Bread Mix

I think it can. Just make sure it is wholemeal and you have 60g.

I'm hoping it is as I'm getting a bread maker soon!
Yes you can. Im not sure if its all wholemeal flour but i know the Tesco one is because there is a thread on using it base
Whitney142 said:
I was going to try and use it as a pizza base so not sure how I would get the correct amount of mix!!?

If your using the Tesco versions chicks this is from a previous post and these are the measurements I make it by too... Although add the water slowly... sometimes it can be a bit too wet the mixture xx

B's lovely lady said:
I've just had a look and I've worked it out to be 75g of dry mix with 55ml of warm water (this is 2xheb)

To make you mix together and kneed it. Let it rest for 5 mins kneed again then I rested it for 40 mins. I then rolled it out into a pizza base shape, add passata and cheese (hea) and free toppings!

I'm having this again tonight, I love it!!!! Thanks to the person who got this authorised!!!