs of the 10 I lost back on! But restarted and am now on day 3 and am already down by 9 lbs from my original...
  14. L

    Starting in the New Year - ROLL CALL

    lol, no I gained back about 6lbs overnight when I fell off! When I restarted I was 2lbs less than my original start weight and now lost 4lbs on top of that. I always start really well though to be fair.
  15. L

    Re-Start 1st January 2010 - buddy group

    MinnieMel - I really hope so. I had HUGE probs with homeland security when coming over to visit my then boyfriend now husband. Interviewed for hours, bags searched, them phoning him to check my story, you name it! Still, am sure it will all work out. xxxx L
  16. L

    Starting in the New Year - ROLL CALL

    wannabslim - I started, managed 6 days, lost 10lbs, fell off, restarted yesterday, back in ketosis already and lost 4lbs overnight ;) MinnieMel - I think he thinks it's a bit extreme and is dubious about the weight staying off but he is a huge atkins fan and is really rather round himself. We...
  17. L

    Starting in the New Year - ROLL CALL

    The worcestershire sauce SERIOUSLY made all the difference. Apparently you can put parsely and onion powder in as well. Also black pepper. Had a bit of a mad day today. For some reason my Dr. is the least time efficient man in the world. Waited 2 HOURS to see him just to check in on my meds...
  18. L

    Re-Start 1st January 2010 - buddy group

    It's because there are so few practicing Christians in the UK. I think it's something crazy like 4% of the population are practicing. Plus I do think that the cultural differences make a difference. You Americans are so enthusiastic about everything, I think it rubs us pessimistic Brits the...
  19. L

    Starting in the New Year - ROLL CALL

    well I added a load of worcestershire sauce to my tom soup last night and it tasted just like UK one so was pleased! Also had possibly my worst nights sleep ever. Does anyone else find they sleep less well on CD? However, had a sneaky weigh this am and have lost 4lbs! yay! xxxx L
  20. L

    Re-Start 1st January 2010 - buddy group

    lol, I live about an hour from Sav and it it gorgeous. I actually really enjoy the small town life and am a Christian so living in the bible belt suits me :) Hubby isn't in the military, thank God! I REALLY respect people that do that job though. Brave souls! How come you're in the UK? Is your...
  21. L

    Starting in the New Year - ROLL CALL

    Tonight I am pleased to report that hubby has stunk the whole house out with burnt butter beans and so I really don't feel deprived of food! lol! Good luck for tomorrow everyone! xxxx L
  22. L

    Re-Start 1st January 2010 - buddy group

    MinnieMel - I come from the UK and have just moved to the US - hubby is American. Unfortunately, gained all weight lost back and 2 stone on top! A combo of emotional eating due to cultre shock and boredom! I do have to say that I MUCH prefer the UK stuff. I used to have tomato soup, veg soup and...
  23. L

    Re-Start 1st January 2010 - buddy group

    Minnie Mel - 1) Lol, misread your name and called you "minnieme" last time! Apologies ;) 2) that is a GREAT idea. I've started taking baths with lovely bath salts. That is something I would have never have done before and it really does help take your mind off eating. xxx L
  24. L

    Re-Start 1st January 2010 - buddy group

    don't worry Trisha, we all slip. Don't beat yourself up about it, have a lovely bath and watch some tv. xxxx L
  25. L

    Re-Start 1st January 2010 - buddy group

    Well weighed myself this morning and have managed to not gain the lot back and am still at a "loss" of 2lbs ;) Today is going well, it's 1:30pm and have just had my porridge. Still, I know that the worst is still to come! :) xxxx L
  26. L

    Starting in the New Year - ROLL CALL

    lol, hey Clairey :) I can't believe I'm at 17 stone! Heaviest EVER! Still, good impetus to get started again. Day one is ok so far, totally caved at day 6 last time. Got hideously freezing. Plus hubby had pizza 2 nights in a row! Booo!!!! I now have a wide variety of clothes sizes but still have...
  27. L

    Starting in the New Year - ROLL CALL

    hello ladies, haven't been on in a while, fell off the wagon, had a friend to stay who is going through a messy divorce and sympathy eating commenced! It's been about a week and a half since I fell off and am going to re start tomorrow. Will weigh myself tom morning but suspect I will have put...
  28. L

    Re-Start 1st January 2010 - buddy group

    hello ladies, haven't been on in a while, fell off the wagon, had a friend to stay who is going through a messy divorce and sympathy eating commenced! It's been about a week and a half since I fell off and am going to re start tomorrow. Will weigh myself tom morning but suspect I will have put...
  29. L

    Re-Start 1st January 2010 - buddy group

    jazzmars14 - they should sell them in pharmacies or maybe the pharmacy section of ASDA or maybe boots or Superdrug? Today is REALLY hard. Am in ketosis but sooo hungry. I keep thinking that as I fell off yesterday I may as well give in but am hanging on by my fingernails! xxx L
  30. L

    Re-Start 1st January 2010 - buddy group

    I have been very lucky, appear to have not gained anything extra and am still in ketosis somehow. Am feeling hungry though, hopefully it will just progress and I will stop feeling hungry soon! Hope everyone is doing great! xxx L
  31. L

    Starting in the New Year - ROLL CALL

    I have been very lucky, appear to have not gained anything extra and am still in ketosis somehow. Am feeling hungry though, hopefully it will just progress and I will stop feeling hungry soon! Hope everyone is doing great! xxx L
  32. L

    Starting in the New Year - ROLL CALL

    oh dear. Fell off last night in a big way. Ate 2 slices of pizza, some microwave popcorn - NOT the healthy type. And some ice cream and sweets. URGH. Am gutted but am going to start again today and hopefully move on from there. Have weighed myself and am still at 11lbs loss so that's ok I guess...
  33. L

    Re-Start 1st January 2010 - buddy group

    oh dear. Fell off last night in a big way. Ate 2 slices of pizza, some microwave popcorn - NOT the healthy type. And some ice cream and sweets. URGH. Am gutted but am going to start again today and hopefully move on from there. Have weighed myself and am still at 11lbs loss so that's ok I guess...
  34. L

    Re-Start 1st January 2010 - buddy group

    End of day 6. I sit here sipping chicken soup as my husband and friend munch on pizza. Argh! However, have come too far to give up now. Hopefully I will stay strong and make it into day 7! Welcome to all new starters! xxx L
  35. L

    Re-Start 1st January 2010 - buddy group

    lol, we all know that you try to have a poo before you weigh yourself, anyone that says they don't is lying! ;) Day 6, feel a lot better, although am slightly nervous as I always feel great in the mornings but flag by the late afternoon. Still, at least there are no meals out today! Thanks for...
  36. L

    Starting in the New Year - ROLL CALL

    wow. This has been my worst day by far. Yesterday was very hard, after my nap in the evening I couldn't sleep for 3 hours when I actually went to bed. argh! I knew today would be hard because whenever hubby and I travel to the town where our dentist is we always eat out for breakfast and lunch...
  37. L

    Re-Start 1st January 2010 - buddy group

    wow. This has been my worst day by far. Yesterday was very hard, after my nap in the evening I couldn't sleep for 3 hours when I actually went to bed. argh! I knew today would be hard because whenever hubby and I travel to the town where our dentist is we always eat out for breakfast and lunch...
  38. L

    Re-Start 1st January 2010 - buddy group

    wow - today started off great but by 5pm I was seriously flaking. Went to bed at 7 and just lay there for ages, had been severely grumpy for the past 2 hrs and my husband just suggested I go to sleep. He woke me up a couple of mins ago and I had to really fight the urge to eat something. Not...
  39. L

    Starting in the New Year - ROLL CALL

    wow - today started off great but by 5pm I was seriously flaking. Went to bed at 7 and just lay there for ages, had been severely grumpy for the past 2 hrs and my husband just suggested I go to sleep. He woke me up a couple of mins ago and I had to really fight the urge to eat something. Not...
  40. L

    Re-Start 1st January 2010 - buddy group

    whatever, you do, don't compare yourself to other people. Mine is blatently all water anyway ;) And I recommend scouring the internet for all the gorgeous clothes you will buy yourself when you reach goal! That or go window shopping! xxxx L
  41. L

    Re-Start 1st January 2010 - buddy group

    Hi ladies, For those just starting, I want to inspire you. I am on day 4, headache is gone and I feel really good. However, the first 3 days were a total mare! Stinking headache and food fantasies galore! I spent a good ten minutes thinking solidly about boiled carrots on Saturday! However, once...
  42. L

    Starting in the New Year - ROLL CALL

    Hi there, I did cambridge last year starting April and lost 6 stone and was within 5lbs of goal but then moved country, got married and put 7 stone back on! Now am back on Cambridge although it's the USA food which I am finding a bit gross but am on day 3, headache is gone and am starting to...
  43. L

    Re-Start 1st January 2010 - buddy group

    FINALLY got round to my first "food" of the day. Had a tomato soup instead of porridge. I added less water (about 4oz) and it tasted a LOT better, quite thick, a bit like heinz tomato soup so that was a definate improvement. Also had half a coconut bar with a coffee and took some advil for the...
  44. L

    Re-Start 1st January 2010 - buddy group

    Lol, good to see everyone is in a good mood this morning! ;) I STILL have a stinking headache which is a pain! However, it's day 3 so hopefully that will all clear off soon. It's ten am and am about to have some oats and coffee. Hopefully once I'm in ketoisis it will all be easier. That magic...
  45. L

    Re-Start 1st January 2010 - buddy group

    lol, am now even more hungry ;) Had a 4 hr nap earlier which really helped (I pity those with kids and on cambridge!) Bought some coke zeros today, haven't had one yet, am just going to have one if I feel REALLY deprived. I usually drink diet coke and am not that keen on the taste of normal...
  46. L

    Re-Start 1st January 2010 - buddy group

    Argh! Day 2 and am STARVING! 1st day was easy but I suspect I was full from prev day's stuffing! Also was really disappointed with the USA version of the tomato soup and am finding the USA bars quite sickly. However, am sure it will all taste delish very soon! It is 5pm and I have managed to...
  47. L

    Re-Start 1st January 2010 - buddy group

    I'm British but married an American and have been here since July full time. Part of the reason I gained the weight back is from comfort eating to get myself through the culture shock I think. Hoping to finish Cambridge well and learn proper eating habits after. That's the hardest bit! xxxx L
  48. L

    Re-Start 1st January 2010 - buddy group

    Well so far have had the oats. VERY filling and can deffo recommend them ladies! Had 2 coffees today and had a couple of bites of the peanut bar with my second one. Am now living in the USA and the bars here are different to the UK ones, smaller but a lot sweeter! Am feeling really good so...
  49. L

    Re-Start 1st January 2010 - buddy group

    Good morning ladies! I have actually started today, husband wanted to take me out for a new year meal yesterday and since I'm not going to be eating for the next 3 months I couldn't really say no! However, am just about to have my first SS - breakfast oats! God Bless whoever came up with that...
  50. L

    Bad relations.

    wow, you guys, this is so sad. I really feel for you all, such difficult situations. Wish I had something more constructive to say but know that I am thinking of you all, well done to all of you for being a lot more mature than I would be! xxxxx L
  51. L

    Bad relations.

    I think that if you have people in your life who for whatever reason are bad for you to be around, be it because of an addiction or just because of bad history then it may do you good to spend some time away from them. Often the people that we get most wounded by are family members because of...
  52. L

    Re-Start 1st January 2010 - buddy group

    Hi there, I'm restarting as well, although I'm doing it today. I just really felt ready to go today so thought there was no point in putting it off any more. If your mind is ready, it's better to just go for it I reckon! I lost 5 stone on Sole Source originally but then put it all back on and...