Attempt number..


New Member

I've been struggling with my weight now for around 10-13 years, I used to active as a child and loved sports, but over the years food has taken its toll on me, especially my weight.

I've done slimming world, counting calories, i've tried going the gym, I just never stick to it. I feel fed up of eating junk.
The thing is, I love healthy food, I'd actually prefer it to junk food, but some how I always end up back eating crap and can't stop.
I have previously lost 2 stone but have put it all back on again.

I'm 25 and currently 16 stone 7.
I'm hoping to lose 7 stone, within the next 1-2 year, with strict will power.
This time I don't want to give up, but just afraid I will.

Tomorrow, I am starting slimming world again, from home.
Any tips?
Hi SaRoar

Welcome to minimins
Unfortunately I’m not following SW
But just wanted to wish you luck and ask how you’re getting on

There are some great groups on here for exercise challenges and mini goals where everyone puts their updates on - it’s good motivation
Welcome to minimins and good luck!

Many of us here are on attempt number......

I first joined WW in 2008! Clearly worked wonders for me, I've been yo yo dieter since then, never once coming close to goal weight and I ended up 4st bigger than what I was when I first started!

Doing Exante now and will be at goal by July!

We can do this.
