30 in 4 months eaakkk!!


Full Member
Hi, my names Sam and I have just had a realization that Iam turning 30 in less than 4 months and at 5 ft 4 I am nearly 7 stone overweight and an uncomfortable size 18/20.
I have been over weight all my life and like most havetried and failed at most diets. The best result I ever had was the total mealreplacement plan where I lost 4 stone in 3 months over 6 years ago.
This time I am to try Exante Dietto give me the confidence to start my 30’s a little happier!!
I look forward to chatting to members onhere and offering moral support!! :)
I myself come to the realisation that I was gonna be 40 last year!! and didn't want to be fat, I went on a weight loss plan in 2011 because I DID NOT want to go on holiday's and be mistaken for something being stranded on the beach, The realisation that being 40 and fat was too much, I have to admit it was a hard journey and at times I felt like crying if the weight wasn't coming off quick enough....It has to be the best thing I have ever done, I went on holiday last year and felt great, looked ok ish (to myself) and even had the courage to buy my first bikini. (ok I only wore it around the pool with shorts on) .
good luck with your weight loss journey hun :) x
I myself come to the realisation that I was gonna be 40 last year!! and didn't want to be fat, I went on a weight loss plan in 2011 because I DID NOT want to go on holiday's and be mistaken for something being stranded on the beach, The realisation that being 40 and fat was too much, I have to admit it was a hard journey and at times I felt like crying if the weight wasn't coming off quick enough....It has to be the best thing I have ever done, I went on holiday last year and felt great, looked ok ish (to myself) and even had the courage to buy my first bikini. (ok I only wore it around the pool with shorts on) .
good luck with your weight loss journey hun :) x

Wow - you have done great! thanks for the encouragement ... i know i've got to stick at it for longer this time and exercise. I'm on day one and feel ok so far. sam x