day 2 and failed!!! i could cry!!

I lasted until 6pm and I was soooooo hungry I had a binge!!

I am so annoyed with myself,why cant I do it? :-( I know it sounds pathetic but I actually feel like crying!
Oh no, are you doing SS?

Perhaps you could move up to one of the higher plans and then move down. eg. do 810 for a few days/week, then SS+, then SS. This might give your body time to adjust.

Also, is it hunger that makes you eat or cravings? I find before I get into ketosis is isn't so much hunger that effects me but I crave absolutely everything.

Start again tomorrow, keep yourself busy all day and go to bed early (was it you that did the earlier thread about that?), I often found for the first few days I would head to the bath or bed just as something to keep me occupied. Also tomorrow, post on here when you think you are wavering, I am sure there will be someone around to give you moral support.

And finally, think of it this way, despite eating you probably still didn't eat as much as you usually would as you had 2 Cambridge meals.:eek: Also what constitutes a binge? In the old days a binge for me would be a whole Dominoes pizza, these days it is a pack of chicken. Keep things in perspective.

It's not the end of the world, disappointing after all your hard work all day but you can still do it. You will still be nearer to ketosis than when you started.
It was Day 2, but only a day. You feel bad, and (in the healthiest possible way!) remember how you feel. I know that if I've been bad, I'm super good the next day.. Take it one hour at a time to start with. If you feel like you need to eat then distract yourself. And have a bottle or big glass of water. Clean (my house was spotless to start with!), go to bed, bathe, etc... The craving is going to happen, and the amount of food advertised on TV is phenominal! But tomorrow is another day, the weekends are harder, and during the week I have more of a routine.. You CAN do this! x
Some brilliant advice, it's a hard diet to crack! Draw a line and try again tomorrow x
This will be the third time I've attempted the Cambridge diet. Both previous attempts ended up with me binging and feeling exceptionally depressed that I would never be able to stick with a diet and actually lose the weight!

But guess what, third time was the charm for me! Something just clicked. And I'm now on my 7th week. And trust me, if I can do it, anyone can. I do not know a single person (friends, family, collegues) who thought I would be able to stick with it. I was asked almost daily - "so you still at it??" - with them all obviously expecting me to say I'd quit. But do you know what, 7 weeks on, 1st 12lbs down, I'm still going strong!

But what made a big difference for me was my councellor. My current lady is fab! I can email/text her whenever I'm in need of a pep talk and she is right there with some words of wisdom. I highly recommend searching until you find the right person to help you to achieve your goal.

Draw a line under it. Dust yourself off. And get back on it! GOOD LUCK!
I agree what everyone else has said. Remember the feeling but just take a step back for a minuet, Take a deep breath. Its disappointing, but not the end of the world.
I can completely understand why you would feel like crying. If I were you I would go on sole source + that way you can have a small tea at night, and then I still have another shake for supper. Nights are hardest for me.

I think you need to be in the right head space/frame of mind for a diet like this. You are choosing to loose weight and choosing to become more healthy. That is a massive choice and a giant step to start taking. It will be hard, but like the others have said, find things to do. Go for a walk? go into town watch the people, look at the pretty clothes. Have a bubble bath with a good book, come on hear and chat to us.. erm... take up a new hobby! ever wanted to learn to knit or do sign language?