Extra easy help


At weigh in last nite my consultant said if you use a recipe from slimming world cook book you still have to have a third super free on the side aswell even if it has the superfree ingredients in the recipe anyone else heard this?
You need to have 1/3 of you plate as superfree, so if the meal doesn't incoperate a 1/3 into it then you would have to have some extra. At least thats what my consultant said last week.
but the book doesnt say any of that. It will speed your weight loss if you have 1/3 superfree but you will loose without having it every meal,just more slowly.I challenged my old consultant about it and she eventually admitted that they say you have to do it to improve their statistics with Sw.
Of course, that makes sense. Without good statistics, they won't attract as many customers lol
The Extra Easy cookbook incorporates the superfree in the recipes, and don't mention you have to have an additional 1/3!
When I rejoined SW in May last year the 1/3 was more of a recommendation than a rule. I love my veg, so for me the 1/3 is normally pretty easy anyway but I don't have it with every meal. Sometimes I have more than the 1/3, and sometimes none at all!
I think SW have made the 1/3 ruling to discourage people to fill up on carbs.