ClaireCat: trials and tribulations

I have jet black hair and wanted pillarbox red once upon a time in my goth days. Bleached it 6 times in two days going through differing shades of orange and finally put the red in. Bloody lovely for all of 4 weeks until the roots came through!
Mmm might be an idea to let your hair recover slightly before throwing more chemicals on it :)

But where's the fun in that?! :p:D

Stuck more purple in it this morning and wrapped it up for a couple of hours. Much better. Not quite as uniformed as I would like, but I'm quite happy with it.


I give it til wednesday before it washes out! hahaha! :rolleyes:
Lush purple though! Me likey
Love it! Ever thought of red?
Purple is my favorite colour.....don't think my hair would appreciate given the stories lol:)
Love it! Ever thought of red?

Had the underneath red for about 3/4 months last year. But purple is my favourite colour. All my tattoo's are black and purple - its a theme!

I'd love to die it electric blue, but my boss might have heart failure, and I might get my p45.

Hoping my hair isnt an issue when I'm back at work tomorrow because I'll be more than less than unimpressed if he wants me to change it. I can forsee some job hunting if that's the case! :p
Morning Claire, I can't see how your hair would be a problem, unless you are customer facing though ;)
Hehe! I am customer facing!

Thankfully, I was half asleep this morning and forgot to remove my facial piercings. So that took the emphasis off my hair at least! lol! :p
Ok, so this week, even though its not over yet (my week starts on a Thursday), I've not touched a bit of cheese.

I "accidentally" stood on the bathroom scales this morning and since Thursday, I've GAINED 3lbs!!!

Swear to god I've not eaten any frankenfoods, or boxes of chocolates or anything. If I've not lost on WI day, I might need to rethink my diet. :(
Don't worry about it...unless you weigh yourself constantly you can't monitor how your body weight fluctuates! Either do it all the time or once a week, otherwise you'll feel terrible if losses don't show.

If you've done good then it'll show up in a couple of days! :)
I know, I know. But I couldn't help myself today.

Will be completely avoiding the scales until Thursday morning. Scout's honour. :(
Morning Claire, yes, stop weighing yourself :)
I know... I know! Lol! I had a weak moment!
oh hope it comes off love xxx
lol! Well I did put two whole jars of dye in my hair! So maybe! lol!

My doctor has changed my pill so I've been stuck in totm for about a month now, so im guessing its something to do with that. Stupid hormones.

I'm sitting here thinking I'm going to go have pizza hut for dinner, but then realizing its raining and I dont want to have to walk to get it because they dont deliver where I live! lol!