Acne :(

Hey ive started the slim fast shakes alongside my xenical. and have broke out with horrible acne.

I was on roaccutane around 3 years ago and it cleared up great, now i have it back.

Im so upset :(

Anyone else had the same problem or know if this is a side effect to either or?

thanks guys

Ah sorry to hear you've had an outbreak. My skin was really bad for about 4 weeks when I started xen. I don't think it was the xen though, more likely my body detoxing from all the crap I had been eating. Hope it clears up soon x
I'm 25 and still get acne, winds me up. Considering i have not eaten crap for the past 3 weeks you would of thought my skin would of cleared up, but NO !!! Grrr. I hope you find a solution.