could not get any work done today because

I think its safe to admit this here but tonight I am bringing along a bottle of wine to meal, which was a gift from an older relative that didn't know I was on CD (it was given a couple of days after I started).
The wine has been looked after for several months by my best mate, who is also attending.
I quite like the idea of re-cycling unrequired edibles!
Once someone gives you something it is yours to with as you like, and I am sure the older relative would appreciate your enjoying sharing the wine.
Oops, so much for sharing the wine last night, I think a certain now rather embarassed person drank rather a lot of it!
Roll on a new day and plenty of glugging at the water x
Hey BB,

I made a bit of an *ss of myself on Halloween, as I was drinking wine and not eating. C'est la vie. Flush your system well and help your liver do its job! I hope you had a lovely evening.
