16th June 2012!

Well as you can see I'm new here! I'm getting married on the 16th of June this year and am doing Slimming World. Been doing it on and off for the past few months, was very good before Christmas and lost over a stone and got myself into a size 12!! Now I'm trying to get under the 10 stone mark....

I bought my dress over a year ago and it was far too small for me then but it closes on me now!! Still want to shed a few more lbs though!! Any other 16th of June brides out there?? My final dress fitting is in 7 and a half weeks, so the countdown is really on!!
I'm getting married on the 16th of June too, have my first dress fitting this week! Hoping to lose 2stone by the wedding, and have just started celebrity slim.
Im getting married 4th August but will have my first dress fitting around the dates of your weddings.
Been doing ww (this time!!!) and its Ive lost just over a stone since got we got engaged in November.

A woman at work does celebrity slim - the weight literally flies off her; I mean like losing 20lbs in 3 weeks!!! To be honest I couldnt do it - she just has those shakes and no food at all.
Id rather take the scenic route...

Ive set my initial goal (and post wedding goal!!!) as 10st 7lbs but I really want to get under the 10st mark for the wedding (Just so I can be a 9st something bride!!!).

Hi there, congrats on the wedding! I'm a newbie as well. I will be married May 22nd of this year. I never have heard of sw until i came here came on here.
I'm doing p90x, alternating with gym exercises and my 4 minute workout and also taking fruta planta.
My dress may be too big by my wedding :0 bc i went ahead and bought it last October. So i may need it altered. Or get a different one...its a lace up back so we will see...