Doing this for the last time...


Full Member
Hi all,

After many years and many 'diets' I've finally reached a place where I've had enough. Both of my weight and daddy eating

So slow and steady will win the race. I'm going back to basics and good old healthy eating. In the midst of this I want to get back to eating real food instead of processed packaged crap.

This is going to be a real rest for me. Since having kids my eating is appalling I'm always too busy or too tired to look after myself.

Anyhoo it stops now.

Started today at 13/11. That's the last time I'm going to see those numbers. Except of course when I reach 11/13 and sail past that figure as well

Would love support and looking forward to getting to know people!!
What I ate today..

Breakfast - granola, natural yogurt, grapes, banana, strawberry..
Snack- banana muffin
Lunch - juice of pineapple, cucumber, avocado, lime, apples.
Snack - cream cracker
Dinner - chicken, roasters, veg and gravy.

Not planning on counting cals dependant on how weight loss goes..
Day three and its going well, save a blip with a bar of choc last night. Proud I didn't let it all go to pot today thou. Scales show a 2 pound decrease so far. First goal is 13/5 which is what was previously my highest weight. So only 4 pound to go to get that and then I'll set another. 4 pounds easily achievable right?
*sneaks back in quietly*

that thing called life got in my way somewhat.. So I'm here anyway and ready to go again.. I have no idea what to do anymore to lose weight.. I don't think anything will work, I can't stick to anything.. Feel useless etc etc..

Will try again tomorrow and take each day at a time.. X
Though it best to point out daddy eating in my first post is supposed to read faddy eating.. I don't eat daddies!!
Belle said:
Though it best to point out daddy eating in my first post is supposed to read faddy eating.. I don't eat daddies!!

Lol, I did wonder. I suppose it could mean you smother everything in Daddies sauce?! Good luck. :) xx