
Hi Guys.. added you. x
Cool(io) ;) :D
Oh god! Lots of my pics are drunken silly 1`s. You have been warned lol

Woofy x
All of mine are of me being a bridesmaid for my friends. I do actually do other things with my time off, but i do love wearing pretty dresses.
god , being bridesmaid is the ONLY time i wear dresses

proper tomboy me x
Yes the more the merrier. Can someone link everyone to me please (all the new ones i havent already got on fb). Thanks
god , being bridesmaid is the ONLY time i wear dresses

proper tomboy me x

Not me im a girlie girl. Can do tomboy when climbing trees & fences, going to car events, shows racing, truck racing or at work. I think its the steel toe capped boots that do it. lol Thats the only time though, heels and handbags for me
iv added you all i think let me know if i accidently missed you out wont see many pics of me i hate having my fat bits on camera :cry:
im there, ill add you all as i go lol or you add me i dont mind, i think we will figure out who we are all are eventually
Will some kind patient person send me the friend requests on facebook cos I don't have a clue! FAF got me going and I'm sill muddling! I have Linz, Woof, Vicky, FAF,Cheryl, Linda, GG but I'm stoopid! Someone sort me out :eek: