D.I.Y. C.B.T.!


Trainee Maintainer
I was reading the sunday papers and came across an article about cognitive behaviour therapy. Below is the top ten negative thoughts...

1. All or nothing: you see things in stark black and white terms.

2. Overgeneralisation: you view a negative event as part of a never-ending pattern of defeat.

3. Mental filter: you dwell on negative comments, ignoring positive ones.

4. Discounting positives: you insist your good qualities and accomplishments don't count.

5. Jumping to conclusions: mind-reading (you assume people are reacting negatively to you); and fortune-telling (you arbirarily predict that things will turn out badly).

6. Magnification: blowing problems or shortcomings out of proportion.

7. Emotional reasoning: assuming your negative emotions reflect the way things really are.

8. "Should" statements: you criticise yourself or other epople with shoulds, oughts and musts.

9. Labelling: instead of saying "I made a mistake," you think "I'm a fool."

10. Blame: you blame yourself for things you're not responsible for, or blame others when your behaviour might have contributed to a problem.

A ha I thought, I recognise myself in some of them!

How about you?
Pretty much all me too! Number 2 is a particular habit I would love to break. (My latest is that I always get stuck at a 3.5stone loss, whatever diet I do, and here I am stuck again!!! )
"...Question is....how do we fix them?? ..."

That article suggests doing a 'mood log' of upsetting events, the negative feelings they gave you, and the automatic thoughts they triggered.

Then, try to substitute more realistic thoughts.

So, confronting these feelings in the first place is a good start.

I used to use food to numb feelings and refused to explore why I ate so destructively in the first place.
[I used to use food to numb feelings and refused to explore why I ate so destructively in the first place.[/quote]

I think this is me too. Sad, happy, angry, hurt - all of the above would turn me towards the fridge, bread bin, biscuit barrell or whatever. i am really hoping that the things I am learning, both in my weekly counselling and also (very much so) from Minimins, will be a major factor in my "recovery" from these food issues.

This kind of info is so helpful, so thanks again, AmandaJayne!
Hi AmandaJayne

Yep, I'm a guilty one too. Great post. Gotta get over these things too!
Thanks for posting that AmandaJayne - really interesting, I'll print it out I think for my clients.

Definately recognise many of those points in myself!
Yeah Jan,

I've torn out that bit of the article and will keep it in my handbag, together with my 'before' picture, to remind me to stay on track!
Useful re-visit

Easy habits to fall back into. Don't know why I never noticed this before.
Handy to print off.
Oh damn. 10/10.
Would you mind if I posted this as a link on the CD forum? Very good reading on here.
hmmmm... someone knows me so well... 10/10!