Hello from a desperate woman!

Hi everyone. I have got to the point of desperation because I am now at my heaviest ever, even more than when I was pregnant (many years ago!). I have tried every diet, group and club imaginable, but they haven't worked for me, because I am very bad at being told what to do! When I follow the instructions, I lose weight (now, there's a surprise!). So, I have to do this for myself. Recently a good friend underwent bariatric surgery and, on talking to her, I discovered that she had been the weight I am now when she was my age (she is twenty years older than me). I do not want to have to go down that route (although I have great admiration for those who have) so I need to get a grip! Please help!
Hi there and welcome, i have been doing atkins for nearly 3 weeks, and i am loving it, it is so easy after the first couple of days ( withdrawals from carbs) its a low carb medium protein high fat diet. U tend to eat alot of meat, and i never did before this diet. I have lost 10 lb in two weeks!! Give it a go me and my friend love it as it doesnt feel like a diet cause your never hungry. X
Hiya - I found that until I really wanted to loose the weight, I couldn't. I've done slimming world before and gave it a really half hearted attempt partly because I was embarrassed that I'd got to the point of needing a slimming club (stupid, I know! and because I didn't get it. Gave up and got a bit fatter. Joined a gym, lost a bit but nothing much! Then end of January I joined Weight Watchers. First few weeks I didn't try as hard as I could. Then I set myself a target and challenge for my holiday - 19lbs in 19weeks. I've now lost 15lbs in 10 weeks (25.5lbs in total though) so I have another 9 weeks to go and only 4lbs from my target. I think when you start to see the weight loss, it just flicks a switch in you that makes you so much more determined.

If you really want to loose the weight, then you will need to listen and take the advice from the people who have been there and done it. They're not there to bark at you when you don't do so well, but offer you guidance and support. And when you do reach milestones and start to loose, they'll be your biggest fan!

Maybe you need to pick a group that suits your lifestyle and really stick at it and give it say, atleast a 6month trial period. It takes a while to adapt so give it a good shot!

Good luck x
Thanks so much for responding. Atkins probably isn't right for me as I'm a vegetarian, so I would end up starving! I have tried WW (after SW!) but didn't stick at that, either. I know it's all in my head, so I have to get the bit above the neck right before the bit below the neck will improve!
Hi there!

I have been trying to respond to your post for a good 10 mins now, but I keep deleting what I am trying to say !!

I don't want to say something that could possibly offend you !

Your weight though may seem really bad to you, isn't actually that bad... not that this is going to change how you feel at all..

But if you are fighting the people who are trying to help you, you are in effect failing right from the start. You join a club to be told "what to eat" ! you join a gym "to be shown what to do"

Its a bit like when I was at school and I constantly challenged the teachers... who did that benefit ?? It was not me, and the teachers still had a job when I left school ! so it didn't bother them either!

I think that no matter what diet you are on, you will fail if your head is in not in it.

You need to be motivated and inspried ! and this is where Minimins come in !

You will find so much inspiration on here and that will motivate you to achieve your target... but you have to be willing !

the only person who looses out on you "not doing as you are told" IS YOU !

wishing you every success!

Lisa xx
Hi Lisa,

Please don't worry about offending me; my career means that I have developed very thick skin! You are absolutely right in your comments; I'm a real self-sabotager! Funnily enough, as a child I was ridiculously obedient; I guess I'm making up for it as an adult.

And your point that my weight isn't that terrifying is also entirely valid, although according to some charts I do qualify as obese. I'm fortunate in that I put on weight very evenly, so people are always amazed by how much I actually weigh. However, I'm the one who sees me with no clothes to hide behind!

Thanks for taking the time to reply to me.
Why not give a slimming club another chance. Take the diet a day at a time. Start a diary thread in the section for the diet on here and let us support you.

You can do it.

Irene xx