Do you want a team place or does your team have a vacancy - if so post in here

Hi caramel, Yes I would love to join, thanks xx
ok so we now have confirmed myself, Angelchaser, *butterfly*, devilishandsweet and Nicki-M confirmed.

Just one more place left!

Still waiting confirmation from
DappyMare, and Coley.

Nicki-M well done on your weightloss so far. you'll be at your goal weight in no time. I lost three stone with Lighterlife and should be starting the Cambridge Diet tomorrow :). I have abotu 3/4 stones left to lose.
Thanks Caramelcherry, I am so glad you have accepted me to join your team...I am sure that we will all be a great help to each other...keeping each other on track with positive motivation and tips.
Congratulations on your success with LL...3 stone gone already WOW..Well done!!!!
I tried LL a couple of years ago and failed I tried to quit smoking at the same time and became quite ill and had to stop. I definitely prefer CD though, I find the flavours more palatable....and the cost of LL is extortionate!
Well I look forward to the set up of the new team and getting to know the other team members...a brave decision by you to go about setting one up..I wouldn't know where to start.
Hi Caramelcherry,

Thanks for setting up the team, I think its a great idea to start 'fresh' with all new members. Looking foreward to getting to know everyone, and its nice that we're all starting together more or less. I'm stuck at work, bored in my break, so just trying to figure out what we do. The rules are posted on the stickys above. The gist seems to be - we have a team leader, every week we all post our results to that person, who calculates the percentage loss for each member and as a group. (Instuctions on how to do this is on the stickys)They then post the results of the team loss and the biggest loser onto the sticky of the weekly challenge. Then IreneH collates it all and figures which team and individual has won!
That made sense in my head, but i know it looks like waffle written down..... So I guess all we need to do is pick a team name and leader and start our own thread! Whoopeee, exciting! xx
Hi Butterfly,
Just thought I'd pop on and say hello as a fellow team member. I think this team thing is great for keeping people motivated, especially as the teams are kept to only 6 members...definitely makes it more personal. Well I hope we all lose loads of weight and keep each other on track, I have loads to lose and will probably be here for quite a while! I also looked at the weekly challenge sticky and have managed to figure out the % thing...but I understand what you mean when you say it looks like gobbledy gook when it is written down! I can't wait til' the team is up and running it will be great. Do we still need a couple more people to join or are we there yet?
Hey, I want to be in a team too! I feel left out. I'm new and not entirely sure what the deal is with this site yet... help please fellow CD people. I'm on week 7... :)
We have another confirmed member newmaks

We have a team :grouphugg:

Members are:




*butterfly*, Nicki-M any ideas for a name? I'm terrible with this! Also any volunteers for a leader? I'm usually busy with work fulltime and will be taking up part time study as well soon, so may be a bit stuck for time.

Hello can I please join a team I still got around 20lbs to lose xxx


Is everyone still interested in forming a team together. If so we may as well get a move on and do so! Anyone want to be, or have time to do team leader? I could do it but i work everyother sunday so i will need everyones results by Friday night at the latest so i can have time to pull it together and get results in. I'm still under 50 posts so can only post on threads at the moment and cannot pm the results to IreneH yet.

We need to give a thought to any team 'guidelines': The only things i can think of so far is
  • team members must try to post as regularly as possible, try to aim for everyday other day as a minimum.
  • ensure all results are posted by time decided by the team.
Have been thinking of a few name ideas. Any other suggestions, or can we all decide on our favourite?
waisting away
long term losers
happy losers
lost causes
sassy by summer
chasing butterflies
last fat summer
waist reducers
the starving six
tumbling daisies
dress size droppers

Ok, I'm all out of ideas now. My favourite is probably 'chasing butterflies' as we are all seeking that transformation from our caterpillar state! (hence my 'name'- I'm just a bit biased on this one, i think its nice and positive.) I know some are well corny but just thought of anything that came to mind. If everyone could do they're best to give some feedback, we can hopefully get started!!! xx
*butterfly* I love that name chasing butterflies. Funnily enough I want to get a small butterfly tattoo when I've finished with the diet to mark my journey.

I'll send a private message to everyone, with what you've stated.

Edit to add: I've pmed everyone, so should get a response soon.

Places on our team are now filled
. :)

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hey all!

I'm still in for the team please! and I love chasing butterflies as a team name so my vote is for that!!!!

I'd struggle to be the team leader because sometimes my work commitments mean i'm away from my pc longer than i'd like to be, so i'll have to let someone else do it!

But yes yes yes i'm up for this team,

Thank you for the pm caramelcherry!

I'm on holiday in Germany at the moment so its a bit sporadic as to when I can get online, but when i'm back I will be checking in regularly!

Lori xx
Great that you're forming a new team guys but is there any chance you can start your own thread on the teams page please? (the Mods can change the title of it for you once you've choosen your team name!;)) This thread is for people advertising team spaces and people looking for a team to join.

Thank you.

Moving Mountains (Team 4) have 2 spaces available to anyone that can post regularly and can commit to a team to get and give support!
First come first served, come say hello on the team thread!;)
Hi, are there any spaces out there on any teams? I did CD a few months ago but didn't last very long (10 days :cry:). I NEED to do it this time and would love to have the support of a team to get me through, I have about 5 stone to loose.
Team 27 Weight to go have a space. Pop in and join us.
New to CD

Hi all.

I am due to start CD on July 22nd. I'd like to join a team, any spare teams for a newbie?

Thank you
Hey thinfor30 come and join us, Team 27 Weight to go. Just introduce yourself on our thread.

I'm starting CD tomorrow and would love to join a team. I've got just under 3 stone to lose and am pretty nervous about it!

Lisa xxx
Hi Everyone.
Newbie alert here!

Have lots to lose and am on day 4 of SS............why do I feel like I am applying for a job interview here?...................I feel like I should say things like "Good losses expected every week and easy to get along with" :kissass: LOL

Anyway, I'm on the hunt for a team, so if there is a place available please let me know, otherwise once there are six of us left "on the shelf" (oh God it's like gym class all over again) we can start one together :D
