Gave in to temptation but..


Full Member
Had a girl I just met come over to my place and I cooked her a lovely slab of steak and some loadsa other stuff. She brought and amazing tub of the best hummus ever!

Needless to say I was just going to break the 100% TFR just to eat a bit of hummus (which are probably loaded with carbs) but she totally resisted eating until I ate with her! OMG!

Anyway I ended up eating some meat and hummus and the night went interestingly well..

I've been monitoring on the electronic scale daily but I've kept losing weight since so I guess my little blip turned out alright although I'll try avoiding that as much as I can..

Anybody gained weight after a minor binge I wonder?
Depends what you eat i think... But i think a minor blip wouldn't do any damage on the scales... Other than get a taste of the good stuff!!! ; )