Do you keep it a secret.....?


Silver Member
I started SW in November and I go with my sister which is great. Only she and my mum know that I'm following the plan and they were surprised that I haven't told all my friends. I'm not sure why I haven't to be honest, perhaps because I'll feel some extra pressure to succeed if I tell them and partly because I'm worried about turning into a diet bore (yes, I know it's not a diet but you know what I mean :)). There is nothing worse that listening to someone going on and on and on and on about what they've had to eat - I'd rather keep that for on here, where it is perfectly acceptable, and even encouraged!!

I just wondered what everyone else does?
Each to their own! You just have to do what you feel is best for you.

For me, I find it easier if everyone knows I'm following Slimming World. That way, they know not to offer me "naughty" things. In fact, most people encourage me and praise me on how well I'm doing. A lot of people seem genuinely interested. It really helps to keep me focused and on track :)
I tell people because I just do really but I can see why you wouldn't due to extra pressure etc. I also find that if anyone finds out you're on a 'diet' then they're only too quick to dish out ( the often useless) advice, normally saying stuff like ''oh you cant eat potatoes '' etc etc. Oh, and an example being, I posted a pic of my dinner on twitter the other night - it was a red thai curry and my portion had maybe 1.5 syns and some 'friend' retweeted me saying ''I thought you were on a diet?'' - was not impressed lol.

And unfortunatley if people know you are trying to lose weight then they will sabotage you. Grrr.
I tell everyone lol. ;) I write on Facebook every time I get a new half stone award, keeps me motivated and focused. Plus there's part of me that thinks that if everyone knows then I can't just give up so it does help me. I am lucky as my friends are (for the most part) very supportive, the one saboteur is bizarrely doing WW herself!
I've told everyone, well there are some people who don't know but its not that I've kept it a secret more that I've met them after loosing weight and its just never actually come up in conversation.

I can see why you'd not want to tell people as well, if you feel it would be added pressure then that's fair enough, also like others have said some people are very unsupportive
So true about people being unsupporting, undermining and/or trying to sabotage what you are trying to do.

Funnily enough, I just heard a great example of why I don't tell the world I'm doing SW... Chatting to a friend at work who was eating a Celebration chocolate (only one!) and someone else walked past and said "I though you were on a diet" and "that's cheating" etc, etc... I just couldn't bear people being on my back everytime I ate something or giving me, as stivesliz said, completely useless advice. The best thing is, the guy that said it is alwasy trying to lose weight and has never succeeded!! He's one to talk....!
The first time round I told everyone and went on and on and it was kind of obvious that I was losing weight anyway but then I got to a stage where I wanted a break from the pressure and it tied in with starting a new job and I don't tell many people now or make too much fuss about it. It was nice to have a break from being the woman who had lost all the weight and adjust to the new me myself.
Interesting question. I've told other women when they've made mention I've lost weight (this was during the summer), but I've only told one group of ladies that I was back on it after being offered sweets. They were very good and understood so no trying to force food into me.

I haven't told my best mate (who is my ex) as he's a guy and I'm sure he's still checking me out sometimes for what reason I have no idea, off topic though. We have talked about exercise the other night actually, and I could have said I lost almost 10lbs in the last two weeks without tons of exercise, but kept my mouth shut. I'd rather lose the weight and shove it in his face for my own slight satisfaction. I use a smaller plate then he does when he is over and he always makes a comment on that, but never pushed me about it.

I'm quite a private person and I guess what food strategy I choose is my business. When it comes to the point where I'm at where I want to be with my weight and someone asks I'll tell to share how easy it is and that anyone can do it.

I choose who I tell probably for the fact of being able to maintain what I am doing rather then risk saboteurs!
I've told one friend at work and wish I hadn't! She's trying to lose weight and refuses to touch carbs. I actually walked in in her eating a bag of lettuce for lunch!! I've told her about SW but have never told her that her diet is unhealthy. She tells me that my diet is crazy and unhealthy everyday and that I'll never lose weight eating all those carbs....can't wait until my weight loss becomes noticeable!
Everyone knows I'm doing slimming world, I've lost too much weight for people not to notice lol I live in quite a small place so the majority of people know everyone else. I have inspired a lot of people to join though which is nice. My cousin comes with me and is also doing well.

I have a lady at work who has said quite a few times 'oh so what do you eat instead of potatoes? Because potatoes aren't slimming are they?' I get sick of telling her that they're free! And people telling me 'grapes are bad for you' the list just goes on doesn't it? Lol but everyone at work knows and they all support me. And all my family too. My two aunties joined my group last week and my mam is joining this week :)
i dont tell people cos everytime you have a treat you can be sure someone will be say you cant eat that!!!!!!!
I've always been quite honest about it previously but I've failed so many times before it just got embarrassing. This time if anyone asks I just say I'm trying to be more healthy, no one needs to know any more than that! :)
I've loved reading all the posts on this thread, very interesting.

When I joined in 2009 I only told OH & my sister, I'd mention it to my girl friends & mum but only if it came up in conversation, now I've lost the weight & kept it off I do tell people how I got there. The only person I deliberately didn't tell was my MiL as I knew she would sabotage me, trying to fill me full of crap, she still doesn't know.
I haven't told everyone, close friends and family know. It's quite nice when I see someone I haven't seen for ages and they comment on my weight loss. I don't really find people sabotage me at all, and all my friend are twig thin!! X
I told people when I first started, and they were very supportive and commented positively as I lost weight, it was only when I neared target that I got the 'you have lost too much comments. When I started a new job ( I was at target) I mentioned it to one person, who was doing SW, and she said you dont need to do SW as you dont need to lose weight. I found this odd coming from someone who knew the plan, as SW is a lifestyle choice and maintaining still involves following the plan. So now I don't tell anyone, and as said previously, it gives me a chance to let my head get used to being the weight I am now.
I didn't tell anyone I was trying to lose weight, other than my mum, until it became apparant. When people started asking if I had lost weight, I'd say yes, but I've never told anyone other than my parents and sister that I am doing SW.

I think its really a personal choice, but I just don't think its anyone else's business how I have gone about the weight loss. There are so many people in my office who start SW or WW, and spend ages analysing everything you can or can't eat and talking about what cakes and chocolate they can have for what syns, and I'd just rather plod along by myself!

I tell people if they ask. My work are supportive as most of them are on or have been on SW. My OH is good with it too :). The only person that makes me upset about it is my house mate,I have known him years. He saw me eating a SW full breakfast 'how's that healthy,, then I had an omelotte after gym at 9pm 'carbs after 6 tut'. Also he is adement that SW is crap and doesn't work 'I've told him its not a diet it's a lifestyle change, his response was 'it's a diet because you are trying to lose weight'. He just keeps telling to to eat healthy, in moderation and go to gym. To me that's exactly what I'm doing!
Ooh and I said 'if it doesn't work, how are people losing 5st, 10st and 20st. He said gastric bypasses.

In that case see you in operating theatres with about £10,000 girls and boys!

Lisa xxx
My family and people at work know.. Most at work follow it anyway so it's a lot easier to do as well.. U never see cakes or biscuits in the office which are hard to resist lol x