bad mood

pretty peach

Full Member
Struggling today! In such a mood!!! Im annoying myself shouting at my poor bf and getting stressy with my kids and im still feelig soooo hungry its unbearable! X
I know how your feeling I saw your post and laughed because I'm exactly the same, I feel so sorry for all the poor people round me getting the brunt of it.
Would you try some black coffee that really help me when hunger strikes? Hope your day gets better. Set aside fifteen minutes online to look at all the clothes you can wear when you reach target?x
I've been shouty at the kids today too but my little one is up every night so I'm exhausted & he's pushed all my buttons today lol! It definitely affects your moods though x
I have snapped constantly at my bf but he knows it will get better. Defo agree with the black coffee, I'm having one right now!
Anyone else think that weekends are the worst?? Spent yesterday shopping in town and every time I turned around I saw food or people eating!!
So hard!!

Daisyhappy, you are so right, only thing that kept me on the straight and narrow was concentrating on the fab clothes shopping I could do when reaching target!! Beats the thought of eating something that would satisfy me for only a few minutes!!!
Anyone else think that weekends are the worst?? Spent yesterday shopping in town and every time I turned around I saw food or people eating!!
So hard!!

Daisyhappy, you are so right, only thing that kept me on the straight and narrow was concentrating on the fab clothes shopping I could do when reaching target!! Beats the thought of eating something that would satisfy me for only a few minutes!!!

everywhere you turn there's food being advertised, tv, magazines, out and about. My saying to myself is I have had all those things to eat before, LT is only a small proportion of my life to get me looking nice, and then I can start having treats just like everyone else! Works for me :)
Also i didn't realise how much money i used to spend on food, lunches out, take away, quick snack etc. I bought myself a lovely bag in Penneys-primark- and pair of shoes and little bits of make up as a reward :) also bought a lovely top for a tenner that i love for now and will also be nice when i lose weight too! Im making a lot more effort on my appearance now too and feel the better for it! Tomorrow is a bank holiday here so Im going in to have my second weigh in today :D roll on week three!
I'm noticing the money too, I've hardly spent anything since I started LT!
Same here. I didn't realise how many times I would just pop to the shop for "bits" and sown about a tenner each time! £36 a week for LT is a bargain! I didn't realise just how much of the stuff at home I ate aswell. My cupboards and fridge are still full. I'm determined not to go back to that when I come off LT. I am so looking forward to a chicken breast, a couple of potatoes and veg! Lol