Morning All
so sad news this morning...gained 2.5lbs. I'm not going to cry over this or get angry or starve myself. I know where the gain came from, we were away at my parents last weekend so there was snacks in the car on the way down Friday night, beers when i got there, then a pub meal...
Hi Everyone,
Today work brought me in cakes and buns for my birthday. I ate a brownie and two biscuits. I've worked it out at approx. 41 syns.
I feel beyond guilty and wondering am I now going to have a gain due to this. I am so mad at myself but it's one of those days where I could eat...
weigh in wednesday again last night in Knowle..
+1lb Gain = 13st9lbs. I am now 1st4.5lbs over where i was at my lowest
feel like such a failure, and in the process because i dont actually know how to emotionally handle a gain, i had a proper melt down/got angry/got upset.
just need to...