ClaireCat: trials and tribulations

yes you are rambling ;) how does nexts week manu go then? did you say low gi or high carb?
:p My bad!

Next week I've to have little to no fat, lean protein and starchy carbs - so potato's, wholewheat bread and rice. Havent studied next week yet - will do it on Thursday when I do my online tesco shopping for the weekend :D

Its higher GI, so I dare say I could go crazy and eat a banana!

Probably be starving that week! lol!
yes higher gi but can you eat as much as you want?
I'm allowed one portion of lean protein per meal/snack, no fat, one portion of high GI carbs per meal/snack, one pre-bedtime protein shake and as many "free" veggies as I want.

I've to have breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner, shake! Apparently!

I usually have my shake for breakfast, but I guess I can have some toast instead. God, need to go buy a toaster!
You need your wits about you with this diet! I'd fail on day one as I'm not at all good at remembering! ... But you're doing really well Claire! :)
Morning Claire, I'm with Di, that would confuse me as well, I liked Atkins because it was so simple really.
ooh good luck love. cant you grill the toast? so no fat at all? like no bacon or cheese or sausage?
I ordered a toaster last night - one to match my kettle! lol! My OH looked at me as if I was daft for panicing over a toaster - then looked less impressed when I spent £60 buying one! haha!

But it'll be lovely! And fat wise, I def cant have cheese. I can have meats, but lean meats - and no extra fat. So I cant cook things in olive oil or anything. Grilled or steamed I think will be the way to go next week.

Hmm... maybe I should go buy a steamer! I shall debate this later today - off to the tattooists! See u all later :D
Is that for the scary dragon Claire? lol :)

Hope it goes well! :)
Hehe! Not the scary dragon yet. Was my 3rd and final sitting for my night elf tattoo and I was getting my eyebrows touched up!

All in all, an easy little 2hr session today :)

Scary dragon tattoo should be ready to view next Thursday - hope its awsome :D
Thank goodness it was easy Claire! :)
Hehe as easy as it'll ever be! Kinda hate being tattoo'd, but shhh... dont tell anyone! :p
Hi Claire, glad it was fairly "easy"! Looking forward to a photo of the final result when ready to show:D
Why thank you! If my bank manager agree's, I think I'm going to go get a full lip colour tattoo in a month or so! :D
Hi Claire,

Sounds as though the Cheat to Win is going well so far :) Bet you're looking forward to eating different foods next week.

Love the tattoos - they look very cool! I am way too much of a wimp to have done myself.

Is that a tattoo over your actually lips Claire - sorry to be so thick!

Couldn't open the links - will try later just in case there's a temporary problem :)