Do you wash your hands before you eat?

I've all but put a ban on it.
there's a subway near us now & we did go there a couple of know the 'desperate & hungry after a school match & the coach was delayed type senario'. i'm not sure that that's any better.the meat is all reconstituted & god knows with what & the salad site there in it's little metal pods for how long?

This was one of the reasons I managed to prise the money for a camper van out of H a few years agowhen the school run was getting more & more chaotic. Also we live 20-30 mins from school depending on the traffic.
So now if heres a crisis they can have hot chocolate & baked beans. Dried fruit & instant mashed get the picture.all the tins are stored under the seat where No2 sits & at least the junk I cook is 'known' junk.
Plus it's cheaper,plus once i've turned the gas off they can eat whle I drive,plus erm plus I just love driving it!!