Back on the old points! Looking for support

Hello, Glad to find others that have found pro points doesn't work for them, I actually left the WW online site as a result. Gonna start back with Discover plan as of Monday and am so happy to have found this forum, I'm in no doubt that support from others really helsp. Just reading about you all giving it a go is instantly motivating!
hello :) i have had my second baby well had him ( 6 months ago ) and i want 3-4 stones off i have done this diet b4 and got really strict on it after i had my daughter 4.5 years ago i lost about 3-4 stone then and felt amazing im at a stand still at minute and dont no where 2 turn i signed up 4 a 6 week count down on sw and still got 3 weigh ins left ive lost 7 lbs so far but totally sick i want it off quicker!!! hope u all dont mind me butting in :) was wundering if any1 knows how many points r in a slice of bacon with fat removed????????????????????/ :) xxx
ah so glad i found this! I am currently on a vlcd but due to cost etc i am not planning on staying on it for too long, i wanted to go back to ww to lose remainder of weight once iv'e lost more on vlcd but last time i went i didn't do well at all, stuck to pro points religiously yet was lucky if i lost 1 lbs a week, sometimes i gained, i was eating loads of fruit etc which is 'free' yet there's lots of carbs, sugars in those which is why i think my body went other way! I lost 4 stone a few years ago on the old points system and i still have my books, also i downloaded a points calculator and tracker for ww on my phone it uses the old points system or you can choose the pp system, works a treat . The leader at ww was unimpressed when i asked if i could follow old plan but still weigh in, hence me leaving and starting vlcd. I am glad i wasn't the only one to not get on with pp! I'll be joining you all very soon :)
May I join this thread too?

I love the old WW - I know it really well and I know it works. I lost 3lbs in 5 weeks on the new pro-points so that was rubbish as far as I was concerned. I actually eat more on the old points and lose more - love it!

I'm back to WWs for the umpteenth time. I lost about 4 stone 12 years ago (12? blimey!) and felt amazing. Then got married and had 2 kids and put it all back on. I've lost the weight a few times since then but mostly for a special event and then when that was over lost motivation and fell back into bad habits and put it all back on. Classic yo-yo !:sigh:

Anyway, going on a fabby holiday and I've got a big birthday coming up this year so really want to sort myself out again (hopefully for good this time). I've been really focussed for a week and a half now - tracking everything in my notebook and have lost a whopping 5lbs in my first week - hooray! What I'm really missing now though is some support :p

How is everyone else getting on?
Hi hules! I did old ww after having my 1st child I waited till she was about 1 and lost 4 stone really easily n quick i got right down 2 9.12 loved how I felt although I got obsessive but that's where I want 2 be again but not as strict as when i had lost the weight I went on an all inclusive holiday and just pigged out now from there I slowly put on weight then fell pregnant again which was my excuse 2 be fat n eat everything I cud get my hands on!!! Now my sons 6 months I feel yak I have tried slimmingworld but don't feel as commited 2 it... I'm in the process of a break up with my partner ( who is still living here till he sorts money out etc.... He told me he has fallen out of love with me and hates me :mad: heartbroken I am but now I'm motivated 2 show him wot he's missing I'm currently doing herbal life well as of 2 morro as I've ordered the old ww books from eBay but soon as they come I'm doing that!! I have lost 7lbs in 2 weeks just cutting down n going 2 gym but I want about 4 stone off we can be buddies :).... Ps sorry 4 boring u with my essay and problems x
Hi Stacey,
So sorry to hear about your break-up :( I definately think you need to be proactive hun and losing the weight will make you feel much better about yourself x x 7lbs in 2 weeks is great, what is herbal Life? I've never heard of that.

I think I'm always at my lowest - confidence and personality wise when I'm at my biggest (i.e. now) and as soon as I start seeing a difference in my weight everything seems so much rosier. I'm up for buddies :) Did you see my team thread? x
I just seen ure comment on here and I need as much encouragement as I can get lol!!!! Herbalife I's a shake replacement thing not summit u can do 4 a long period of time well not me as I love my food 2 much so I just do it 2 get me going again and just waiting on these books cuming :) xxx
Ahh, I'm not sure I could do them for long either, I lurve food yum. When are your books supposed to be coming?
Hi guys,I'm also starting old points plan again!Lost 2 stone with it before they changed it to propoints and then weight came to a standstill...have been lucky enough to only go a few pounds over my 'finishing' weight but want to get started again!!Have tried SW etc and havent found anything that works like the old plan so fingers crossed i can finish what i started all those years ago!!!Good luck with WI this week everyone :) Mel x
Hi Mel, how's it going so far?
Hello all! I'm chuffed I've lost total of 5lb so far, I messed around for first 2 weeks but been rigid since. Lost 1lb last week then 4lb this morning
Yay, well done that's fab! I do love it when you start to see losses :)